Islamic architechture > christcuck architechture

Islamic architechture > christcuck architechture
Prove me wrong.

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That's a church converted to a mosque and you are an idiot.

Wow dude, fpbp

Yeah, most of the really really nice ones use to be churches.

You're an idiot. Sage.

you are from turkey you can shut up now nobody cares what you think because it's wrong and uneducated

>Converted Hagia Sophia

This post is a sad result of inbreeding.


nice bait , roach/10 sage


I approve

So Haghia Sophia, a christian church, built by the Byzantines is now an islamic building?
Seize your inbreed!!!

Should that not be the other way around you roach? You would know Moquses better then anyone else.

>Cherrypicking: The Post

Islam started way later too

Such examples of CHRISTIAN VALUES.

On one side, a CHRISTIAN church, so wonderous and fantastic in beauty that the heathens of Islam couldn't bring themselves to tear it down, as they have never, ever seen anything so magnificient, some might have lashed themselves after thinking that not even their Allah was as magnificient as that Christian rock.

The other, built by CHRISTIAN FAITH alone, in a place devoid of so many resources and ingenuity, the people can still gather together to build shade and protection from the elements to worship their GOD in PEACE and be saved an be given ETERNAL LIFE. They don't understand Engineering or Architecture, but they trully understand GOD.

How can pisslam even compete when their peoples understand neiter the sciences nor GOD? When their STUPIDITY, result of not being blessed by CHRIST, and violence are the things they worship?

Hagia Sophia was built by the Byzantine's
When the Ottomans took over Byzantine the changed the churches to moskes.

Stupid turkroach

not even gonna try. have some lovely Egyptian work, lad

most big old mosques in Egypt and Syria were just converted from being cathedrals

>being Egyptian
>not knowing about the citadel

for shame.

I mean old from the middle ages

the Muhammad Ali mosque is not a converted cathedral... neither is the blue mosque, which is maybe the second most famous one in Cairo.

i know i've seen a few really shitty old mosques in the old city that were once churches, but they're nothing special.

do you have an example? i might be missing something.

I hope you get squished against a guard rail like those other roaches during the Turkish coup.