EU said we have to accept 1200 refugees

EU said we have to accept 1200 refugees.
We refused.
Now we are ordered to pay a huge fine.

What the fuck? Send them to Germany / Sweden. They seem to like those goatfuckers.

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As long as the EU Gibs are bigger than the fine, why do you care?


Get yourself cucked or i will call israel and they will send the mossad to fuck you up you dirty antisemitic racist

Focus your rage on genociding our beloved Doppelpass roaches (for Germancucks: having an extra citizenship is a felony here).


Who cares. What will they do? Declare war with their armies? Oh wait they got no armies. Tough shit they better shut the fuck up then.


They can cut gibs and Czechnya will evolve back into a meth and prostitution ridden post commie shithole.



>this shit argument again
They can shove their "gibs" right up their asses. No country joined the EU under the preimse of having to accept thousands of shitskin terrorists and there's no amount of money that'll change that.

They wouldn't stay anyway. They would take the next train to Germany for more gibsmedats.

You know you want all those doctors and scientists. Pay up Czeckers. King me.

kek, fuck you

wanted to be like the West? Then you have to be like the West. I mean Vaclav Havel wanted Czechia to be like the West, right goy?

>Now we are ordered to pay a huge fine

Don't pay it, they can't order shit. They can't even cut the funds, because they're settled till 2020 and would need agreement from everyone to be changed including Visegrad. After 2020 we were supposed to become net contributors anyway.

They literally have no arguments and they are getting desperate as niggers just keep coming. They also try to influence the pro-EU electorates in V4 with threats of "cutting funds/imposing fines" and their own electorates to blame the clustrfuck with "refugees" on eanstern europeans because we "don't cooperate to solve it and are ungreatful". I don't know if anyone buys it, Propably only retards.

They are powerless old beurocrats in crumbling institutions with their chairs on fire, they'll say anything. If they could have forced us to take niggers they would have done it already, it's been two years.

Fucking Turks got us VdB with their illegal citizenship.

Sounds like time for a little Article 50 m8.

>brexit was a bad idea





Is this bitch going to die anytime soon?

>implying the EU is not, if anything, LIMITING the amounts of shitskins you take in
UK like rape rings exist nowhere else in the EU, at least not in the open, to that scale and with full government support.

> take 500 refugees ok?
> here are your 50 000 refugees
> what do you mean you wont take 500 000 refugees? You already said yes

Czexit when?

if you don’t accept then you can gtfo of EU..
You can’t just take money and do nothing for the community.

lets hope not or she will be replaced with something far worse.

Are you taking niggers Slovenia?

>Just take money and do nothing for the community.

The E.U. has found a new slogan!

Stop being a good little EU cuck.

Who would that be ?

Shut the fuck up dummie.

we accepted our quota of refugees.. we’ve separated them so they can’t form their own "chinatown" and they’ll be forced to integrate.

Our leaders are too cucked. We might leave if EU starts falling apart, but dont expect any initiative from us

they cant even stop refugees from the easiest possible border in probably the entire world.
The turkey border is the shortest land border ever man, what are they gonna do? come through Russia? cmon.
secondly, turning them away on water is even easier. You have planes, sonar wtf. Very easy to detect any refugee ships and hurl them back from wherever they came.

the EU is full of weak retards and they will drag us all down

>vice-chancellor Schulz becomes chancellor

Fucking disgusting. It's like they want to turn Europe into a circus.

Will LePen pull France out of the EU

>we accepted our quota of refugees



How can you separate any number of people on that half of a mountain you call a country?

USA (their jews) planned this..
they fucked up syria and libya and tried to fuck up egypt..
Assad and Gaddafi would be limiting immigrations if usa didn’t fuck around.

I have a better idea: put all 50,000 refugees on a shitty raft in the middle of the Mediterranean and tell them good luck.

Remember that movie Final Destination?

Well, the real world doesn't work like that, so sometimes a little bit of "intervention" is required to ...correct mistakes.

207 refugees

>Send them to Germany / Sweden

Shit, that's like twice your population. Better rename it to middle european caliphate now.

I laughed, thank you.

You'll take them (and you'll like it!) because they don't understand the meaning of the word "No".

leave then, the EU is going to fall in our lifetime so may as well get out now

Dont give up cz bro

joke’s on you.. our government will not allow hungary to have a share in our second-railway, despite all your begging.

Rise up! Throw off your EU chains and drink more beer!

Time for a Czexit.

Why are your posts so retarded?

So what? You got .cucked by kikes and niggers because you are weak. Even Slovakia takes none.

The "fair" share of refugees is 0. They are illegal migrants. They shouldn't even be allowed on this continent and you are boasting you will "make them integrate" wow, so hardcore. You fucked up, Slovenia and now you are just bitter because we show you things could have been different if you had any balls.

just leave the EU ffs

I don't think there's a bigger joke in the world than "slovenia". Especially the now soon to be caliphate of slovenia.

while the whole western world's establishments face challenges from the right
germany is the only one with the challenge coming from the left

>Now we are ordered to pay a huge fine.
Don't pay it then?

207/2m.. do the math idiot

we’ve got a cleaner nature and a better economy, so you’re in no position to belittle us

Kek, fuck off Hans, keep dreaming!
You brought it on yourself, and it's not up to other countries to clean up your mess

Lel, slovenian eu cucks, lickers of german and soon also mudslime balls.

Stay strong Czechbros, vote for most radical party that can get into parliament and nakopejte ty kavárenské šerešovy zmrdy do prdele. And dont pay eussr anything.

That'll soon be 2m/2 little cuckboy. Your "country" is literally half a mountain which is now full of niggers. At least the next border we have to close isn't a long one.

Fuck off, we're full :^)

sure abdul

EU = fascism
>do as we say or pay up!
is there a single politician there that has the balls to turn to those mother fuckers?

god i wish i was my countrys prime minister.. i would fucking laugh at their (EU leaders) faces!

Why is EU sending refugees to the Phillipines? I thought it only sent dirty old men there to fuck little brown monkeys.

didnt israel sterilize blacks or something?

how come you can do it and the czechs cant?



top lel

Thanks for the kind words Slovakiabro. We really need to make our own V4 union and GTFO the failing EUSSR

>EU = fascism

I wish desu

>You can’t just take money and do nothing for the community.

Not accepting refugees IS good for the community.

Haha, I love Hungarians.

More people have to get a yellow fever until election

You're a fucking ignorant. You're simply one of the plebs that unwillingly will drag us all down.

You think you're enlightened, but you're not.

You think you know how things works, but you don't.

Yet, you're quick to draw conclusion.

Fuck you, and everyone like you.


team up with poland and hungry and refuse fine

>what they gonna do

Our pm is total cuck, he has no balls to do it.

> another organization forcing a sovereign nation to accept people that it doesn't want

This is such a bizarre concept to me. Thank God we have people here in government that are violently opposed to giving up sovereignty.

like UK and sweden

V4 countries were actually working together on that issue, but EU and Germany are trying hard to separate them and Czech and Slovak PMs are easy targets, because they are corrupt to the bone and actual bolsheviks.

Just dont elect Babiš, or you are finished.

>Just dont elect Babiš, or you are finished.
babis wins, its him or Sobotka again, he cannot be worse.

serves you right fucker, better do what we tell you. Your economy is dependent on german companies so shut up do what we tell you.

Slovenia is far too small to be a caliphate. Emirate maybe.

It's not what EU will do but what Turkey will.
Last year EU gave Turkey £2.6 billion in exchange for holding back undocumented migrants (there's approx 3 million of them). These bribes don't pay for themselves.


He can, literally his whole bussiness is based on EU funds and he is part of the global elite.

Go back to goatfuckistan ahmed.

fuck off hans, your union is falling apart. how does it feel like? Three times tried to rule over europe three times you failed.
You re quite autistic

>1200 refugees
This is fucking nothing

Anyway after one day all of them would run to Germoney

(plz ignore ip flag)
Actually, we have good relations with Israel, better than germany, game over

>do what we tell you

That actually already happened.
We took some (((christian families))) from syria, They stayed here for few days then fled to germoney.

I doubt that, he supports Zeman, who is patriotic, currently one of his ministers want to run for president, babis told him fuck off.

Babis is pro eu all the way, however hes against immigrations/current gun restrictions.

(and nope i wont vote him)

German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.

man. V4 is our only hope. at least here people are not rapefugee welcome by defalut like in germany or sweden.

> *Hungary builds fance*
> Slovenia: "hurrr that's evil"
> migrants change route to slovenia
> *builds fence too*

Slovenia everyone, you're so pathetic

Sure thing, Abdoul. Sure thing.

>an "empire" where it's citizens get gangraped by muslims
Nice job.

We give more than we receive, most of these (((money))) are nothing more than bribes for politicians to care more about EU interests than our own.
>if you don’t accept then you can gtfo of EU..
Oh how I would, but then our politicians would have to give us referendum and they won't as long as they get paid by your dear EU.

If I were in charge, the whole refugee crisis would last a week tops.

>post commie
Commies are almost reigning again.

>next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
you will be done much sooner
>We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
I agree, however you cucks forgot that you are part of europe as well.
>Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
:D. "made in germany" You are just assembling stuff form smaller parts which are produced in countries such as v4. Theres no such thinkg as "made in germany", more like "assembled in germany"
>Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer ru
Do you realize you are destroying even yourself?

How I wish for this to happen. Only if cucked leftist weren't in power.

You could try to do that, yes. But it's about the pronciple, foreign countries should not be able to decide who lives in your country. Remember, the Eurocrats want everyone multicultural (ideological reasons) and they want to effectively dump the niggers from their overflowed asylum centers into Eastern Europe for good (practical reason). You will have to tell them to fuck off.

Once they realize that the refugees are just going through the border back to Germoney they'll start coming up with new shit. Like more money for the niggers so that they stay and some "EU Relocated Refugee" permit where they have to legally stay in the country they were put in to get gibs. There will only be ever more niggers relocated. The Eurocrats will never stop with ever new ever better ideas to enrich our countries with (((diversity))). Once you allow it because you think you re smart it will only intensify.

We may as well tell them to fuck off altogether with that, look tough and spare ourselves the trouble.

Kraut, your economy is also very export -dependent
>Trump limits import from germany
>South europe is economically collapsing -> no demand

You're fucked

germany is destroyed already. this EU reich will fall apart soon. Too bad germans will turn to muslims. take your factories back. no problem. better than have shitskins and black scum on our wellfare.