Thousands of Taliban fighters in Germany

>Thousands of ex-Taliban fighters may have entered Germany

>Germany's Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) informed security officials that thousands of migrants had identified themselves as former Taliban insurgents during the asylum application process


>Identified themselves as former Taliban fighters
>were still allowed in

You deserve whatever terrorist attacks you get Germany

>american flag
>laughing at the destruction of europe
Really takes the noggins for a joggin, if you know what I mean.

>Swedish flag

Your country is probably full of taliban too.

This coming from the country that created the taliban in the first place.
>indian flag

We didn't create the taliban.

Well the CIA armed, funded and trained the Mujahadeen who became the Taliban.

yeah but they didnt birth them. check mate, mate

Its just bantz my white friend

Burger, the taliban is an offshoot of the Mujaheddin.


We didn't create the taliban bro, fuck off

I do wonder what the chinaman meant by this?

This. Someone who admit he's a terrorist, is retarded. But the one who STILL let's him into his country to live next to his family after this, is hopeless. Germany deserves to be burned to the ground.

We're already lost, Sweden and you're walking down the same road.

We didn't create the mujaheddin either.


>taliban fighters

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say here.


You're not making things any clearer.

Glad its in the news so that they can do something about it.
