Post your Mayor

Post your Mayor.

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no way NSA

No mayors here.

>Burger reich when?


Kek is the only and true authority I respeck.

Kek answers to a higher authority






>Roland Ries



>the mascot

I love Pastor Manning!

what the fuck




I live in too small of a village

we have no website or photos of our mayor, but he's some white farmer guy



>small british village
>White farmer
No shit.

It's comfy though senpai

From my small village

So based he does not even belong to a party.

That's really pretty!

Looks like a little slice of heaven right there..

Good fishing?

the guy has an 80% approval rating, he's the only liberal i've ever voted for


Thanks and yeah! Nothing better than fishing for your own dinner with some friends and a few smokes. We often talk of going hunting sometime soon, too.

south bend here

>Elected without party
Who paid for the flags, papers and propaganda?








I'm not even sure we have a mayor.




Fish you catch yourself tends to taste better too..

I live about 20 miles from the heart of Atlanta, where I work.

It's a pretty short distance, but the difference is practically immeasurable. It's like traveling back in time, or to another planet.

I love small town, southern living.

We talk about going hunting too, but the last time we went, it was chilly, we set about getting warmed up, and then we fell asleep.

Good times..




My town..

>check flag

the memes write themselves


>feminist mayor

Woow, looks like such a nice place.
I really envy you

Jean Yves Senant
Mayor of Antony (92)

Thanks man

It's good to dive in and swim in the river but during the summertime you have to be careful cause it's likely that a sheep has taken a shit somewhere down the river and it all floats past you sometime. Gotta be careful not to swallow any lmao. They don't show that part of country life in the movies kek

Cecil A. Gutierrez


>MWF my city is in the one Rhode Island county to go for Trump

Mayor of Marseille




Masonic Mayor,

>looks like you're feasting with the devil every night annon

Im in Roswell so we have Jerry wood

He's building a fucking stupid funiculair that literally no one asked for

That thing he's wearing is not masonic.
It's a symbol of his office.
Everyone is a fucking freemason here, anyway.

meant for


Who here /NYC/


Are you a disgusting kike, wop or spic?

That mayor sucks though

Fellow Georgianon reporting



>Kek answers to a higher authority
Why do I always fall for this?




fite me



A fucking Filipino.

Another beautiful day in Georgia!

We were talking about fishing.. felt obligated to show off this guy.. This was from lake Lanier...


My Id changed..

Crivella 10!!! He's a Christian fag. It was either him or a literal communist.

Damn you

he's in jail lol

>Harrison County, Mississippi

Which authority?

We have a weak mayor system though. The City Manager (unelected) is who actually runs things.

rip in peace

>squirrel face

how can other states even compete

kill me ...


fuckin weirdo

joao doria