If we're all descended from Adam, then who the hell is AaBb?
What are those letters?
>blacks got 4 big ones
Is that why their dicks bigger?
lowercase letters master race reporting in.
I'm going to take the bait. Go read about the bell curve. You see, there is this thing called evolution. IQ, bones structure etc, are what define the concept of race.
It's dominant and recessive alleles you mongrel. Big being the dominant and small letters being the recessive
>descended from adam
ehhhhhhhhhhhh not really
technically the first homo sapien was a woman
>Blacks dominant.
>White recessive cucklords
Like pottery.
Dogs and humans are also both carbon-based life forms. So what?
This is what Sup Forums actually believes
>Big being the dominant
You're not helping your cause m8.
>AABb is lighter than AABB
That's not how genes work you fucking retards RRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEE
hellll nah I aint descended from some white boy
>onluly a matter of color
Not even close
No, absurd drivel from a Jew book. All Semitic superstitions should be erased, but the most brilliant trick of the Jew is Cuckstianity. It keeps white trash as white trash and STRANGLES RACE CONSCIOUSNESS.
Shit on your dead carpenter, Cuckstian ChosenKikeslave.
This cant be correct. If so wouldnt AABB AABb AaBb all result in a similar looking face? Since they all have dominant genes from both sets.
Your child needs a bone marrow transplant. So get some from a negro or a Chinaman. I mean, we're all the same. Right?
You are clearly bait, but i'll bite
Dominant genes don't necessarily account for positive features, how retarded are you?
t. Never picked up a biology book
> There's one gene that makes up a human
Except the dominant genes aren't pictured as such.
The first 3 should all be full nigger.
Aabb would look 50% nigger.
aabb would be the only light skinned guy.
It's also implying Adam was a nigger, but with recessive "white" genes.
it's sad to think that people cant accept the fact that these races, these different humans should live separated
if we want to visit a different culture, we travel there, not import it
>inb4 swedecuck joke
>Dominant genes don't necessarily account for positive features
Nice try but your lefty bullshit about dominating masculinity being "negative" will not protect your submissive ass in the real world.
O look its a leaf
Your a fucking beta faggot that likes to watch your sister get fucked by sand niggers as your dad fucks your now every loose asshole after years of sexual abuse at his hands.
A bullet in your head you'll never know peace.
>Dominant genes don't necessarily account for positive features
But if they are very bad they would die out instantly.
Which is what happened to the dominant genes causing dark skin color in colder climates: they are so bad they went "extinct".
The picture and text are shit bait and inaccurate, i wasn't commenting on them at all. Only spoke on what A, a, B and b were in terms of biology. One set of genes is not solely responsible for skin color either, there's many genes involved
> A ''dominant' biology term means something to do with with masculinity
You are clearly trolling at this point, magyar. That or your dominant genes are the ones for being a retard homosexual
A corny attempt at making shit up to not hurt feelings and be a kike
Well, imo the White race is the superior. The aryan race has quite high IQ, altough not as high as the chinamen. The aryans are taller, stronger, faster and tougher than the chinamen, even if we don't have the IQ that they possess.
Sandniggers and regular niggers however, while some may be psysichally strong, they have ape-like IQ.
Looks like an evolution chart desu
> This thread
Are we being meme'd right now or are you all just retarded for real?
>clearly trolling
So why do you reply?
Don't feed trolls.
I don't know, mate, the bait got to me I guess. Leftard ''logic'' will never stop to amaze me