Femanon here
You have TEN seconds to tell me why I should support Drumpf even though he's a bigot and I hate bigots.
Femanon here
You have TEN seconds to tell me why I should support Drumpf even though he's a bigot and I hate bigots.
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he's not a bigot, and the people who told you he is are liars.
user here
You have TEN seconds to tell me you're not in the kitchen, even though you're a woman and I love sandwiches.
What does being femanon have anything to do with your post
Nobody owns you explenation for shit, fuck off
Trump was the only candidate to take a stand against letting in hundreds of thousands of refugees and immigrants from the Muslim world. If the experience in Europe is any guidance, enabling that to happen would--in the long run--lead to an inherently bad situation for American women (whether they consider themselves feminists or not). That includes, among other things, extremely high incidences of rape while the Western world becomes rape apologists in the name of "multiculturalism" and "tolerance."
Tom Cruise is a lunatic, but his movies are entertaining as fuck
Donald trump is a lunatic, but goddamn he has made the news funnier than it ever was.
If you're anti-boredom, be pro-trump!
>hi I'm a woman
>tell me what to think
Trump is god.
Thanks for identifying yourself shill.
suck my fat dick you fucking entitled cunt and get the fuck off of Sup Forums
you shouldn't even vote, you don't need to support trump to make a sandwich, bah, who am i kidding, fuck off, larper
how is he a bigot
eh i don't know, there's thousands of people here, statistically speaking one or two is bound to be a female hambeast
Tits or GTFO.
If you go on Sup Forums and say you're a gurl you must post tits to prove it.
in 2017, is that really enough proof?
Tits or GTFO
We have protocol here for these sorts of things.
Because if you don't like him, the white space marine sharia rape gangs that come after are going to be really unpleasant
no one cares what a woman thinks, especially one that sounds fat and homely
>Femanon here
You know the rules.
It's too bad trap threads don't work anymore. Ah well, life goes on.
post tits or leave this place and never come back.
How about you first address the panel with respect, you entitled whore.
You're by definition a bigot too for hating bigots. Chu gonna do now?
Why do women feel the need to proclaim they're a woman on an anonymous image board?
underrated post
It's a useful tool so you know how to attempt to engage the poster. With a male you'd try facts, whith a female you have to go for the emotion.
She's just trying to help you convince her
Who cares what you think? Youre just holes.
No tits in OP..
No answers.
>you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it.
t. Hillary Clinton
>It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations
t. Obama
>When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you.
t. Trump
Only 1 of these are considered a bigot.
>a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
>OP - 1 post by id
>Femanon here
>No tits + time stamp
If you can't follow the rules we have in place here then don't even bother posting. No actual legit awnser until you post thy tits with timestamp. Now gtfo. Saged
>"femamom here"
because your gender in an anonymous vietnamese fishnet manufacturing forum clearly has to be pointed out for some reason
>"Do the thinking for me. Go"
Kill yourself
please rape yourself.