Economist cover: The World in 2017

What did they mean by this?

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(((The star)))

We need to analyze each card in, we assume, a left to right order.
First, the Tower.
What is the Tower? To its left is a communist flag. On the right is the Catholic Cross. Lightning represents what? It strikes and splits the Tower.
Is the Tower the...central control of the communist/Catholic merged elements we see in todays Church? Just speculating but does it mean theres going to be a central and powerful strike that divides the control of this union? will the Church shed its communist elements?

This is just speculation off the top of me head and probably way off.

Judgement appears to be trump sitting or shitting on the USA flag which dominates the world.Trump is holding a rod and...whatever the other thing is. Who gets judgement? Trump? Or is Trump the judge?

Used to read tarpt cards as teenager, but I don't think that the artist did. I would say that this spread just means that the times, they are a-changing, but the art doesn't reflect that. For instance, the Death card is supposed to mean change, but here they just have it next to a mushroom cloud. And fuck me if I understand why they have the Hermit leading an anti-Trump protest, or why they think the big coming conflict in the Tower will be between the Red Guard and Crusaders bearing the True Cross.

This cover kind of sucks.

I get the feeling different people did different cards. Everything but The Star and The Hermit are really well done, especially the Wheel of Fortune.

Back to the that Martin Luther-related on the door of the tower? Is it a reference to the schism? Theres a cross above the door frame and paperwork nailed to the door.

I hope that doesnt mean the schism will end and eastern orthodoxy or even western christianity will reform with catholics under communist principles. the lightining strike seems to indicate the catholic church and its communist allies will be striking the christian church? that a 3d printer in the magician card?

Styx made a video about this months ago.
*I'm not Styx

wheel of fortune meant they wanted geert to win and thought he would...

He's at the bottom though so surely that suggests he'd lose. I've seen a similiar device used in historic political cartoons from the 17th Century before and it implies similar. Wilders will lose now but have better times ahead, Le Pen will win and Merkel will lose or win but fall shortly afterwards.

Lightning strikes, I think are signs from heaven. I dont like that Tower card. They are going to double team the Christian churches arent they? Assholes cant just let people be free.


>And fuck me if I understand why they have the Hermit leading an anti-Trump protest

It's a protest about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and is a reference to internet activism with the 'hermit' affecting the world.

basically we are the hermit? cool.

The Tower represents upcoming disaster or conflict. I guess between Comunists and the Religious Right, or something. Not really sure what the artist's intent was.

Most of the cards are positive which is interesting.

its the destruction of the (((church)))

Oh, now I see the signs. Ot could also reflect the isolationism of going against global trade deals

The Tower should be obvious to everyone who frequents Sup Forums

somebody should ID all of the "stars"

Could the fourth card be referring to the (((Hermit))) kingdom?

It's a tarot card, so it symbolizes something broader. I'd say it represents making hard choices.

Should be able to piece something together with the meanings behind them and predictions for events they could reference.

The crumbling Tower being struck my lightning represents the establishment being destroyed. The nailed-on paper is like Martin Luther's Thesis, and the Communist and Christian masses represent two possible replacements of the Establishment- "Progressivist" Marxism vs. Traditionalism.

Judgement represents Trump as Earth's punishment/judgement for not responding to problems.

The World represents globalization- the exchange of art (paintings), knowledge (books), and culture (faces).

The Hermit represents anti-globalization forces, opposition to TTIP and EU, the "hermit" being nations pulling into themselves as nationalist countries and away from the global community.

Death represents growing nuclear worries between Russia, North Korea, Trump and India/Pakistan, as well as global warming.

The Magician represents automation (3D printer) and our increasing reliance on screentime (VR), implying that things like automation and virtuality are "magic" and not real.

The Wheel of Fortune represents populists (May, Le Pen, Geert) being elected or narrowly defeated.

Don't know about The Star.


Nothing. It's just a bunch of vague bullshit with the common theme of an insecure future and change.

Wilders did make gains compared to last election, but by far not enough to become PM.... But Le Pen seems to get on top at the Wheel of Fate, indicating that she might narrowly make it this year.

lighting = SS = fascism

Pretty much what I thought they meant, though I overlooked the paper nailed to the door and I couldn't figure out what the death card meant. Duh.

Anyway nice work.

...will gorge itself on clay.


I hope it means that the Communistic and actual Christian aspects of the Church will be torn apart.

Hmmm, maybe it's time I load up on some DDD and SSYS if the Rotschilds are shilling it...

They seem to have left out one

>the economist fell for the vr meme

I liked this guy's analysis

>The Tower
of babylon is crashing down. The mutual understanding (stability) between traditionalists and leftists (pro-EU) is being threatened. A dichotomy of the new political classes has arisen.

Trump is the God-emperor that is set to preserve Pax Americana. He will be loved and a new Age of Kings will follow.

>The World
Is changing, everything related to our understanding of it (culture, knwoledge, religion) is being altered. The difference between the real and the unreal is slowly being eroded.

>The Hermit
Fake News or "Alternative facts" and applied memetic warfare is very real and it is used as weaponisation. It is the new confession stand of the 2oth century. We are becomming receptive to neuroliguistic programming through the very media we trust. Both media forms are wrong. We have finally accepted the Botnet.

of the Old World and birth of the New World. We are replacing the once mighty empires we created to sow new grounds for an interlinked future. A red sun rises in the East. The Final War against the last Red Army.

>The Magician
The Endless loop of consumerism and escapism is still strong, in fact it has become our religion absent of anything else. The houses represent te future economic crash that will hit us, entering a 3D printer as if it was part of a program/video game. We will accept that too.

>Wheel of Fortune
Every vote is a vote for the status quo. It doesn't matter who wins, they are both X's. The Wheel spins and spins and spins and we constantly hope for something better. The right will "win" more, but less changes will be made as the wheel will have to spin again.

>The Star(s)
Are falling from grace. We have stopped worshipping old celebrities, the power of Hollywood is fading and being replaced by YouTube. Stars are now desperately trying to cling on to their fanbases by acting like idiots or becoming increasingly political.

The letter posted on the Tower card door is the Dubia sent by the Cardinals about Amoris Laetitis which has been waiting for a response from pope Francis. It could introduce error by bishops who wish to push Vatican 2 into hyperdrive. Deepen divisions in the Church.

The hermit is us.

Hermit is Julian

is that a jojo reference?

The Tower: Destruction of Protestant Christian society (not the Martin Lutheresk paper nailed to the door) and maybe war between the Godless Communists and the Catholics.

Judgement: Trump cracks down hard on the decadent and rebellious world and sits atop the world as the arbiter of right and wrong. His previous experience in the Hedonistic world gives him razor sharp insight into how to bring that world to its knees and he will win more fights than he will lose.

The World: Appears unclear to me. Is this trying to reflect an attempt to preserve knowledge and different cultures?

The Hermit: Outsiders (perhaps former true believers in Globalism who changed their minds and became outcasts) will lead the mob to victory against the Elite Classes.

Death: Looks like a nuclear war warning but as one user pointed out, Death usually means change and not actual death when reading Tarot cards.

The Majician: The rise of the Technocrat who has stunning new powers that are understood by very few people.

Wheel Of Fortune: Does the world turn toward Nationalist or Globalist policies.

The Star: The dominance of cheap celebrity culture. (Anyone can be a star.)