While the Germans just stand there chatting, shits actually going down in Paris one day before the election. Any frogs able to give a quick rundown? Are these /ourguys/ or (((their guys)))?
While the Germans just stand there chatting, shits actually going down in Paris one day before the election. Any frogs able to give a quick rundown? Are these /ourguys/ or (((their guys)))?
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Get in here frogs I want to know what I'm watching
>riot in france
just another day
What's this over?
"""French""" people striking, nothing new
Apparently there are Bonapartes still alive. Why don't they launch a coup?
i'm not french but i can give you a quickrundown
>terror attack 2 days befor election
>oyvey quick we need to do something to distract
Baguette needs to explain what the sign says
translation of the sign?
Is that pepperami as a topping?, my nigga
le pen evil nazi vote macaroni
against the misery of ballot boxes
our joy will be nocturnal
#barricade night 4/23
Kek Test
why does every second person have a camera?
>French leftists are autistically screeching ep. 23539434343
Fucking cucks I hope they die in a hellfire
France looks pretty BLACKED
So they're just announcing a riot for tomorrow night
So it's kinda like to daug I heard you like protests so here's a protest to announce a protest?
the french are so fucked man
they should just close off paris and southern france really. let the niggers and arabs have it already.
>Niggers, roaches and commies chimping
>1 day after an ISIS attack
>the day before a national election
>in the hopes of dissuading people from voting Le Pen
I don't think they've thought this through chaps.
Not /ourguys/
Those are commies.
>the french are so fucked man
europe is fucked
i wish we would collapse already
basically yeah
quite curious where it is going tbqh
if le pen comes first tomorrow, shit might heat up quickly
Bunch of pussies. I am an anarchist and hate to be associated with this lot. If you do not show your face then you are truly nothing but a shit cunt.
> born too early to explore the galaxy
> born too late to explore the world
> born just in time to reform europe
And what do they mean by this? I am confused.
Since it is Paris, my guess is that they simultaneously protest for more jobs, open borders and even more ridiculous employee protection laws.
I'm French.
Judging by the people in this protest, 100% chance of violent happening.
Just wait a bit and enjoy.
>Born too late to explore the earth
>Born too early to explore the Galaxy
>Burn just in time to see the resurgence of facism and be able to be put out of your misery early without the shame of committing seppuku
you seriously think the french are smart enough to actually vote for their country and not some shit skin refugees?
>Be french sjw
>Wear mask to threaten and harass people so they don't vote le pen
Phew, that was close. Good thing my genius tactic will work, just like in the US.
If they protest and get arrested are they still entitled to vote on Sunday?
cant tell for shit who they are for but they definitly give me this bobo commie faggot vibe
anyone know what they're chanting?
anti fascist anti capitalism ect
Fucking black bloc
They've just vandalised an ad stand!
Black blocs chimping out again because of Le pen.
Nothing new.
Though the fucking djembe make me think there are dirty hippies.
was gonna say it sounds very similar to some of the shit people here chant.
mostly anti-police stuff
it's going down
>night of the barricades
Again, what do they mean by this?
hold me i'm scared D:
Police in formation! When they shall attack?
>Are these /ourguys/ or (((their guys)))?
clearly that's a bunch of black block faggots
Muh Commune, muh 68
Except these little shits would have died or been executed by some "people's assembly" :^)
they're chanting "a, anti, anticapitalista"
I'm guessing they're are signalling that they are willing to dig in and barricade against cops from removing them if necessary
american protests are much better
more violence caught on camera
If you remove the press and paid protesters there would be no one left of the street.
What's stopping someone from mounting a .30 cal machine gun in the back of a van and mowing these people down?
That would be fucking nuts.
Has GIGN ever been seen at any of these events?
CGT, Sud > just leftist unions
The only reason they used gas chambers was because the soldiers they used for bulk executions quickly went mad. Gas probably seemed like the cheapest way to maximise their death-per-dollar ratio, but these days It's probably going to be cheaper to put delay-action bioweapons in the water supply or something.
if you seriously think france isn't just gonna continue down the current path forever I've got bad news for you
They're starting to riot LETS GO BOIS
time to ruin europe once and for all
God damn why is American antifa so low energy and low test compared to yuropoor antifa?
These guys at least look operator.
riots in france are shit except if theres nignogs or arabs
The reds are on the streets!
Those are expensive, portable propane tanks will have to do.
funny, this photo could have been taken 2000 years ago or more
>Are these /ourguys/ or (((their guys)))?
are the police gonna do something or are they just preparing for the hokey cokey?
Our antifa don't drink milk and are all vegan.
Low energy!
What a surprise. Upper class communist scum ruining some working class person or a pensioner their livelihood.
wait, is Israel supplying us with the truth now?
Surely, i'm being jewed somehow
> 1 post by this ID(F)
ah, there it is
Shit. If anything does kick off this camera person will be looking the other way. I will wait for the highlights on the news.
Nah, GIGN don't do demonstrations, they just train all the time and intervene when they're called. They have better shit to do.
The guys with the shields are CRS, so just riot control police.
they are making sure the protest is contained and doesn't start spilling in other streets and boulevards
i just want the cops to charge and end it in 30 min like it always happens
>Organised by several French unions and student groups, the protesters criticise the upcoming elections as a “political masquerade” and reject the policies presented by the candidates that lead the voting polls.
well shit put up a candidate yourself then
other random vandal spraying a shop
They're chanting about fascists now, I do not speak frog ribbits however.
What's the graf say?
Lyon's anarcho-socialists want to riot tomorrow after the results (~21:00, Paris time).
It's so much easier to chimp out and destroy other people's things
because it's staged
That's why I've always hated them.
Nigga I'm just mobileposting, my IP changes depending on whether I'm in WiFi range or not. The other kike in this thread is also me.
Sett as ballot
"the pavement as ballot paper"
reference to may 68 where they took the bricks off the pavement to throw at cops
Leftie scum protesting against a democratic election.
Distraction from the peaceful religion of peacefulness attacks against the police.
I'm as hyped about this election as I was for brexit.
Anarcho-socialists/collectivits. Black and red flag.
Des "anarchistes" et "antifas" comme on dit souvent.
is there a day in france without a riot?
>black and red flags
they surely aren't (((their guys))) but i'm sure you dont like them here
what are they chanting? something about faschisty
There are also stupid italian antifas. They've just chanted "Siamo tutti antifascisti" ("we're all antifascists").
Did I just fucking hear "are we in Baghdad ?"
Currently chanting : Everyone hates elections
Eurocommie scum.
It's italian, they're saying "Siamo tutti antifascisti" ("We're all antifascists"). Nice seeing we italians can't resist in joining those shitheads.
>french people don't want fascist to protect them but islamists to kill them
can somebody explain this to me?
oh shit some arabs here and there, definitly gonna chimp out
makes no sense
I think a lot of them are actually palestinians.