So are you going to the March for Science today, Sup Forums?
Or are you cucks just all talk?
So are you going to the March for Science today, Sup Forums?
Or are you cucks just all talk?
Yep, all spineless cowards
Jewish science? No thanks
DC is too far away plus I have work
Honest Reality : Environmentalism is an Anti-science Cult
Said he, smugly posting for a personal computer that would not exist had it not been for scientists, some of whom were Jewish
Cutting more than the entire science budget of Canada from US science is a retarded thing to do, especially now as al the other countries are catching up
Make america shit again?
did you just assume the device I use to browse this nepali cashmere-weaving board?
Just a bunch of autistic redditors who think they're scientific authorities after watching Cosmos and taking a few biology classes at a community college.
>blind faith in science is as dumb as blind faith in anything else
A man has told me god is good,
and stands above all men,
that he will never cast us forth,
though drenched with lust and sin,
That though we heed him little,
and pursue our own accord
he will not seek our bane nor yet,
unsheath his deadly sword
that he forgives excesses
and will not our prayers reject.
There was rumor in Gomorrah,
to that very same effect.
A friend avers that government,
has all our cares in mind.
And will not neglect the comfort of
the poor, the halt, the blind.
he maintains unreservedly,
his faith in policy.
to bring the fruits of honor to
the strong the just, the free.
he says the great in power seek
the profit of all men
It was mentioned in Treblinka,
but I did not heed it then.
Technology will save us,
i have heard a stranger say.
The wonderment of science,
skill, and tools will win the day.
Our comfort and our safety
we may leave to wise devices.
And men who build and train them up,
will coddle all our vices.
they’ll see the futre clearly
and avert all waiting dooms.
I think I heard it spoken in
Titanic’s smoking rooms.
The forgiveness of the strong is great,
I’m sure most meen agree.
The wisest and the best of us
will surely all be free.
the bold men, wise in letters
with their eye on public weal.
will never be cast out or forced
their knowledge to conceal.
Time alters soon the hearts of kings,
and all will be put right.
I heard it in the Gulag
almost every single night.
So go forth with the banner
of of redemption wafting high
and shout the slogan “Liberty!”
in land and sea and sky.
Of justice, peace, forgiveness, love,
proclaim the coming reign.
And cry the truth to power,
and the vanity of gain
That mercy always triumphs,
and that men will all be free.
Go tell them in Gomorrah,
but you didn’t come from me.
>Giving a shit about University teachers and their virtue signaling
Why haven't we range baned Cucknada yet?
I don't think Sup Forums actually believes most of the shit it spews, it just likes to get caught up in a circlejerk because this is the closest most of them will come to human contact.
Somebody make a sign out of this and show up to the rally. Or make a sign about crime statistics. Let's see how much these assholes fucking love science.
All the peoples I know going work for lobbyists. This is basically a churched up welfare march.
just a reminder guise
Science is for cucks. What has it given us? Nuclear bombs that have killed millions of people.
Eat shit nigger
Other nations will get ahead of us proving the scientific certainty of doom from global warming/cooling/change? The horror.
True, blind faith in science is the same as blind faith in anything. When you put your faith in authority you have no one to blame but yourself when they are wrong. But the difference between science and religion is that science has falsifiability, religion cannot be disproved however which makes arguing the issue basically useless.
Fresh out, sorry.
holy shit how did I miss that
> were marching for the advancement of science
What the really mean:
>we want more money!!!! Were greedy fucks just like every other human!!
I will report the cuckholdry here in Cleveland. CSU campus is dead af. Might whip out my MAGA hat and start gassing people if I work up the confidence
So what is this? Are they marching for climate change or something? Are they unaware that we are going to fucking Mars?
>we want evidence-based conclusion!
>bring up anything on race or gender
>fucking bigot!
Chem Major here. 8/11 chem professors know that CO2 emissions are irrevelant when accounting for nature itself. Might as well start taxing water vapor since it's more abundant lol.
Going there to counter protest just legitimizes them in their eyes. Much better to just send some anons to take some unflattering photo's so the memelords can do their work. Just like the pussymarch, we'll meme them into oblivion.
i get extra credit if I go. will wear MAGA hat in my solidarity
Science in itself is nothing. Most scientists, like most people, are dumb. Their ideas are wrong or worthless. Calling it science does not change that. Scientific fields are filled with millions of wrong assumptions that people base other wrong assumptions on which lead to wrong advice.
The 'march for science' is just a meme-tier event for leftists and progressives to bitch about Trump, it isn't interested in science any more than the equally pointless women's march was. Fucking Bill Nye is supposed to show up and they're going to spend time bitching about equality and trannies and such.
If they just wanted to complain about the environment they could plausibly keep calling themselves the march for science, but they actually want to complain about pointless social issues not terribly related to science.
If Canada wants to spend hundreds of millions of dollars watching a thermometer rise go for it.
WTF. When did science become political? It's just a means of advancing human knowledge. Introducing opinion in to the mix, defeats its purpose.
You can't be. You have so many
March for increased funding on space exploration and atomic death robots, and I'll be there waving a cardboard sign.
i guarantee you the entire march is going to be muh (((global warming))) desu
The vast majority of people are fucking stupid. Inclining muh scientist. Blindly following an authoritarian ideal ( which (((science))) has been attempting over the last couple decades), is just setting yourself up to be manipulated into doing things that are not in your best self interest.
>But goy muh global warming
>you must give up all your comforts to save muh shit skins from dying
Fuck you kikes. I wouldn't mind heating up the planet a bit. Too bad humans have very little effect if any at all, on climate change :,)
Let me guess - trannies, feminists and retards screaming that an extra chromosome means new gender.
Will they let me join without a fedora?
I March for science every day I walk to my engineering classes. I'm not going to this virtue signal circle jerk of females that just want to take selfies and don't even know the science behind that camera.
>marching for anything
Like that has gotten fuck-all done in the past. Go do some fucking science if you want to make a difference
Global warming, so fake the Chinese, Brazilians, Europeans majority of Americans and Muslims are all investing into it.
Get your head out of your ass. This isn't some partisan game, this is about simple reality.
And if we all accept climate change exists, than we can think of different solutions from al gore stealing your money! Why should the dems have a monopoly on climate change policy? Conservatives surely have better ideas than them in that field!
Also we'd get to bust those corporate welfare cheats.
It's about money. The Feds fund all kinds of useless science and distribute gibs to all kinds of institutions that conduct 'science'. Trump talked about wanting to stop giving these people pallets of cash to incinerate and now they're upset.
*blocks your path*
wat do?
Canadian calling others cowards
No, I'm pretty sure the March for Science is most definitely a partisan game. The planet will survive Trump.
>thinking that China, India, and other developing countries will cut back emissions enough to stop/reverse climate change
At best it will be slowed a minuscule amount as the planet continues to slide into destruction
People will burn every last drop of oil that's in the ground and humanity will learn a painful lesson, don't delude yourself into thinking that the species is going to turn this one around
>"Or are you cucks just all talk?"
going to Sacramento one in a few minutes
That's us alright!
Not to mention for me at least it is less about saving some trees and much more about preserving human civilization. Climate change has fucked up civilizations in the past and even if we GMO some new crops the heat will have all sorts of nasty effects as is already being observed.
Not to mention climate change made ISIS and is basically enabling more terrorism. No seriously, think about it.
Climate change causes droughts, that causes misery for people, desert cults get more miserable people to recruit to their fascist mentality, desert cults start killing more people. While the Middle East being uninhabitable sounds like a nice and dandy idea, it's also causing those people to immigrate to europe so...
I'm a coward. I'm still on the fence about going. I want to go and shut them down by reading a children's book out loud, nonstop and without pause.
But I'm chckening out.
Should I go?
Nah America made ISIS but you hit the nail on the head
Already there.
Look for my gf. She's wearing a black burka with a sign that says "science is haram".
Satellite marches nationwide are listed here...
India, China aren't interested in cutting back, they claim they're still 'Third World' for this purpose. They are interested in the US drastically cutting emissions by reducing industrial capacity. And buying lots of Chinese-manufactured solar panels and wind turbines.
anyone going should hold posters of Punnett Squares. If they're really pro-science then they would know there's only 2 genders
if they're going to protest liberal bias in academia i will
They have a different message in mind. Pic very related.
It is cold and rainy today.
>March for Euphoria
What's Trump's position on intelligent design and abstinence only education?
Watching it on CSPAN. Bunch of niggers singing. For Science.
They are using science as a cover for their SJW agenda.
They are actually anti-science because they are trying to inject non-scientific principles into science.
Here's this from the march website.
>Inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility are central to the mission and principles of the March for Science. Scientists and people who care about science are an intersectional group, embodying a diverse range of races, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, religions, ages, socioeconomic and immigration statuses. We, the march organizers, represent and stand in solidarity with historically underrepresented scientists and science advocates.
>We acknowledge that society and scientific institutions often fail to include and value the contributions of scientists from underrepresented groups. Systems of privilege influence who becomes a part of the science community, what topics we study, and how we apply our work in creating new technologies and crafting policy. We recognize that, historically and today, some scientific endeavors have been used to harm and oppress marginalized communities.
I'm all for science as I'm a STEM major but it takes an idiot to not realize this is an anti Trump march in disguise.
>Not to mention climate change made ISIS
You are, full stop, a fucking idiot.
Why the FUCK is blumpf so anti-science and logic?
actual scientist here.
when "science" becomes ideology is ceases being science.
this march is dildoes.
>SCIENCE march
>We, the march organizers, represent and stand in solidarity with historically underrepresented scientists
Said while silencing climate skeptics, creation scientists, and those who recognize gender dysphoria as a mental illness.
>evidence-based conclusions
>literally feelings-based conclusions
>I know more earth than Science Trump
What did xir mean by this?
What kind of science is this?
Social sciences?
the study of zoological wildlife
>diversity makes teams better
I disagree. In all the teams I have worked on dedication and ability have made it better.
Man made global warming is a lie.
The droughts made it easier for Hillary to get recruiters.
Causing climate change is all part of the invade and invite strategy.
Abnormal psychology
Eh, there's probably some truth to it, but they package their pitch like a hoax and can't produce an accurate model to save their lives.
kek so its a commie rally asking for gibsmedat public funds rather than a rally promoting science
fuck off and take your plebbitor friends with you
I'd go but I'm as white and male as Bill Nye is
>implying anyone can know more than Science Trump
Its raining here in dc
ISIS would have exsister with or without a drought, so you can't honestly claim that it "created ISIS." Fuck off retard.
>creation scientists
The science is clear. Stop disagreeing.
I wouldn't go that far just yet. We don't know much about it, or if it even exists, and the narrative people on the left (and mostly globalist) push is "the science is settled." I'm very skeptical of the effects, severity, or if it even exists because of that narrative. It's almost the same narrative and tone with the holocaust.
Nature: Sorry to rain on your Science Parade. Ha Ha.
i'd rather have private companies doing R&D then random government agencies
Unfortunately it clashed with the "stroke my BSc" time. A degree that 90% of these cucks won't have.
>i'd rather have (((private companies)))
Me too, fellow goy!
why the fuck do leftists always talk about trans. I dont think i've ever seen one and now its like they act like they are getting lynched daily
Not sure if trolling or . . .
The Middle East could be uninhabitable by 2050.
And whilw that sounds like a good thing, I am not sure if you'll have enough ammo to kill all the rapfugees even if you get nationalists governments in europe again. There will just be so many of them the current crises will look like a joke. And mind you the Dutch might be underwater. Even than, and even if you only care about white people surely than the prospect of low lying European countries flooding to oblivion worries you?
Climate change is a huge factor into this.
they didn't claim it was non partisan. the public university I work for encouraged you don't advertise what university you are apart of tho.
hell of a lot better than given it do the (((Federal Goverment))) fucking moron
Whomever chained the term "science" before this political bandwagon, congratulations. Truly turning the profession from a respected part of civilizational progress into a priestly cast.
This is always what bothers me about the "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" and "MOAR WOMYNS IN STEM" faggots. None of them have STEM degrees. None of them have a bachelors in science degree.