Im going to mass tomorrow. We need to become christians again in order to save western civilization. Whats your excuse?
Thats it
Catholics aren't Christian
fuck off with your protestant nonsense. Our popes lineage can be traced back directly to saint peter, what about your clergy men?
I'm a Freemason. Catholics don't like us.
>Willingly leaving the church our Lord left to Peter for our salvation
Heretics go to hell
This has got to be one of the longest surviving pictures on the internet. I wish it's existance was inversely proportional linked to that of leafs. Fuck off Pierre!
Yes I am sure Peter would approve of all your countless of heresies and the ordination of literally thousands of pedophile priests. NOT.
>trying to fill the spiritual void with your goofy goat cult
won't work senpai
I go every week. Pro tip - there's many churches and priests. If you find one boring, just go to a different one.
I can think of older pics than that, newfag
This is the problem with most people they are so short sighted they get hung up on starting some stupid rift for no reason. Seems a lot of protestants go to church and worry about what catholics are up to, we literally dont mention or give a shit about your deniminations. We are all part of christendom Maybe we should focus on the very real and active forces that are destroying our beautiful christendom civilization instaed of some stupid inter squad feud from centuries ago.
I don't want to save civilization if it needs religion to survive. That's life support.
it's from Dogma
probably easier in Poland. In my state you probably have to drive ~40 miles to go between any two Catholic Churches. Luckily I live in a catholic town that has 5 of them but anyone else is SOL
by the way, Reformed Baptist here
Fuck it, I enjoy it.
>Whats your excuse
Christians have persecuted us, jedi, for too long for "using magic" they said.
The Catholic Church (and most other churches) are 100% in favor of open borders. Supporting them is the worst thing you can do if youre trying to save western civilization
Well yeah, I have like 5 churches in 5km radius.
religion specifically christianity, built our advanced civilzation, retard. No surprise that now that christianity is declinig so too is the common desire to advance ourselves. Peoples intentions have been downgraded to personal pursuits instead of advancing society as a whole.
> think of older pictures
Sure thing, oldgag
The Pope isn't the whole church. Priests in Poland aren't really in favor of it.
I would but Im always working sundays
>"Father Crilly. I hear you're doing today's mass? The girls and I do love your masses!"
Christians promote egalitarian, open border ideas. Lesser races and Jews have been exploiting our ingrained Christian principles for decades.
Christianity has to go back.
>going to mass will make you a christian
Give money to the Church and you can be sure some of it is going to illegal spics
I'm a prod
Thank Rome for most of it, they threw you fags to the lions. Not enough desu
You only inherited the remains. Lived in it's corpse.
what are youtalking about a lot of heavily christian centred empires took over the world and exapnded civilization for hundreds of years more recently since roman times. The spanish? the dutch? the birtish empire?
But Christianity is one of the main reasons for the fall of the west. Many of the craziest liberals are Christian, the whole doctrine is subversive and globalist. The modern Church is just a virtue signaling refugee foot washing cuck house. Julian the apostate did nothing wrong.
Organised religion is a money making scam and social engineering programme for the benefit of those in charge to keep the Plebs in line.
Believe in God, don't believe in the con.
Would all be nothing if not for the pagan Greeks and Romans who built the civilizations they inherited.
Not Christianity, modernism. You're not seeing the big picture. The cancer in modern Christianity like with everything else originates with modernism
I would argue that people going away from christianity caused the fall. Look at the antifa hordes and tell me if any of these people go to church? I would bet not one. Being born to christian parents doesnt make you christian you also have to live that way. Basically 1960s and 1970s feminists and commies thought it would be a cool experiment to destroy all these social conventions and what it has led to is a totally degenerate society just as chiristian people of the times warned.
Just don't go Protestant. They're not Christians. They're more like cultists like Jehova Witnesses and Mormons.
It's always been like that, it was one of the big reasons that Rome crumbled, Christians didn't want to be soldiers and protect the empire because they were afraid of going to hell for killing so they capitulated to the barbarians. It wasn't until much later and a belabored twisting of the doctrine that they were able to militarize them for the crusades. In the 2k years of it's existence it's been cucked the majority of the time and the only benefit it arguably had is unifying the west against the Muslims which probably would've happened anyways
They reason it's called the Anti-Christ is because it looks like Christ but isn't.
You've been deceived.
Instead of confessing your sins to God, you name some guy holier than you and confess your sins to him. You pray to Saint Mary, praise lucifer in latin, and give praise to unnamed and unseen spirits. All abominations in the bible.
Educate yourselves, it's for your own good.
Is it summer already?
Did they make you drink blood out of a skull yet and pledge yourself to the unseen one?
Of course antifa doesn't go to church that's not the point. Those that are inclined to go to church are being fed a doctrine that glorifies weakness and pacifism, while the barbarian Invaders follow a militaristic doctrine of conversion by the sword. The former group is doomed because of that, im not against the institution of religion but the doctrine needs to set up the societal carrots and sticks in a way that incentivize the native population to value their existence and defend themselves- but Christianity emphasizes martyrdom and sacrifice instead of valor and strength.
Daily reminder
>The typical U.S. Congregation draws an adult crowd that’s 61% female, 39% male. This gender gap shows up in all age categories. [1]
>Midweek activities often draw 70 to 80 percent female participants.
>Christian universities are becoming convents. The typical Christian college in the U.S. enrolls almost 2 women for every 1 man.
I will when they start offering the real Mass again.
>muh pre-1960s Christianity means I shouldn't become a post-1960s Christian. The 1960s were the pinnacle of human achievement you stupid fucking plebbitor.
literally most people worship technology nowadays. fuck that
Pretty good. I would retort but current state society won't let me. Have this nigger as comfort food and a token of your degeneracy
But Christians are the ones supporting immigrants and "refugees". Christians love all the foreign scum of the world, they want to "help" them over there and bring them home to help them more. They arent going to be saving anything.
god speed crossfag let me know when its 420
You're trying to impose your ideas about modern Christianity on the late Roman empire in a way that is both anachronistic and inaccurate. The Western empire fell because it settled large numbers of unassimilated barbarians within it's borders while also having a corrupt and fragmented government. By the 5th century there wasn't much central authority anymore in the west. It had declined to the point where rich landowners sat around on their estates while barbarian armies were employed whose only loyalty was to money. As soon as money ran out or they figured they had a decent shot at carving out their own piece of the empire, things were bound to fall apart. The eastern empire lived on because they had central authority and relatively good and stable administration. Religion had nothing to do with any of it.
In fact if you really want to get down to it, the 'christians' of the 5th century were hardly Christian at all. Even into the middle ages clerics were complaining about how much the average people still acted like pagans. And that pagan element never really disappeared, it was just accepted and assimilated to the popular faith as local traditions.
Nobody, from the emperor to the lowest peasant, thought that laying down and getting fucked in the ass by barbarians was ok. In fact in many cases they were unnecessarily brutal and this was a hindrance to assimilation.
i think shiva the main god doe
They're all niggers in my country. Even the priests.
What belief system is the last picture based off?
Fuck off papist
>The Western empire fell because it settled large numbers of unassimilated barbarians within it's borders while also having a corrupt and fragmented government.
The reason they settled all those barbarians is because they needed them to defend themselves against other barbarians, the whole situation came about because their army was inadequate. Christianity played a big role in that, for a long time the biggest badge of honor a Christian could have was being martyred by the Roman state, they had little loyalty to it and caused many of the internal problems that made the government so fragmented and ineffectual
Enjoy your woodcut Jesus you heretic.
>Peter says not to pay attention to lineage
>Catholics trace it all the way back to peter
your guy
No, the problem was that there were more barbarians invading the empire than ever before, and they didn't have enough men to handle it. The barbarians were far more politically unified than ever before, and the Romans would have to face multiple invasions simultaneously, something they never had to deal with in the glory days of the pagan empire. Rather than just dealing with a single border incursion as they might have had to do in Augustus' day, they had to deal with goths, Huns, vandals, Franks, all invading within a short interval. They were able to fight them off for a while, but eventually they were just worn down to a point where they couldn't fight back anymore. And the issues with government and assimilation and over reliance on mercenaries only made the problem worse.