What's Sup Forums opinion on Base StickMan?
What's Sup Forums opinion on Base StickMan?
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LARPing faggot.
He needs to get a helicopter license now.
Delete this thread, retard. He is clearly /ourguy/ and this is a fucking stupid thread and you know it.
He's a hero.
Pretty good. I'm curious about his commie KO count tho.
I like him, he's actually giving them a taste of their own medicine. That video of him breaking a stick over an antifags head is orgasmic.
Stole the style from an Anglo.
Dirty thief.
nah, fuck off cunt
also this
A strong white man fighting for a righteous cause. An example and an inspiration to many.
he's literally the opposite of a larper faggot
>being this triggered
Admit that it's just another crude OTT American remake of something British
Just like the transition from anything British to American, he's an improved version.
He is a true hero.Even we in germany love him
i would have a beer with him
i donated to his legal fund
The only good remake your country made was the Office. Everything else was pure shit.
Based, then cuck, then based again.
He got his hands dirty and put his public image on the line. He is the antithesis of LARPing. Do not believe shills and sage bad threads. Think for yourselves, you utter cunts. Freedom of thought and speech is what this man fights for.
"sage" is to be placed in the options field.
No, the style is not even close.
The only thing they have in common is the stick with flag, something many have used before them.
They add the flag so police wont confiscate the stick.
You might want to read the rules about announcing sage, faggot. Stickman is white nigger, nothing more, nothing else. Chimping out is not ok even if it's white person chimping out
Honestly, funny as fuck. I may be going to defend against the Antifaggots on April 27th and he inspired me to bring a plastic sword or something (which I will use if necessary).
>Sieg Heil
Didn't know fashy bongs were such madmen. They put the Americans to shame.
>t. keyboard warrior
filthy cunt
We will be taking lots of tips from English football casuals for our coming fights.
Hence why your sister is getting pumped full of somali spunk right now.
How fucking new are you? The fucking rules?
>using triggered ironically
I have a website for you, it's called reddit
Check it out and don't come back
I like carrot man more.