Ending the "Cultural Marxism" meme pt 2

Continued from previous: Ever get annoyed about how many people on Sup Forums spam "cultural Marxism" when ever they see something the don't like? With no references?
Well this actual Marxist actually debunked it:


Other urls found in this thread:


nobody wants to watch 17 minutes of a faggot defending his faggotry. put it into text and stop spamming your youtube channel you commie wannabe.


I'm actually not the guy in the video (hint: he's British, I'm a frog).


>william lind

Nice source! Are you going to link the Schiller Institute as well?


i dont FUCKING CARE. explain this goy shit in text or fuck off commiefaggot. this little twerp has the most annoying little limey voice ive heard in at least a month.

stop copy-pasting my thread OP

>no references

What is Frankfurst School?



Sorry comrade.



Don't watch the videos, and don't give it views.

Carried over from the other thread Answer me this then, /leftypol/ shills. Okay, let's say that Adorno, Gramsci, the Frankfurt School had nothing to do with neo-Marxism, who made Marxism about identity politics then? Who/what pushed the anti-white sentiments into academia, deconstructionism, post-modernism, literary critical theory, race denial, decanonisation, feminism, post-structuralism, queer theory, genderqueer ideas, postcolonialism, Freudian-Marxism, Lacanian-Marxism etc?

>So in other words Marxists have no problem with demographic replacement
Demographic replacement happens because people aren't earning enough to have family, but capitalism requires constant growth. Marxists are against demographic replacement because we are against people grinding themselves down into fine capital.

>show me evidence that him being jewish had any effect on his life? he wittnessed the horrors of the industrial revolution. he witnessed the beginning of imperialism and how it oppressed black and brown people around the world. sorry him being a jew had nothing to do with him critiquing the fucked up world
If you really care to find out read The Culture of Critique.

Of course judaism was not the only factor. Humans are complex biological machines and there is no single factor for any single idea. If there was there would be no jewish nationalists or conservatives.
But there is also a reason why jews were so greatly over-represented in the leadership of every communist party worldwide at the time.
It perfectly fit their ethnic survival strategy and ethnic ethical bias because it was greatly informed by it.

If you want to understand left-wing thought without understanding judaism you are destined to learn nothing from the experience.


Nice argument

>da joooz meme

Please. Once again, no one denies the influence of Judaism on the Frankfurt School, but to link it to a "conspiracy" is nonsense.


This text is literally: "fuck the productive forces, return to HaShem and His Torah." Nothing in there about idpol.

The truth shall set you free.

give me the names of the people who are curently enforcing this.

I know right? IT'S DA RICHZZ

>da jooish lobby meme

AIPAC only has power because it already supports elite interest. Not only that, but the Indian Lobby is far more powerful than the Israeli Lobby as far as influence on American foreign policy goes.


This guy


Some FBI disinfo on Stormfront, probably.


There are Jews, and those who follow Jewish ideology are useful idiots. That's the easiest way to describe whatever subversive Jewish nonsense the useful idiots believe, and deny the scientific method to defend.


As a great man once said

"If you want to understand left-wing thought without understanding judaism you are destined to learn nothing from the experience"

Rothschilds have nothing to do with postmodern academia. Yes, they're scum but they're scum because they're capitalists, not because they're Jews.


>le ebil capitalist maymay


What elements of Judaism contributed to leftist thought, specifically? Can you go over them in more than two sentences?

I can because I read:


I hear you.


Israeli state apparatus =/= Jews

Most Israeli politicians aren't even religious ffs.


First things first
>Marxists are against demographic replacement because we are against people grinding themselves down into fine capital.

Any evidence behind this?

Why then are there no voices of opposition to this, apart from a few in old labour movements? Coincidentally enough, they are all old white men.

Why do the faggots from /leftypol/ so opposed to Europe remaining white?

Are you denying that universities have become SJW producing regressive shitholes?


>an actual Marxist

Let me guess. He's a millennial atheist?


No. are you going to answer my question?

Stop shilling your shit video, OP. Somebody please run this faggot over with a truck already.

I've read that book and it's utter trash. Chomsky even critiqued the fuck out of it.

God, this board has turned to such utter fucking shit.
Genuinely feels more full of crypto-leftist crap than being around normals

>getting hung up on labels
who cares what it's called

cultural marxism

jewish subversion

it exists regardless of what you name it

> chomsky

You didn't answer his questions.



Is there any stereotype you idiots don't fit?

>Any evidence behind this?
Virtually all literature and thought condemning capitalism, it's exploitation and injustice.

>Why then are there no voices of opposition to this, apart from a few in old labour movements? Coincidentally enough, they are all old white men.
All actual socialists get silenced or purged, neoliberals run things now. At best, you get some lukewarm SuccDems.

>Why do the faggots from /leftypol/ so opposed to Europe remaining white?
>taking race and borders are spook shitposters seriously

>The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution
and Russia's Early Soviet Regime
>Jews, the USSR, and Communism
>Jews and Bolshevism

Explain how Judaism or Jewish culture influenced Marxism or Critical Theory.

I'll wait.


> marx

I've seen that quote before, and it's entirely fake. Horkheimer and Adorno were social conservatives who rejected full-blown Marxist revolution.

Benjamin and Marcuse were the two most radical members of the Franks. Benjamin was a religious nut disguising his theological writings as "Marxist" whereas Marcuse was highly critical of the hippie counter-culture he's accused of creating.



Fake quote is fake. Citation needed.

All you're doing is pointing out that they were Jews, not how Judaism or Jewish thought had influence on Marxism or modern leftism.

Pic related dickhead. Do you want a list of individual university professors all across the west? Stop playing dumb. This regressive shit comes from somewhere. Feminist classes, Marxist unions and clubs at universities, African-American studies, Aboriginal studies here, I could go on.

>Le spook meme XD

>Marxists are against demographic replacement
>taking race and borders seriously
Well which is it?

not argumento

Did you know that Quantum Science is actually a Christian plot....

I can prove it; a whole bunch of quantum scientists have been christian.

...what you're saying is just as dumb.

No, the "race and borders are a spook" is a meme, and you take the shitposters seriously.

Isn't the answer obvious? Hijack it. Modern forms of marxism, like constructivism are designed to be interpreted by the one who screams and spams his interpretation the most. The designers just thought by being the designers they would make sure (((their))) kinship would have an ahead start to define the future. Praise the Lord their kinship has become lazy non inovating jewish puppets

They specifically pushed the idea that anti-antisemitism is a D&C bourgeois tactic, and kikes are meant to be our brothers.

I meant pic related for this post

Explain how Judaism influenced leftism.



It's the bourgeois I s-swear mom.

He didn't like Leninism, they were still pinko scum

for all the stupid commie here in this thread

That doesn't explain anything. Do you believe every text written by an Italian is influenced by Roman Catholicism?

The definition of cultural marxism is the subjugation of a specific culture's values through forceful insertion of another's.

Take Europe, for instance. You'd most likely agree that European culture was strongly tied to Christianism. Homossexuality wasn't enforced, though it was accepted, general meritocracy was in place (aka no quotas for blacks, women or other 'minorities'), and immigration was controlled. Women were meant to find long-lasting partners, as were men, and being a slut was generally shunned upon. Men were expected to protect their propriety and found families with traditional values, and children were meant to be just that: children. Cultural marxism comes into play when you insert alien values into this society; such as mass immigration, forceful insertion of homosexuality acceptance (and even heterosexuality despisal), an outright rebellion against conservative values, which are regarded as 'boring' and 'uninteresting', and so forth.

It's not spam. It's Cultural Marxism by definition. The same thing happened in Brazil, you see: Past the militar regime a few years ago, most of the population was actually right-wing and overall conservative. It was a good place to live in. Music spoke of love, of life, of happiness. Through en masse populism, however, Lula (aka the commies) won the elections, and Cultural Marxism entered into play. It's strongly suggested that the birth of strongly immoral 'funk' was subsided by this government. It pushed women to be sluts, men to be and to want to be with sluts, homosexual normativity and the whole nine yards. It also pushed an unnatural passion for football, regarding it as the 'god of all sports', and you see the population was easily alienated.

Governments tend to push cultural agendas that befit their interests and their interests alone. Through subside, whether directly or indirectly, a country's government controls much of the populace's general behavior.

Why do people keep replying to this shill?

It probably can't even think straight after taking some Critical Theory up its ass for the entirety of its adult life.

If you can't resist the bait at least use Sage with your post to spare us the trouble of seeing this shit on page 1.

Go back to r/The_Donald

/leftypol/ is down the hall and to the left.

What is with worker Politicians?
btw, not posting an archive

If you're a historical materialist, how could it not?

Yes everything we do is a reflection of our foundations.

Because ethnicity isn't the determining factor in ideology.

"The Culture of Critique"

Copied over from the last thread.

The magnum opus of the Frankfurt School, aka Institute for Social Research was a series of books under the heading "Studies in Prejudice"

Anybody bother to check who paid to have that work done?


Get'm Carlos you cheeky foker

What has that to do with your statement? You just denied the effect of roman catholicism on italy for fuck's sake.

>I'm a useful idiot.
>Let me tell you how useful idiots don't exist.

So demographic replacement is indeed fine because race is a spook.

Race is a biological fact. Race, genetics, environment and culture all determine intelligence, health, behaviours etc. You're taking /leftypol/ shitposting too seriously.

>Funny how those Jewish """workers""" ended up being the majority of the vanguard of the Bolshevik revolution. Totally not over-represented or anything.
>Funny how the revolution would not have happened without the backing of those very Jewish bourgeois that was meant to be the enemy.
>Funny how they would go on to kills tens of millions o ethnic Slavs in Russia, the Ukraine and invade Poland
Really activated them almonds. Inb4 the holomodor didn't happen.

H-he hated jazz... That m-makes him social conservative!

Communism is a fringe movement.

Marx's grandfather wasn't just a regular Jew. And yes if that persons family has strong ties to the church it will probably influence his ideology to some degree.

Adorno had very little to do with The Authoritarian Personality so it's ridiculous to portray it as representative of his thought.

Fuck to leftypol frog, your bs won't stick here.

>So demographic replacement is indeed fine because race is a spook.
Demographic replacement is a spook. :^)

>if the holocaust didn't happen that must mean the holomodor didn't happen too!


This article explains the actual thought of the Frankfurt School:
