why are white people the best at swimming and hockey?
why do blacks hate swimming and hockey but are good at football and basketball?
Also white are hispanic people as good as whites as baseball?
why are white people the best at swimming and hockey?
why do blacks hate swimming and hockey but are good at football and basketball?
Also white are hispanic people as good as whites as baseball?
Other urls found in this thread:
/pol is not your Google. Do your own basic research. This has all been established by science many times over in the published literature.
>/pol is not your Google. Do your own basic research. This has all been established by science many times over in the published literature.
I'm trying to start a thread here where people debate said things.
Fuck off cunt.
I remember reading that it was due to muscle types and bone structure.
Black people are generally larger with faster motor reactions, meaning high intensity sports like basketball and soccer are generally easier for them.
White people have a smaller structure than blacks, putting them at the right body size to excel at sports like swimming and MMA.
The Hispanic shit you said was pulled right out of your ass, there is no trend with them.
I think it's because hockey is a more skill based game and whites are smarter.
>The Hispanic shit you said was pulled right out of your ass, there is no trend with them.
Why is baseball the biggest sport with latinos?
Because baseball is far more easily accessible than more costy sports like Hockey.
Sounds like you're trying to validate your ineptitude by using racial statistics. Don't make shit worse for the rest of us whites, if you as a person were truly better than Blacks at sport then you wouldn't have made this thread.
Also, hockey is less skill and more physics worthy prediction, like planning crash trajectories etc. Basketball requires a fuck tonne of skill to play at a higher level and simple street ball.
>Because baseball is far more easily accessible than more costy sports like Hockey.
Hockey isn't that expensive. Street hockey is super fucking cheap
Street hockey isn't even worthy of mention for sports, as it's just as casual as jogging or street ball.
A good friend of mine competes in the nationals for ice hockey here, his gear totals to far over 1.5k. The kind of money blacks and Latinos in America can't fork out.
Also, don't ignore the rest of my previous post, you have a duty to work harder and actually redeem yourself than make stupid race baiting threads to feel better.
Take that to Sup Forums then. This is for news and politics.
TBQO there is nothing even politically incorrect about what you are asking.
I've noticed that the baseball teams here always have a foreign pitcher (usually black).
White people dominate weightlifting, which is all about fast twitch muscle and general skeletal muscle strength.
I can tell you don't weight lift.
Weight lifting is about endurance and muscle density, which whites dominate both fields.
Structure wise, being over 6ft1 is bad for weight lifting, which is another reason why Blacks don't perform well in weight lifting.
Swimming was the white contest of choice in the north for centuries when everyone else was high and dry.
Hockey because where the fuck is anyone else gonna get ice?
Blacks are smaller everywhere except US due to slavery. Density of bones ?
Indoor ice hockey?
Blacks are not taller in Africa..
Bone density makes fuck all difference unless there's a sport to do with falling from heights.
Africans that are well fed (I.e. not impoverished nigs) usually go above 6ft, with the tallest village there having women that are above 6ft5.
And in Africa many sports like Hockey are inaccessible, as their leisures are completely different.
Now I thought it was obvious, but in my previous posts I was talking about blacks in the western world.
Please don't tell me you thought I was talking about blacks in Africa.
Hockey is very expensive, we dont have frozen ponds where niggers live. There is no time for them to practice meanwhile every school had a basketball court
Structural racism. Shame on you
White races have always dominated the seas!
we should continue global warming for water world future.
Spotted the faggot
>and soccer are generally easier for them.
If blacks are so good at soccer why haven't they won a single world cup?
Blacks in fotball countries are generally good. African countries have shit training and coaches which is why they suck even if they bring a european coach for WC
What's with all these faggots, like yourself, in this thread telling OP what to do?
We do what we want, this isn't Reddit or the other cuck boards you're used to posting on.
>Out of last 20 fifa world cups, 7 were won by non white countries
>Not a single team there didn't have a non white.
Fuck statistics, am I right?
>why are white people the best at swimming and hockey?
Because they can afford to practice
>why do blacks hate swimming and hockey but are good at football and basketball?
Because they can afford to practice
>Also white are hispanic people as good as whites as baseball?
Because they can afford to practice
Blacks are good at "football", basketball, baseball, etc for two reasons. They're cheap and they see it has their one and only way out of extreme poverty. Same as spics and boxing and baseball. It's either get good enough at it to become rich. Or live in a tin shack for the rest of their lives. Fuck /pol can be full of retards sometimes.
I do, I'm not much good (88/105) but I do lift.
The classics are a mix of slow and fast, using your core and back to stabilise, your legs to drive explosively.
All the 105+ guys are over six foot also. Iasha is nearly 200cm and recently set a snatch WR.
>non-white = black
You are retarded
because whites are the fish people destined to succeed during age of pisces (curretn age) Now we are declining to usher in the age of aquarius which people are the water bearers?
Are you telling me not to tell him what to do?
Sounds like your cluck.
>Hockey is very expensive
no its actually cheaper than most sports
>Because they can afford to practice
Why is this argument always fucking retarded?
Just stop posting.
The point is they are not interested in said sports, even if they could afford them.
Because you have to be alone with your thoughts when you're swimming, ruling yourself.
Swimming is unlike any other sport and is sort of a meditation too, it needs incredible determination, discipline and work ethic and on top of that It's good for you skin.
Swimming and lifting is the most patrician way to go when it comes to excise.
It's beautiful.
your skin* and exercise, don't know how auto correct fucked that latter word up so much.
michael phelps is a genetic freak, it has nothing to do with his """"le epic aryan mindset""""
Hockey is a white mans sport.
It's just too white for black people.
idk, im a swimmer and ive seen excellent swimmers of a lot of different races.
I think it's just that more white people swim.
As for hockey, i heard that black people's knees are actually structured differently, and somehow not good for ice skating.
In swimming it's a big advantage having a tall torso and shorter feet, I see more white people with that kind of body structure than black people who have taller feet and shorter torsos which helps in basketball and running.
Yes and niggers have more bone density making them easier to sink.
The extra bone in the nigger's ankle helps with sports that require running and jumping. This same bone makes them sink like a rock when swimming and prevents proper skate fit in hockey.
t. orthopedist
Because wh*tes are monkeys.
How much do you think it costs to get full ice hockey gear then, leaf?
This. Phelps has an already enormous width to height ratio and he's like 2m tall. He's built for swimming.
How? Is the bone that heavy? And if it is, how does it let them jump high or run?
at least $1000 in ice time and equipment
a pair of fucking shoes
>Africans that are well fed (I.e. not impoverished nigs) usually go above 6ft
In the US and Europe, naggers are usually a little smaller than whites on average. Rail-thin genetic giraffes from corners of Africa aren't really larger people than northern Europeans or Polynesians
Good swimmers are usually very narrow at the hips.
Buoyancy has nothing to do with swimming skill. Fast jets have no glide either.
Blacks would be fine at swimming if they just learned how.
Long limbs, streamlined body, strength and form form form.
I expect they'd outperform whites at the elite level.
Whites hold their own in thinking positions. Offensive line, baseball, mma. Niggers can't think or handle nuanced strategy as a people.
You have it backwards. Good swimmers have wider hips: the wider body moves more water when bent from the waist. Blacks have the narrowest hips of all the races, and Asians the widest, because smaller brains = smaller heads = smaller hips. Races with bigger heads need bigger hips because the women have to push those heads through their pelvises. Narrower hips also makes faster runners. It's a more efficient biomechanical motion
>I expect they'd outperform whites at the elite level.
They could probably compete, but their denser bones and slimmer frames would really give whites an edge
>why are white people the best at swimming and hockey?
White have longer torsos than blacks which makes them better at lifting and throwing. Swimming is a throwing motion.
>why do blacks hate swimming and hockey but are good at football and basketball?
Blacks have longer legs which makes them better at running and jumping. They're also not very good at calculating trajectories on-the-fly, which in hockey is absolutely necessary.
Don't forget about the nips, they love baseball and have a lot of good players that compete with said whites and hispanics.
Meanwhile Indians suck at all things physical kek
Oh god. Why are all the anglo countries full of manlet cuckolds? Whites are stronger and taller than niggers excluding americucks brits and cuckstralians who are weaker than any other race on this earth.
When it comes to staying afloat for drown proofing they have a harder time.
For hauling ass between point a and point b they have no inherent disadvantages.
Okay Dude, no need to try and redeem yourself on a fucking ANIME BOARD.
If what you're saying is true, you'd feel no need to say it.
skates and a stick and a frozen lake
>African american nigger hand eggball
6million shekels worth of padding and equipment
>If you feel what I said was incorrect you should feel no need to correct me
Are you fucking retarded?
So why aren't black people good at chess?
Are you doubting yourself so much that you feel the need to post it on an image board?
I must've hit you right on the head, hence why you've resorted to name-calling.
Small brains.
If youd be so sure i was incorrect youd feel no need to disagree with me. wow cuck you just proved to me im right. Gtfo weak manlet
Blacks don't like hockey talking shit and posturing to intimidate your opponents and anything like the jigaboo end zone dance are impossible
I disagree with you because you are genuinely incorrect and we know that for a fact.
Not an argument
Also not an argument
That's about as accurate as pic related is Finnish, do with that what you will.
You're an idiot. There is no debate.
Kill yourself, retarded leaf.
Kek looks like I hit a nerve. You doubt yourself so much that you feel the need to post on a fucking image board? You would never even mention disagreeing with me if you thought you were right. kek your insecurity is showing, manlet cuckstralian
the whites came from fish and the blacks came from corn
Blacks don't like hockey because since you have to constantly skate around, talking shit and posturing to intimidate your opponents and anything like the jigaboo end zone dance are next to impossible
Throughout that whole post, there was not one argument.
Why do you come on a political discussion board if you can't even discuss politically?
Also they're scared to fight. In hockey youd have to actually fight fair. No sucker punching or other trash
Hes still posting on an imageboard disagreeing with me. kek This clearly proves that you know im right. Also what you say is not an argument. Cuckstralian
Still, no arguments.
Just One, that's at least something compared to everyone else on this website.
that explains why blacks are shit at boxing
Not an argument weak manlet cuckstralian
And MMA. Niggers cant fight
Right, because football is a piece of cake?
Finland's education system is supposed to be best in the world, surely you can produce just one argument.
You're fucking trash plebbitor. Are you trying to be an ebin australian shitboster? :D:D:D.
Can we please just genocide the nigger, women, jews and others breed of subhumans already.
We can wank at who play ball best after the actual work is done, please let's focus.
there is no debate needed you stupid leaf
100% insults and 0% arguments. The myth that Finland's education is good is just a Jewish invention, isn't it.
>what is brazil
White people have wider hips.
Read "Race, Evolution, and Behaviour"
t. Le ebin shitbörter with an aysträliän fläg :D
You can't even fucking produce one argument, you can't even lie and make one up.
Holy fucking shit you're dumb, Europe will fall and you'll be the first.
not an argument abocuck
Hispanic isn't a race
Miss Helsinki, if you could please scroll up further you'll see more arguments.
I have scrolled up and down, scanned the page for your ID, and not one post has an argument, but all have insults.
I do hope you haven't finished school, maybe you can ask your teacher how to form a cohesive argument.
Nad än ärgymend :D one dollah :D Molymeme is based :D
I'm done, "arguing."
Have fun being a virgin NEET living by a set of arguments even you don't know.
nod enough arguments :D kek thats not even an argument LUL :D:D:D argumend
For the most part - a black swimmer won the women's 100m freestyle at rio