Chaffetz resigns ! Podesta tweets making fun of him !

Was he bribed, threatened or is it 5Dchess ? Is pedogate happening ? will we ever see justice ? are insiders going to blow the bridge and bring down the system ? Keep in mind two of Gowdys invesigators have gone missing over the pedo investigation (prob abducted and murdered).

Guys, when will veterans and military people just do what we all know needs to be done about this ? Your country is under attack from a terroristic cult...when are the gloves going to come off ?

Other urls found in this thread:

The CIA are a front for occultist terrorist groups. Its clear now for all to see.How can they be dealt with through judicial means ? they constantly threaten, bribe and murder those investigating them....

This is a war, when will it be recognized as such by those sections of your military, intel and l&e who are still loyal to the constitution ?

Why does he remind me of pic related?

shameless self bump


Any Anons in Arkansas that can go to the place where the truck was abandoned?

>it's about family
so they're threatening to kill his family?

What will you do when reality asserts itself and you realize how crazy you actually are?

the CIA runs one of the biggest child trafficking networks on the planet. Not a controversial statement (see boystown - the work of Ted gunderson ect - ex head of the LA FBI). Its also becoming evident to large numbers of people that this is tied into a network of cults among the elite. The sooner these people are removed from society en masse the better. The CIA doesnt work for the american people, it never has. Its the praetorian guard of the main private financial groups within the state, so its not subject to Congressional oversight. What were seeing now with all these murders constitutes an act of war from a foreign entity, the sooner your rank and file military and l&e see it as such and move to act the better

Chaffetz looks like he was crying

I'm going to guess his wife wanted a divorce and he is trying to work it out

Threatened, seems like it.

cannot unsee.

Are you denying that children are being trafficked anywhere?


>anybody want to die

>being surprised that a pro-life cuck gets cucked by a pedophile

Nothing unexpected

How do you think the cult maintains its power? You will never guess.

It was a rest area that the truck was supposedly found in. Public place. Police tape left behind?

I believe that act of war began in 1967, unless you count killing our president, then you can go back a little further.

Watch this. Skip to 20:00

There's a problem, The military is compromised.

I thought that was a fake story???

I think he was busted for illegal campaign finances

I am not saying if it was fake or real. I am saying someone near could easily go and see. If there are things left behind (police tape) then it stands to reason that the police were actually there recently. Use your head ppl.

Reminder that we believed the Russians did that shit until Israel confessed


He wants to be Governor of Utah, a state which went 25% for a third party candidate. Trump is just a liability to him.

As for "why be Governor", better to be a big fish in a small pond than a big fish in a big pond.

He's running for governor

we are fucking doomed

The only 5D play I can see is if he tries to make it onto the 9th circuit.

Judge Noonan was dying and chaffetz says he wont run. I think he's looking for a spot on the 9th circuit