Post your results lads
Take the test here
Post your results lads
Take the test here
Can't be arsed to do it again but I got 57% Tory, 57% UKIP.
funny how i got the same as everyone in this thread
i guess its going to stay cuckservative for another 20382389409238498234 years
We're all level headed individuals user
Do I win?
Big G A P S
huh, i was expecting higher tory/ukip and lower labour
UKIP is a joke without Nige m8
Implying all of them aren't a joke
Though since it told me I side with Labour and the Liberal Democrats on Immigration I frankly don't trust a fucking word of it.
you what
what a shit quiz it will never match you with BNP because they are neutral on immigration apparently . They barely exist as a party anymore but it's still a shit quiz
As expected.
i'm not even a conservative send help
Not to mention that Griffin hasn't been leader since 2014.
Serious question, lads. Is UKIP finished, now that Brexit has been achieved?
is this okay?
I'm just a moderate rural Tory, goyim.
The problem with this test is all the statements are so black and white, there is no nuance to them at all
UKIP are finished maybe labour will die off and lib dems move up then a new party can be born
If you click on "other", you get more options.
>then a new party can be born
Yes... a New Party.
Looks like we have an Angus MacSistershagger here.
Ironically I fucking hate the welsh
Even the other options lack nuance, and don't represent my opinions at all
I got 72% Conservative, 68% British National, 64% UKIP, 62% Democratic Unionist, 47% Plaid Cymru, 45% Liberal Democrat, 44% Labour, 42% SNP, 34% Sinn Fein, and 24% Green.
They need to reform and rebrand, get someone better to replace Nuttall. He's the Ed Miliband of UKIP
51% with lib dems? I want to kill myself
The fuck are you even on Sup Forums for?
SNP is higher than I wanted.
hmmm, actually hoped for Ukip on top.
Tories it is then
Is something wrong with me?
Am I cucked?
Are my results based?
They're fine, post screenshot next time.
Sup Forums is just satire mate, we're all lefties here
No, the satire is that we're all alt right, when in fact many of us are centrists/moderate right. You're just a cuck.
Not that unexpected
>Tfw no matter what i try I cant get Sinn Fein
Wtf are their policies?
Pretty much where I usually sit. Thing is Conservatives talk a lot of shit, so my stance on imagination is moot.
Christ.... I tend to think I am quite leftwing compared to the denizens of brit/pol/.
Shit being made out of 50% biodegradable material is a significant issue? Haha. How eurocucked is your shithole country?
Can I be a British?
How bad is this?
Caring about the environment is equal to being cucked?
He is unironically who football hooligans vote for.
Who is this fat cunt? Is he a cuck?
1488 lads
implying the conservatives arent lying through their teeth about immigration though
Who else is master race here?
Fuck it all desu
>Friendly reminder the water in California has only been drinkable, from the taps, since 2017.
Positively third world.
Not that suprised I got UKIP as second. The Conservatives seem to be very weak on issues of national security and immigration.
Still going to vote Tory as I live in Scotland and UKIP would be a wasted vote trying to oust the SNP.
Just fuck my shit up senpai. At least my approval rating is barely above 50%, and pretty low on pretty much everything.
How bad is the damage?
> Swinging strongly towards regulation
You a red or something?
Krauts are naturally left wing, dw m8
Fuck no
No hope.
They're pretty socially conservative desu
As a US citizen how did I do?
Communists aren't human.
i voat for macronn
I think your American outlook on politics is clouding your understanding
Very good Theresa would be proud.
Isolationist / incredibly socialist
what website is this
Maybe read the post? Christ...
>tfw scottish
Bro tier Unionist
>Tories are weak on national security
Pretty sure they want 1984 style surveillance in the name of counter terrorism mate
Yeah I agree but thats not enough.
I want much more state surveillance especially against immigrants and dissidents
He's a meme. He wants to deport all non-whites and deport jews.
I should support a northern irish party, despite being english. wat.
Come home Ulsterman
The DUP is based
how'd i do lads