So I've taken the brave move of running for Election in the 4th of May in the UK.
Ask me anything
So I've taken the brave move of running for Election in the 4th of May in the UK.
Ask me anything
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Would your political party still support you if they knew everything about you?
Which party are you running for and what do you hope to achieve politically fellow britbong?
Labour I'd probably get expelled from the party because I'm very opinionated
Labour Party Mate, I'm running for District Councillor. I'm trying to make our leader of the council take a pay cut instead of increasing council tax for example. Also I'm campaigning in the local area to increase road safety outside schools by adding safe crossings
Continued on a national level I want to see an end to confusion and conflicting dates on food to prevent food waste whilst 8 million people go hungry. Further to this I'd like to see a greater backbone in politics and actually hold the government to account for the way they have treated the disabled people in our country of late
Food companies have an incentive to make expiration dates as near to the date of manufacture as possible. How can this practice be disincentivised?
Basically the government here give them a tax rebate for food that is thrown away what you can do is make it leglislation so that to prevent landfil that it must by any means either go to soup kitchens, animal feed or to power plants that turn it into energy. Also make them be more transparent about dates instead of scaring customers into thinking they will get food poisoning from out of date salt
Say the Council's Leader worked for free - how much would this reduce the average council tax bill? Would it be enough to offset the costs of the new school crossings?
When I worked in retail all of our food was supposed to be good for a week after the sell by date
No it wouldn't be able to offset but it'd set a good example to the public and make people feel less of a us and them approach. Because the point is he earns over £120,000 per year whilst we're being told we have to pay more taxes but our bin collections have been pushed back to 1 every 3 weeks
This is false any item with a best before date has an unlimited shelf life time because all the Best Before date refers to is how great and strong the flavour and quality of the item is
>I own a food waste charity
Once every 3 weeks? Our general waste gets collected only once every 2 weeks and that is bad enough.
>Labour Party
So how long until you lobby for mandatory cuckholding?
Or is that the Greens.
what's your name and where do you live.
>any item with a best before date has an unlimited shelf life time
Not best before, sell by date. If it goes past the sell by date, by law, it has to be wasted, which for Coop literally means thrown in the trash
Cancel brexit or stop larping
That's not true I think you're refering to Use By Date and yes that is not safe to consume but it can be divert to waste to energy power
how? I've honestly never heard of using food waste to produce electrical energy.
I'm literally running for them because I can get help with campaigning don't get me wrong I'm a socialist but I don't muck about
It's called Anaerobic Digestion
Can you name yourself or at least give some initials?
You can use it to create methane in a tank that is then used for fuel
On bakery and other such non fresh produce there is a sell by date that it is illegal to sell after even though it is perfectly fine, I used to have to scan and collect it in a binbag at the end of the night and throw it into the trash
I'll give you the name of my organisation
this alone is worth running on
I had no idea the UK was so 3rd world
t. once a week
I would quite honestly like to believe this is more than a larp. Considering what is happening in England.
Why are you running on the wrong date?
>"any item with a best before date has an unlimited shelf life time"
>labour politician
the retardation checks out
Against I think you're confused because I run a organisation that redistributes products like tinned etc from supermarkets to the public the most out of date item I have in stock is September 2014
Use By Date - Is illegal to sell as it is a food safety issue
Best Before Date - Refers to quality of the item not safety
Sell by date - No legislation is in place regarding it as it is a instruction to staff and has no indication over the safety of the product
Local election for coucil positions
what is your opinion about jews
Mate I redistribute food for a living so do some research before calling me a retard
Would it not be better for supermarkets to order less stock than to have things run out of date?
Coop treats Best Before and Use By as the same thing
I have no opinion on religion I am an atheist
Alright, just went to my fridge and picked the first clearly perishable item I could see.
I know and it's silly because people are going hungry and they are throwing away perfectly good food
what will you do about the niggers?
I used to work in the city and the sandwiches we had went to St mungo`s but in the end there was infighting and stealing and it had to stop. How will you make sure you are fare?
Almost everyone does. Not worth the one in a billion chance of someone getting ill and suing your ass.
That's a BEST BEFORE DATE google it
Don't sidestep the jewish question. Give us a proper answer.
What about the non-religious Jews? What about Israel and the illegal occupation of Syria?
>Best Before Date - Refers to quality of the item not safety
>any item with a best before date has an unlimited shelf life time
Your words
So you're saying CHEESE never expires? It has an unlimited shelf life?
If you ever get stuck talking about fucking muzzies, could you use the term 'Political Islam' rather than 'Radical Islam' because that's what it is, then you don't have to deal with JSW and them whining about religious rights, which these fucking animals like to hide behind.
Just checked and half the things in my fridge have Best Before or only the date, nothing says use by
Also the packaging is Air tight and you would easily get 6 months plus on that easy
In reality cheese can last for years. The outside layer protects the inside.
If the cheese goes mouldy then it increase in value
Should you put HP sauce in the fridge once it is opened?
Except he'll have to cut something else and/or raise taxes for the extra collections (not to mention funding the new school crossings).
Tis has been remarkably civilized for pol. Pitty it digressed into a discussion on food packaging.
Its his running ticket, got to make sure its serious
Interesting stuff. What kind of investment would it take and how long to see significant returns?
I checked this article out, which talks about using manure only.
Seems like they're suggesting it would be a net benefit, by factoring (((carbon credit value))) and other such values, but it wouldn't be more cost effective. Do you think it would be cost effective?
The other guy is retarded, but I can guarantee you that cheese will be good at least 'til september.
I feel the same! But insightful nevertheless
Sainsbury's already do it an run a lot of their depots off their food waste
All very nice for country fold but not so nice if you live on the fourth floor of a block of flats.
Yeah it does bloody stink if you drive past the places
jewish society warriors?
What do you think of Corbyn? Will he resign if Labour performs badly or will he stay on with Union backing?
Not really worth it unless you're in the coutryside
How will you make sure the gen z will have a better life under May than me a gen x who was fucked over by Maggie. I will get another fucking when they raise the pension age to 68 just in time for make me wait another years. So far the government will save 25 grand in not paying me what I should have got.
So do you think simply raising awareness would prompt private companies into investing in this tech for themselves?
Would people of UK benefit directly from this? Do you think it would lower the costs of food and energy? Do you think there would be some push-back from energy companies?
Why do you think people go hungry? How many of the 1 million plus food parcels from food banks were distributed in your ward? What, within the scope of a Local Councillor, can be done to address this?
aren't most of the plants in the country, or commerical zones that already stink anyway?
A food waste plant isn't a full on power plant it's basically a generator
>4th May
You're a fucking councillor, a literally who?
You're retarded
How? Most good cheese is made to go mouldy under controlled conditions. The values is increased because of this. Clearly it was a piss take but I do not see why it was a retarded piss take. Please enlighten us.
I know in US, dairy products get like 3 weeks on the shelf, but they produce so much fucking milk that most of it doesn't even make it to the grocery store. They are way over producing and most of it is disposed of. The gov't gives subsidies to meat and dairy industry which bloats these industries creates extensive waste, and a whole domino of problems that are too long to list.
If these industries didn't get subsidies, they'd actually have to make smart decisions about their business, possibly alleviating many of the problems, but maybe create others. One that comes to mind is dairy farmers. If less milk is being bought, less needs to be produced, and this may hurt farmers. I think farmers get a pretty raw deal to begin with, but it may negatively impact them.
Would you change the tax rebate system over there? Do you think less food would be produced and how do you think it would affect farmers? Do you think farmers would be in favor of measures changing the way wasted food is handled?
If you were to hypothetically become very successful, say a cabinet minister, how interesting would your MI5 file be?
Well, it was a good thread while it lasted