Kraut/pol/ AfD general - convention edition

6th federal convention of AfD in Cologne, in the midst of cucked Germanistan.
Massive gathering Antifa Trotskist scum.

Martin Renner

Part 1 3hrs


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wake up, faggots

Das ist aber ein trauriger Faden

Alle noch "brunchen" die faulen Schweine.


>not posting a cozy demo stream

updates from the streets

commie scum marches through Colognistanbul

boomers and millenial SJW faggotry

based Meuthen speaks


Nothing better than a good Saturday morning riot!


Daily reminder that furfags shall burn in hell

I just have been there. Everything was very peaceful in front of the hotel. Helicopters were circleling all night. I havent seen ONE antifa black block person anywhere in the city. I think they have been completely removed and contained somewhere. I even say a leftist holding a pro free speech sign that was explicitly anti black block. He was left alone. The city itself is kind of empty for a saturday.

>helicopter idling in the background

I don't care who or what burns as long as something burns.

>tfw no dirty hippy to wash

Funniest thing was a woman handing out flyers with a print out of the daily stormer. I had a peaceful conversation with her.


Sure, there were are plenty moldy-locks walking around. or as we germans say "wursthaare" which translate to sausagehair.

Great work from the police

apprx. 4,000 police, EUR 11 million in costs, simply to protect a convention of a democratic party

Hey, as long as they fuck up antifa

they expected 50000 protestors and there are only 10000? That is so fucking low energy

Bump. Godspeed!

Even their music is low energy. Sounds like Woodstock with no drugs

Die juden sind unser unglück

Why so that the turkroaches are the majority? Ever taken a look at the furrymap?
No, we need to master weaponizing autism, and then use that knowledge to weaponize furries.
Just think of that carnage!

haben die gerade "Deutschland Zuerst" abgelehnt?

Verpisst euch Nazilappen
German Sup Forums = lefty
Bis zur Wahl hat sich eure Witzpartei doch eh aufgelöst

Why is communism still a tolerable ideology despite the crimes of the GDR? why has there been no Decommunisation?

-0,5% Schulzzug? HAHAHAH

You can run, you can't hide, you get helicopter rides

Leute wann war das letzt mal, dass die Spd und Cdu nicht die 2 stärksten Parteien waren?

Because they won the war

It's more probably easier to teach a sheep that it's a bad idea to visit the butcher. I'm done explaining.

Märzwahl 1933

Was gibt's da zu lachen für dich?
Eure lappenpartei zerstört sich doch grad selbst, ihr werdet nicht mal 10 % schaffen

GDR child speaking.
Yes we grew up in actual Marxism.
Westerners grew up with Cultural Marxism.
The Soviets never ridded us of our German identity. Our army was dressed in prussian field grey and had prussian discipline.
Westerners have been re-educated to be cuckold libtards.
We have experienced marxist socialism. The Western socialdemocrats WANT marxist socialism PLUS Cultural Marxism.
We can smell this bullshit 10 miles against the wind. That's why ex-GDR is the centre of the patriotic resistance.

Reminder that Germany has been invaded by thousands of taliban fighters

Ist da wer nervös? Ab in den Helikopter mit dir!

Current AfD percentage in national parliament: 0%
Projected AfD percentage in national parliament: 10%

10 > 0


violence soon lads

>tfw Antisemite Gedeon was a confused fuck on the mic and is still around
>tfw when all their members on their mic are too dumb to follow protocol in the beginning
>tfw they don't want to discuss Petry's attempt on the party's direction
>tfw they don't want to unequivocally tell Antisemites and racists to fuck off
>tfw Gauland BTFO Petry again
>tfw Petry doesn't have support of half her party, getting lack luster applause for her opening speech

That party is such ridiculous garbage :^)

turns out there is still some German efficiency left after all huh

East Germany: Nazism was bourgeoisie's fault. The proletariat was just abused

West Germany: Nazism was the German's fault. Everyone is guilty

Mein Gott hat keiner Stinkbomben wenn man sie braucht?


In a nutshell, yes. But they (the Soviets and Commie teachers) fucking lied about many war crimes. Most notably Katyn ;)

Im Namen von Kek: Wenn LePen gewinnt, wähl ich Afd, ansonsten CDU

They might be worse than the Piratenpartei at this point, right wing faggots will never rise again

t. Schulz Wähler

Right now they got some weird kook on stage spreading his weirdo fantasies misinterpreting and distorting Mutti's words

Pathetic really

Petry is stepping down, rightfully so.
She'll be a mother (5th time) in a short while.
Meuthen is based and has most potential to keep the libs and cucks as well as /ourguys/ under one lead.
His speech got huge applause.

>Helicopters were circleling all night
and we have to pay for this shit because the only solution antfia knows is violence

do you have a link for Meuthen's speech?

hallo correctiv

Meuthen is a huge retard who supoorts turbo cuck Höcke (who was compared to Hitler by his own local party) and he has no charisma and can't even hold his own local party together :^)

at bottom of this update

Chief Cunt Hannelore Kraft, MP of NRW at the cuck rally.

Wtf is this even legal? Or don't they even care anymore?

>Wtf is this even legal?
Why wouldn't it be?

schöne 100k von Soros macht sich nützlich

Höcke is "literally Hitler" ... you know what that means

>Petry: Antrag abgelehnt
>Meuthen: Keine Koalitionen - "unter dem Jubel der Delegierten"

Und jetzt warten wir bis die AfD auf >50% kommt oder was? Ich glaub eher vorher kommen

>kill Lucke
>try to become the next Lucke
>get kill

what a suprise



Lachhaft, nur weil man kein Drecksnazi ist, ist man nicht gleich ein bezahlter SHILL du witzfigur. Wie wird man eigentlich zu nem Nazilappen? Hat der Ahmed dir zu oft die Freundin ausgespannt? Wobei, glaube kaum, dass du viel ERFAHRUNG MIT FRAUEN hast, anstatt also selbst weisse Kinder zu zeugen, lieber alles auf die pösen pösen Ausländer schieben.

A policeman got hurt protecting an afd person. antifa thugh threw a stick and hit cop.

most dangerous area is the gay bar area btw..

Many such cases. SAD!

Ach du scheiße. Er meint es auch noch. Traurig. Mal im letzten Jahr raus gewesen?

Sup Forums is an international board.
pic related

We need a Pinochet!


I cant speak for others and it also doesnt matter if you´re baiting or not. Cause there are real people that really think that way.
It doesnt trigger me anymore, at all.

In the past I was going "Fuck, how can anybody so stupid and shortsighted"
But now i´m totally indifferent about it.

You´re going to get what you wanted, either way. You´re going to die horribly, either way.
And I´ll do the worst, not give a single fuck about it.
You´ll lay beaten, burned and bleeding in the street. Begging for anybody to help and I´ll not give a single thought about you.

If you really think about it, that´s even worse then the people who gave a shit and tortured you.

Meuthen is so based holy shit

Ist halt schade, da so nie eine Regierung zustande kommen wird, aber andererseits verhindert man so auch, dass man zur FDP 2.0 wird

Zeugt weisse Kinder ihr Lappen.
Ihr scheiss anime krüppel seid doch das größte Problem, das wir in Deutschland haben. Aber Alles auf die scheisst Ausländer schieben is halt leichter als ne Freundin zu finden und ne Familie zu gründen. ..



Ich dachte Leute wie du wären eine Meme. Man lernt immer dazu. Das "Alles auf Ausländer schieben" Argument ist so billig und nichtsaussagend.

Ich reich dir die Hand.

Die AfD macht ja nix anderes. Guck dir ma deren Parteiprogramm an. Mindestlohn? Eigentlich nein, aber wenn's gegen die braunen Horden "hilft", klar, warum nicht. top kek :^)

Ja toll, Republikaner 2.0 zu sein ist ja auch so viel besser.

Wie bitte? Wer das ist? EBEN!


DVU 4.0, oder? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Schreibt englisch oder die Mods schließen den Thread, ihr Trottel!

Würg. German Pol is so much soaked with cultural Marxism and Schulz bullshit. An die Wand mit euch Volksverräter!

Well Sup Forums? Have you ever done something that you knew was right?

Sad state the FDP is in. Is the Asian guy still around?

ernsthaft? FDP Werbung? Globalisten-Püppchen Lindner soll es reißen? Sozial-liberale Koalition?

Das ist uns doch scheiss egal wenn euer Lachhaft peinlicher Propaganda faden geschlossen wird du Lutscher

>Sad state the FDP is in

>this is what turbo Ronnys actually believe

not that I know of, and the faggot died from cancer

Well, not everything can be perfect.

>Sozial-liberale Koalition?

Nein, erstens fehlt dafür Unterstützung innerhalb der Partei und zweitens fehlen dafür auch die Stimmen. Schulz Effekt war jetzt ja nicht sooo erfolgreich.

>Globalisten-Püppchen Lindner soll es reißen?

D-Der böse Globalismus!

All you see is Lindner and he's annoying as fuck. Their campaign posters are dumb as fuck, too.

"Lieber dass das Land die Politik wechselt, statt dass das Unternehmen das Land wechselt" or some bullshit. I don't even know if he's referring to NRW or Germany as a whole.

Why so mean to Guido? :'(

Globalismus ist natürlich super nice, wenn die das Familienvermögen gut angelegt ist und man in Oberschichtsoasen lebt.

Lindner is a Bilderberg fucker.
The End!

>Schulz Effekt war jetzt ja nicht sooo erfolgreich.
Is ja noch hin bis zur Bundestagswahl und NRW wird wohl SPD wählen, wie's ausschaut.