Well boys? Where are all the anti-Christian Republicans, alt-right protestors against Christianization...

Well boys? Where are all the anti-Christian Republicans, alt-right protestors against Christianization, and Bible-burning marches??

Or are Republicans a bunch of inbred, immature, hypocritical poo-poo-heads and horrible human beings?

Stop posting the frog

She's too pure for Sup Forums

One murders thousands of people a year.
The other doesn't.

Why so confused?

Weak b8 thread, fagit.

Because pisslam is a shitskin nigger religion and you are underrated, get off this board

Don't pollute Tsuyu with your shitty politics.

Using Froppy for top text/bottom text memes should be a bannable offense.

Because words are not violence, and suicide bombings are violence.

wbc doesn't cut people heads off you fucking autistic piece of shit

Westboro baptist (and even the KKK) don't run around trying to kill people across the world

You also don't hear liberals saying they aren't real christians

I most certainly criticize Catholics because of their current cuck pope

When was the last time Westboro killed a bunch of people for God?

Let me know when Westboro starts a war and is grabbing territory while raping and pillaging along the way.

Bigotry is as worse as murder

ISIS follows the Qur'an to the letter, whereas the Westboro Baptist Church has been proven to be a tax evasion scheme. Look it up.

The right to discriminate is integral to a free society, whereas murder violates the liberty of others.

When did the Westboro Baptist church do anything besides being annoying and heretics?

>Not being a Christian Militant

When WBC decides to declare Kansas a theocracy and murder/enslave the residents I'll either protest or join them.

You mean Westburrow Baptist started posting youtube videos where they cut off heads?


Okay, you can judge Christianity by a dozen or so people who hold signs, we'll judge Islam by the tens if not hundreds of thousands of Muslims who are commiting, or atempting to commit, genocide currently.


>WBC: 40
>ISIS: Over 30,000


>WBC: No
>ISIS: Regularly films and uploads them

Killing people from other religions

>WBC: No
>ISIS: Regularly

Killing people at all

>WBC: No
>ISIS: Regularly

Destruction of culturally significant artifacts

>WBC: No
>ISIS: Responsible for the destruction of countless amounts of priceless relics and monuments

Armed military

>WBC: No
>ISIS: Yes

Claims statehood

>WBC: No
>ISIS: Yes

Yeah, they're totally fucking comparable.

1. Literally every Christian criticizes the WBC.
2. The WBC doesn't kill people.

westboror baptist doesnt strap bomb to their chests and walk onto buses and blow themselves up.

Also, fuck Venezuela


Put that frog on the floor and exit with your hands up

shit bait


slide thread.
sage in options

>this many people responding to bait
fucking sage you retards

Islam is not bad because of ISIS, it is bad because it is a supremacist ideology that is incompatible with western civilization and human rights. Also while the westporo baptists are a shit, they don't think that suicide-bombing jews is self defense.

Islam is not bad because of ISIS it's bad because it makes groups like ISIS.

The WBB haven't killed anyone, ever. At worst they have mad some people unhappy.

I understand that the regressive left can't differentiate between actual harm and hurt feeling but their is one.

If you ask christians & faith leaders if they support WBC they say no
If you ask muslims & imams if they support murdering gays, apostates, adulterers etc most of them say yes

do you see the difference?

>normies using anime for shitty memes

On the subject, Christianity doesn't say go kill the infidels

you can't compare isis and wbc. i really with that wbc would start beheading nonbelievers and chucking poofs off roofs but we're just not there

You know whats worse than both? You. Kill Yourself

Also WBC is a false flag

You're comparing one church in one town to millions of militarized brainwashed savages who rape and murder using their God as an excuse? How many members of WBPC have driven trucks into crowds of people in the last century? How many Muslims have driven truck into crowds of people in the last 2 years?

If ISIS was waving some stupid signs around all day, nobody would give a fuck.

I voted for Trump and I'm a Satanist. Regret it now a little with the whole Syria situation but I'll see after his first year or two before i make a decision to stop supporting him.

Don't remember Westborough Baptists beheading or bombing anyone

ISIS isn't actually the reason Islam is bad, it's those "moderates" that still hold dark age values.

Enough with the false equivalents. People don't hate Islam because of Isis, they hate Islam because of muslims. Isis is just the cherry on top.

but anti abortion Christians bomb and kill people

Both hate fags though, thus WBC are worse since they are white.

islam is bad because of islam

>Well boys?
I don't believe the Westboro Baptist Church ever asked all it's believers to kill every white man, woman and child in sight.

Fuck. Good point. I concede.

Also: allegedly moderate muslims chimp out when bombturbans are bombed.

So the worst Christianity has to offer is a family of idiots holding up signs saying "God hates fags"?

That's tame compared to the average Muslim's beliefs.

The Baptists don't kill or blow up a Catholic church because of a slight difference. You know, like the Shiites and Sunnis do.....

>explicit scriptural support for everything ISIS does

>no scriptural support for WBC

sage this faggot shareblue thread

You fucking cunts need to understand the WBC is a goddamn Democrat operation. It's literally a group of lawyers going around trying to get arrested so they can sue the living daylights out of local authorities.

They try to get people to attack them, that's why they bring 'god hates fags/soldiers' to the appropriate gatherings.

How the fuck this isn't common knowledge yet just shows how little the media wants you to know just to keep this WBC meme going.

Why don't you go live next to Muslims
Tell me what's the main difference between Christians and barbarian sand cultist

>No reformation


If you don't understand this, you're beyond hope.

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>1 post by this id

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