Get the fuck in here, Frenchistan revolution 2.0 happening
What is it this time, France?
its funny, i dont see niggers around
wtf i hear commie chants in spanish!
zomg they're milling about!
What are they protesting this time ?
>antifa cucks standing around
>tfw not hanging out in Paris doing cool political shit on a nice spring day
why even live?
nothing happening yet just people walking around
They're keeping to their "real nigga hours" schedule. The crickets start chirpin and chimpin out later on at night, after the civilized have gone to bed.
every broken bottle = 0.01% increase on Le Pen vote
I know hey, this looks like fun
something le cool will happen
Girl sitting on the barricade is sort of qt
Seriously why do lefties bother? Do they not realize that chimping out only works against their cause?
>1000 people manifesting
some serious qtz in the crowd too... here most of the people that show up for protests are pretty scary looking
We need to discover the ...
"Black Collapse Equation."
How much Africanization can civilized nation endure before it collapses?
Like with Egypt. Egypt never recovered from the Nubian invasion.
Looks a lot like a university campus gathering
A country where there are more terror attacks than there are days in a year, per year - well played multiculturalism.
Must stop the milling.
Ban milling now!!
We don't even know anymore.
Just like Fergistan and Baltimurder, these riots will only help an outside to win the election.
Only commies think destroying your own city is a good idea (niggers too, although they probably dont think they just burn).
Normies don't like this type of crap, and at the very least are more likely to stay home on election day, rather than vote for more of this. Some may vote against it, but not many.
Make sure to vote, Frenchbros. Turnout may be low and so your participation will become critical.
wtf is this retarded shit?
Someone who speaks french tell us what the banner says when you can eventually see it
They're protesting that it's been over 30 hours and a muslim hasn't killed an innocent citizen.
what are they even protesting? too few terrorist attacks?
can we just ignite the civil war and get this shit over with?
this literally always happens in Paris, usually more violently. Stop fabricating happenings
just fuck my banner up senpai
Why are those nappyheads telling her she can't film the banner?
I like their drummer though
SOOOooooo many coal burners there!! EWWWW
Bunch of bongo beating wankers, NOTHING HAPPENING HERE, move along people.
Imagine the stench of 500 french Communists in one place.
Not even a MOAB can clear that air.
I hope French anarchists are more organised than yank ones, and that there are events planned beyond drumming
are these protesters antifafa?
I'm willing to try tho...
Oh my god, they start to sance with the ouga bouga instruments. In 30 minutes, they will try to reproduce...
France needs the Don for protection against the antifa and islamic hordes.
That red and black flag is littered throughout the crowd
I have the stream open as background music for studying.
You should try it too.
That one dude with the flag is... or at least he thinks he is...
I must admit the drums are pretty good though.
the police are forming a line with riot shields uh oh.
perfect opportunity for an islamic truck of peace to show everyone how great multiculturalism is
>French people protesting
>implying they would attack their own
Roman formation GO!
idk man, i see mostly Caucasians in that crowd
guy in white attire with white baseball cap and covered face may be one of our guys.
As much as Britain and France has always had a love hate relationship (though I'm Scottish where France has always been regarded favourably) it is a greater shame that what was once the lantern of Western civilisation has been so spoiled than what has happened to other countries. Germany fully deserves everything it's getting and the cities of England were always Satanic hives of depravity but it's not surprising the jew has made France his main target.
somthing about to happen
Are they starting a fire?
>yfw the Bogs show up on this stream
it looks like they are dispersing
What are they even protesting?
Who is protesting against what exactly?
pajeets demanding dedicated shitting streets
it's over
come back tomorrow night for the real happening bois
what does the white sign say?
The only source I can find reporting on this is the nyt and it's not very informative
Protesting is the only tradition french can have
burning things is like their national identity
That's what happens when you base your nation around a rpeasant evolution
Basically France died with Napoleon III
Replay of 1789 when?
Paris looks like one big urban hive mind jungle with french colonial architecture in the background. A literal theme park of international randos with well to do park-goers.
The more I see and hear about it, the less I feel like I'd ever want to visit it.
Can anyone give sauce on the French countryside?
She looks like a non-fridge version of Sarah Silverman.
>this passes for a riot in France
Some antifa subhumans.