Do you think they ever regretted doing what they did?

They were 2 physchos, no doubt about it, but they were also kids in their senior year.

Do you think regret of what they were doing ever doing into their minds?

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably not

If you are getting bullied, you should do one of two things, or both,
1. Stand up for yourself and fight back
2. Change who you are
It should literally be like the animal kingdom, you fight back when something threatens you, or you adapt to better yourself in order to fuck more bitches.
I think they wouldn't regret it because they thought they were being edgy teenagers.

I'm not bullied, nor do I plan of doing some fked up shit like that.

Just genuine interest of what could have been going through their thought process.

>double 12 gauge sandwich

I wasn't saying you were. The guys in the pic were. I was throwing that out there for them.

Haven't you done something and then back paddles on why you did it in the first place? (Ofc this is a dif lvl compleatly)

Only regret was their bombs didn't go off as planned

Oh, sorry on not picking up

They were bullied, it probably eroded over time any sympathy they would have had for anyone else they killed in addition to the bullies

They were set up by Jews

(((they))) killed Eric and Dylan a week before the shooting and they disguised themselves up as Eric and Dylan to shoot up the school

This is why you won't find any real good footage of any of their faces during the shooting as well as limited videos in general

Why did they do this? It's all part of the globalist plan to create fear in the public about guns and trying to remove the 2nd amendment

You're an idiot, I chatted with Dylan on AOL and played Doom with him literally the night before he went postal

They probably regret that their pipe bombs didn't go off as planned and thus killed more people. They hated everyone so I doubt they regretted anything.

Can confirm one of them became ill during the shootings and stated "I can't do this anymore, I feel sick."

Is there any particular source to that?

I guess it is worth a look to see what was going on in their thought process

Unfortunately there is not. The entirety of the footage has been blocked by the FBI for release. You can find clips and other things around the internet (warning: a lot of fakes float around). People were allowed access at one time for training purposes if you had military credentials.

A lot of people don't know that almost the entire thing was recorded on video, and where there weren't cameras inside the school, there was audio. One example is that there was no footage of the killers killing themselves (i.e. the theory that Klebold is left handed but was found with a weapon in his right so may have been killed by Harris before he then turned the gun on himself etc etc)

The gravity of the lives they took hit them. When they started looking around at the carnage they killed themselves.

Dylan was O.K.
Eric was pretty fucked up.
Dylan was popular, and saw Eric suffer and he reminded him what it's like to be hurt. He just went with it

Are you stupid? It was clearly a Jewish conspiracy. Shit one of their "birthdays" is September 11, you think that shit is just coincidence? It's clearly symbology

Dylan did right before Eric shot him.

I think it's for the better than desu
Seeing how big of a cult girl following they have, there could be more copy cats doing that kind of crap

>Do you think regret of what they were doing ever doing into their minds?

What did you talk about??


What was he like.

why do I find these two interesting?

I don't give a flying fuck about any other school shooters


I guess because you could kinda see the pattern of mental illness in that Asian dude in tech or "supreme gentleman". It was obvious that they were fked up.

Far more likely they killed themselves to deprive the victims families of any sort of justice

Klebold was a jew. Thats why. Now... You know...

Kickback from Eric's shotgun broke his nose when he iced someone hiding under a table

One of the columbine dudes regretted it in the act, and would fire off his rounds randomly into lockers . The other was hyping up the next holocaust and went out guns blazing.

Thing is, when I first learned about them and this incident i went thought toughest periods in my life in terms of bullying, but never did I consider doing what they did nor did I symphtise with them.

So I think there is more to that than just bullying.


Who are this Jew and his goy?

>Do you think regret of what they were doing ever doing into their minds?
But to be answer question I am not thinking of thinking their regret into mind OP. Most at they seemingly seemed to bored to be bored while doing it. The recounts of witness recounts made witness recounts seem they got bored halfway through during.

Columbine was a false flag. Is there any proof anyone actually died? How do we truly know it actually happened?

I get the feeling Gus Van Sant must have got that footage before he made Elephant. The camera tracks almost like mobile cctv footage. Sometimes you actually see footage, pic related. There's an obvious FPS influence as well.

Dylan or Eric?

Hero worshiping people much younger than you for being angry teenagers and killing people is retarded. Yes they were picked on, yes a lot of bullies deserve a bullet between the eyes, but their actions have been scrutinized for decades. From what I have read on this, Harris was an angry little psychopath and Dylan was a limp-dick. Show me one teenager that isn't a retard anyway, you must remember how you were back then.


That is quite, unusual

What pic?


humanity is overrated

forgot pic

Columbine was false flag to take dem guns away

I mean the films version of footage, not the Columbine cctv.

probably not, they were doped up on ssri drugs, those tend to disable empathy

Oh shit


Who knows. Wonder if they looked at each other in disbelief or satisfaction before they ended their lived.

Only Eric though, no?

lol what? bro just shoot up the school lmao

>fuck more bitches
degenerate subhuman-tier filth


Fking their whole life over for what?

It's not like they got people who picked on them. Those kids they got didn't seem like the most popular ones.

Of course they regreted it, you can sense they had the " fuck what did we just do, this didn't make me feel better" vibe, just watch the video and see how they were walking after they were done

They counted down and did it at the same time.

Security footage?

both according to coroner

Makes sense to kill yourself right away when you already know hell is awaiting you. What a bunch of garbage.

sounds like a load of BS

>no name of the Russian Psychologist mentioned
>no name of the patient mentioned

It was just a prank bro

Their bombs failed, and they just decided to wing it. Plan B. They could have killed more but they didn't have the stomach for it. Maybe the terrified screams of students broke the illusion of their fantasies.

>Dylan, I think we got tricked by marilyn manson and liberal gun laws

It's spoopypasta

Lol no you didn't
Lies lies lies

>dysfunctional and falling apart
do you even read?

Wait... What?

Yes, I've killed myself several times and I always regret it afterward.


That is...hard to listen to

You know what I ment by that mang

Let's be honest how many high school seniors do you remember the deaths of? At least they will be remembered.

This is where I would say "Yeah, I think it went through their head" and post the pictures of them after they killed themselves, but I don't have that offhand and don't want that on my hard drive so here's this instead.

Don't think so to be honest.
They just went around killing anyone.
They were suppose to kill the guys in the white hats or something but ended up gunning everyone down. It's kinda fucked to think the police waited outside for so long will innocent people were getting murdered.

They planned on blowing up the school and shooting the surviors as they ran out then flee to mexico.
Bombs never went off.
Was too much of a plan for them to have regrets.

>they hated manson with a passion

Maybe Dylan did since he was mainly suicidal but Eric seemed to just want to kill as many people as possible so probably not him.

But like every US spree shooting I have ever read about, they were on pharmaceuticals.

Eric was being given Luvox and Dylan was on Paxil and Zoloft, but it's an extreme level 5 hate fact to discuss the connection between teenagers being put on psychiatric drugs and suicidal and homicidal ideation so Dr. Shekelberg can keep raking in the shekels from rotting away boys minds if they dare complain about their miserable school experience.

Wasnt harris a jew as well?

IIRC Dylan had a Manson poster in his room but "liked the music more than the lyrics"

>cancer drugs cause cancer
>just look at how many cancer victims die of cancer with cancer drugs in their system

So drugs made them not care?

Yeah, they were more kfmdm and rammstein, german metal kinda guys

>Do you think regret of what they were doing ever doing into their minds?

>doing into their minds

Eric being on zoloft iirc was one of the big factors in making it nigh-impossible to get a gun on medication in the first place.

If columbine was a false flag it certainly was successful

Chemical Brothers as well. Pretty sure Dylan planned to attend a gig in the summer..

Dude it's a joke because the media blamed mansion for the shooting

>Do you think regret of what they were doing
Probably, 99% of people who kill themselves regret it

>I don't have that offhand and don't want that on my hard drive so here's this instead.

>cant into google
>don't want that on my hard drive
>litearlly took the time of writing that phrase instead of getting the pic
>afraid of some residual bytes hidden somwhere on his computer

I jest went through the trouble because you are phucking pazetic

Real human beans

I knew it'd be easy to find on Google, idiot. I wasn't scared, I just didn't need pictures of dead retards on my computer.

Sorry about that, didn't re read what I wrote.

>doing ever doing into their minds?

Cmon dude, made a mistake I know.

I'm glad people are at least responding to it after that stupid as shit of a sentence.

t. american who got put on a battery of psychiatric drugs at age 5 is for some reason too fucked in the head to understand that it's such a well known cause they literally have to put disclaimers on some of the bottles saying this might make you suicidal or homicidal so parents dont sue when their kids shoot up the school

Are you having a stroke Mah dude?

Should have stuck with Doom lvl creating.
Real life gibs aren't as fun.

I was just trying to meme subtly, but I forgot to rename the file "even as far as decided" *before* uploading it
I'll get you next time OP

About your question, no.
They were pumped with adrenaline, and obvioulsy had those kind of shit in their head for a long while now.
Had they lived many years after probably they would have wished they hadn't fucked up theirs and everyone else's life like that on teenage angst, but they probably never regreted anything, and then they died.

Regret builds up.
You know when something violent happens (accident, a fight) and you get seriously injured but you don't feel it until some time after it's over?
You are not going to be introspected when you are going up on the rollercoaster. When the shit ends and after a while it might happen.

Unless you are an edgelord like Varg.

thats really cute

Still a better use of a life then killing yourself drink driving or cutting your wrist because the other kids were mean.

I am fully aware a potential side effect of mood altering drugs is a paradoxical reaction. Fuck's sake, I have ADHD. I literally take drugs because they cause a paradoxical reaction with my brain chemistry.

The existence of paradoxical reactions is not proof of some vast pharmaceutical.


Harris was a qt

My dad also works at sony