Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Brexit was a mistake?
>white people have to leave UK so more pakis can come >UK gets no more free trade >Germany now controls EU completely >UK owes money to EU for leaving >UK won't be part of based EU army >Sadiq Khan still rules London >EU money doesn't go to NHS >UK is completely isolated >Scotland will probably become independent
UK frees itself from the despotism of its Brussels overlords.
Wyatt Long
Oh germany...
Jonathan Williams
Why does theresa may have such a large jew nose?
Luke Martin
Hahaha I noticed that too
Joseph Hernandez
William Green
Why are krauts so butthurt over Brexit? Get over it
Anthony Ross
Trips like that can't be wrong.
Leo Richardson
I don't want to make OPs case but the UK is far more oppressive than the EU requires. You make fun of "weapon sweep" and "bin your knoife" memes but they have to live under this.