Somalian rapefugee bull sodomised two old men in Germany and

killed wife of one of them.

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Why don't somalis just rape each other?

>Putting your dick in rapefugee butt

They probably do sometimes;

Why the fuck did he want to rape an old man?

why censor his face?

>87yrs old.
>Born in 1930
>Was 15 when Soviets invaded Germany
>Did not die protecting the German homeland back in 1945

Call me when someone dies who I care about.

read the fucking article, faggot. The rapefugee fucked the two old men.

Because they don't apologize after.

>if we don't import these shitskins, who will take care of the elderly?

Maybe it's a pay back for him just sitting cucked while half of berlin was literally getting raped by the red army at the end of world war 2.

Or maybe you're just a cuck being to hard on him.

Here germcuck faggotHe'll be tried as a juvenile despite being 18 years old(probably well over 20 in reality).

you should be ashamed of yourself....


Is there some Icelandic invasion here, or what?

My grandpa fought in 1945 when he was just 16. He protected his homeland.

That's precisely what they're here to do! Traumatize two elderly men and get their deaths moving along faster while one of the victim's wife gets killed right off the bat. Saving pensions already, and good somali got an orgasm out of it!

and this is how you repay him?
you let shitskin rapefugees into his home and have his way with him?
you cannot fathom the disgust I have towards cucks like you.

Aren't you committing a crime by taking pride in your grandpa's Wehrmacht days?

> Is there some Icelandic invasion here, or what?
We president noe homie!

>just European problems

every day that passes it becomes more and more clear that niggers are literally not even humans, but a whole different species

Sneaked is technically the proper past participle.

just be happy that there is still someone out there that has not succumbed to mohammad's cock like you Merkel.
you used to be cool germany.

Nah, our care homes have ridiculously high abuse rates.

read the fucking post you're replying to, faggot.

This article is so racist.

The Somali just didn't know the old men didn't want to be raped. A cultural misunderstanding. He'll be set free.

I wrote my first post while you were posting the link,
and you wrote your following post while I deleted my post with the complain.

Lets forget about this.

>I am a heterosexual
Doubt it, iirc he invited a male refugee to his apartment and ended up sucking his dick for 5 hours.

cant wait until i'm old with no children and no one to take care of me surrounded by 1000 muslims

Germans have been reaped non stop before ww1 even started.
They think its the norm and they still feel like the bad guy.

Hitler told you that was gonna happen! But did you listen? No...

The solution is obvious,
we have to murder suicide.


They was askin for it

Now you`re talking

>Scroll through article to see what country it happened in

Yep, figured.

This is why you need a death penalty. I don't understand how you can rationalize a murderer and rapist who took advantage of two paralyzed old men be kept alive. Don't send him back. Execution by firing squad.

Cause he wouldn't tell him where da white women at

No shit, sherlock....

>mfw I grew up on the the Southside in Augusta, GA

It doesn't matter... the attack comes from behind!

What a vibrant, diverse photo!

i don't get it
Where is the fun going to the pool when it's crowded like that?

Oy vey! Even Sweden is starting to figure it out! SHUT IT DOWN!

Everyone prefers BBC. Even Nicole Aniston is doing BBC porn.

Have you seen how ugly those fuckers are?

This is what Germany wants. This is what Germany deserves.

>“It is isolation that would destroy us, it would lead us towards degenerating in inbreeding,” the finance minister argued. “For us, Muslims in Germany are an enrichment of our openness and our diversity. Look at the third generation of Turks, especially the women. That is an enormous innovation potential.”

>“Africa will be our problem, and we have to face this challenge,” he said, adding that Europe should pour more money into those regions if it wants to halt the influx of refugees. “One thing is quite clear for the future – we have to invest more in Iraq, Syria and Libya, and then we will have to pay for sub-Saharan Africa’s development.”

>North African countries are already demanding more investment from Berlin “as a condition for taking refugees back,” he went on. “And they are right to do so.”

Gotta get those primitive, inbreeding, cousinfucking mudslimes into Germany to prevent a country with a population of 80+ million and open borders within the EU to succumb to incest.


they do

It's not crowded; niggers just crowd into the shallow end because they can't swim.

What the fuck. what the actual fuck? Why would someone feel the urge to fuck two elderly men in the ass? Imagine the vibrant life you lived, you had a family, you possibly helped in the war, you were an upstanding citizen.

Then you get dumped in a retirement home and fucked in the asshole by some shitskin then killed. Its actually hilarious but tragic.

Jesus, why counldn't he just rob them and leave like a normal human being
What kind of person rapes two 90 year old men?

>impliying it was the Soviets and not the west that betrayed you

THIS is why people aren't fond of uncontrolled 3rd world immigration, it's not bigotry or prejudice, it's rational common sense.

He a good boy. He dindu nuffins.

removing the old lefty trash
based somalians

Hitler didn't die for this

Americans and South Africans have been trying to tell the world this for 100 years.


hey so he's going to get in trouble for this right?

Rapes and sexual assaults rose by 12.8 percent in Germany in 2016.

>>impliying it was the Soviets and not the west that betrayed you
If we had won against the Soviets, the whole world would be speaking German right now.

Nah, he told the judge he was tortured in a Libyan prison and he's only 18, so he probably gets like a year in prison maybe on probation.

Of course crime rises when the population becomes bigger. But germans still commit way more crimes than refugees.

He was clearly experiencing a sexual emergency, you have to view this case from a cultural perspective. I hope his fine is not too large, it would be a shame to economically disadvantage this young man who is culturally challenged through no fault of his own.

But if we wouldnt have attacked them we had won.

That ratio of male to female even discounting the lone white that looks photoshoped in.

>Of course crime rises when the population becomes bigger.
Which could have been avoided if the dumb cunt who runs your country hadn't invited the third world to invade.

1200 women raped and assaulted on one're allowed to be angry about that Hans, you know?

Thank God you didn't


He should have been executed on the spot when he was arrested.

How would you know? Its not that they dont include all turkish and arab crimes in the statistic for germans.
Overall, if you just talk about maybe shoplifting or fraud or something its possible that german commit more,

but violence, rape and murder is commited by muslims, arabs, immigrants FAR FAR more.
There is not even a day were some muslim doesnt rape or kill someone in germany.

>you're allowed to be angry about that
Actually, i'm not.

Word of advice to all of Sup Forums: you should think VERY long and hard about whether or not living to old age is worth it, especially in today's age of (((multiculturalism))) and (((diversity))). Even in retirement homes staffed by white people, abuse of the elderly is still common enough to be an issue. In a place staffed by Third World migrant nurses who have been taught all their life to hate whites, the problem will be much, much worse. This is in addition to the fact that social/government funding for the elderly will be virtually nonexistent after boomers have drained everything.

Why aren't you? I'd be furious. Last time that many of your women were raped by foreigners was when the Soviets invaded.

>he won't get the death penalty
>will probably get some kind of probation deal, some kind of community service for 200 hours
I love Germany and the EU by the way, also remember to praise Christ and don't forget church tomorrow.

so basically die violently and try to go for the high score got it

>What kind of person
Niggers like to rape elderly.

Hans, niggers aren't people.

>Kills the woman
>Rapes the men
No, no, no, you got that backwards!!
Or maybe... are german women more of a threat than their cucked men? Hmmm... yes, yes, really flips my pancakes.

No, he is tried as juveline so 1-3 years at most, probably less.

They can't swim so if they dive they can grab someone else to regain the surface.

This is probably more strange than most already repulsive sex acts. Senile Paraplegic Nursing Home Rape? What the fuck

because fuck germany. my sides

What the fuck man... he couldn't rape young women/men? He went for disabled pensioners?


Also, everyone that leaves his/her parents in a care home needs to be lined up and shot. Take care of your parents fuckface, they did not leave you in foster care when you were born.

how is that a good time for the rapist

maybe he filmed it for a fetish site or something


>have father paralyzed from neck down
>have mother who now 24/7 care
>own small business
>live at small business due to workload

Unfortunately for many, it doesnt seem to be viable unless you have an extra bedroom in a house or apartment or job that allows you that otherwise would go bust

I can understand it if there is debilitating sickness and professional care is involved.

I am talking about people who can still function, but are thrown in old people homes to live their last years there.

Oh yeah I 100% agree here. It must be done regardless in that case. You won't regret it when theyre finally GONE