This is a thread for those who play Old School Runescape or are interested in starting
We mostly discuss Sup Forums stuff, and occasionally do clan activities in game
Clan Chat: The Redpill
This is a thread for those who play Old School Runescape or are interested in starting
We mostly discuss Sup Forums stuff, and occasionally do clan activities in game
Clan Chat: The Redpill
Fuck the mods bump
>Implying we want Sup Forumstards in our cc
Burger reporting in.
>implying this isn't a Sup Forums tier thread
Add me!
Username: Yamanto
99 Magic / 1 Def MasterRace
join the cc mate
The Redpill
>the_donald plays RS3
Sounds about right
i joined and it is fun. that is all. also give peep3000 coins pls
Is this real?
>plays a kids game
*tips black cavalier*
>kids game
I'd like to see a kid try to do zulrah desu
Wish I had the time and energy to play again, have a maxed pure and main on both rs3 and osrs
make a pure or something
Played the game autistically for around half my life or more haha, main is 104 cmb on rsc. Now I'm trying to max irl. Shits a bitch
Make an Ironman you'll feel like a noob jus starting again
Fair enough mate, I get why you wouldn't wanna play again. It's just a shame the cc wasn't around when you played.
Its a boring game user.
Oh yeah good idea, hardcore mode even better
It can't be that boring if 50,000+ people play it at any one time
40k bots 2bh
Yes it can. The combat and grinding make it boring. A lot of people in the game aren't even people, they are someones bot.
Runescape is, at best, addictive. Its only good when you're a kid and didn't know any better, you feel a nostalgic rush when playing it as an adult and thats probably the only thing keeping you attached like most people.
Ok, go play COD then, no ones stopping you user.
I get too obsessive and it's just not healthy at all. Might log on just to bring some bantz though in the cc randomly and get pwnd in some f2p pking on my pure. Tried it a while back and I suck, especially with everyone leveling def on their pures now
No thanks. I am currently playing BOTW, but i mostly play games on arcade machines I've built myself.
I like old games, user, but runescape doesn't qualify as anything worth more than shitposting about.
Ok, go play your arcade games then, stop mouth breathing in this thread.
Nah, its funny that you keep responding to me.
Parked a lvl 79 mage in 2004. That was 12 years ago.
I don't play it seriously dude,
Runescape is in no way as attention-focused as most games currently popular, i just play it to chill and get some levels. Unless you're using it for making real world money (gold selling / streaming) or ironman shit. That's why I can play it because I'm usually doing other shit whilst clicking.
Yeah I dm, keep bumping my thread for me user
That's what I liked most about the game, could do homework and shit while still feeling like you're getting somewhere in the game. I remember back in the day when fight caves came out I used that shit nonstop to max my first pures str and range
Actually, making money off runescape is the only reason anyone should be playing it.
Just create a shitload of bot accounts and have at it. Babysitting bots is as easy as clicking a tab. Mining bitcoin is better, but most people aren't going to make much on it at this point(but still an ok source of money combined with shit like runescape).
Playing vidya for money was a dream of mine,but playing the terrible ones because people are too lazy to grind in "for free" games is actually how you make money playing video games.
>claims to be redpilled
>it isn't
nice honeypot lads
Were you expecting autistic shitposting user?
No was expecting there not to be confirmed shitskins and racemixers as ranks
I actually had this little thing going for a while with a pascal based scripting language, I'd make about 10 noob accounts get them to 40 attack 50 str and range then sell em for 10 bucks a pop. Made a couple hundred off that as a teen hahaha. Good ol ebay "selling a joke with a free runescape account" to avoid issues. I thought it was clever. Also got me started on learning programming
Geef left mate
>not fucking other women
pascal based scripting language
scar is for faggots U FUKKEN NOOB
aryan was where it was at, which i'm surprised hasn't been brought up yet
How can you larp as a nazi while wanting to fuck other race's women?
The cognitive dissonance is unreal
Who said we're larping as Nazi's?
Sup Forums = / = nazi
bloody stormfag
buying gf 10 gp
Learning a dead programming language to edit SCAR scripts, those were the days.
We have all kinds of right wing people in the cc, not just natsoc. It's like Sup Forums, not a natsoc circle jerk.
btw did anyone else know jagex raped the makers of the "nexus" w/e its called bot in court, and then a few years later hired another big time bot maker.
felt like a complete assfuck double standard by them
>tfw friends are all offline and have been for half a decade
Feed me memes
Theres been a lot of inflation on rs recently, gf is worth about 2k now
Ill change to any gender for a dolla for you.
I got out of Jagex's bullshit when Andrew Gowner or whatever his name was left shit went downhill from there.
I never got too heavy into it really, just enough to get shit working right and make a few of my own scripts. It was the only botting platform I never had an account banned from. Anything else I tried always ended up the account getting banned at some point. Don't remember Aryan at all
I am level 50 in it and I quit. Not much to do in F2P. I am strapped for money right now.
The fuck, you have to download it now to play?!
so the chat isn't redpilled?
Take the D-pill!
kk meet at lumby rtd bank
I will give anyone 1m if they meet me at the wildy volcano. Don't bring stuff.
guys, we should all get together and wear all white and be kkk/nazis in varrock for the keks
Sorry leaf but the magic's gone this game just feels like a complete waste of time wish we could ignite that spark again
Based. we purge the shitskin zamorakians and the racemixed guthix followers.
reviewing my mutes i realized how autistic i was as a kid
>account got hacked and used for botting
>no way to appeal bans on Jagex website
aryan was the heavy duty proper java bot which could do a hell of a lot of cool stuff. scar was a lot simpler in that it only looked at what colours and patterns were on the screen.
funny thing i remember with scar was that other players could break your script by dropping items with the same colours you set it up to click... there were people who would hunt bots out and lure them to their deaths with that trick
thems were the days
Should I also be expecting lefty pol to come in and bitch and moan that it's not left enough?
Fuck you get back to Sup Forums and sidenote runescape was good
Did you used to spend hours following each other on that one stupid dance too?
Saradomin is the white god