>which one is better
>which one is easier
>which one has better job prospects
>which one is the least cucked
I want to move one of these
If you're alcoholic and suicidal just kill yourself in the US. That's what Greenland is famous for. Iceland is known for cousin incest.
Cheer up famalam, what would cheer you up? More bloktilskud`?
Well, Iceland actually has people on it, for one. Many of whom are attractive blondes.
Greenland, not so much.
Greenlandics are arguably the least useful people on the planet.
Bloktilskudd? Hva er det, en subsidie?
Jeg er træt af turister.
Iceland is like Anchorage, Alaska. Greenland is like Barrow, Alaska, but worse.
ive heard they eat fermented birds in seal skins on greenland. would like to try that. we like rotten things in sweden as well
>Greenland is like barrow
i guess i made my choice, ill be under the Danish king soon
>amerifat wants to move
>won't learn the language
>Beta as fuck
Just kys
You're retarded. There's nothing in Greenland except some Eskimos and semi-eskimos. There are no fucking jobs.
låter som förtryck från den vite mannen
Bloktilskud is the money we pay to greenland every year.
We pay like 600 million kr to the faroe islands yearly and like 3.5 billion kr to greenland.
Cant remember if that includes policeforce/military
t. edgy teen who thinks living far away from civilization is cool.
Grow up hippie. Living in the middle of nowhere is very inconvenient, and I know from personal experience. Having lived both in a city, and where I live now. Rural northern norway.
I det mindste tager de hjem igen, her i fædrelandet er vi ved at drukne i neger og kebabindianere og de tager sgu ikke frivilligt hjem
why are you paying 3.5 bil to drunken eskimos
whats the point?
This. They all think living in bum fuck nowhere is cool, laughing so hard.
i want to live in barrow though..
Hmm. Here in Norway we obviously don't have our own autonomous countries. But our countryside is massively subsidised.
Der er faktisk invandrere her, men mest Thailændere. Man kan ikke gå nogen steder uden at se invandrere.
Why though?
i grew up in a city
>i hated it
>i lived in the suburbs for a little hated it
>i went to visist my grandma in a remoate area in north dakota
it seemed so comfy
>no stupid HOAs
>no stupid people causing problems
>no annoying cops
Because they still fall under the Danish crown. Same reason The Netherlands still pumps money in nigger islands.
>stupid people causing problems
This is literally Greenland. I hate my people.
Why is Greenland covered in ice and Iceland covered in green ?
>inb4 why India covered in poo
Lyder ikke godt... Er du etnisk gronlænder eller bare en dansker som er flyttet derop?
isnt that the point to moving to greenland?
because fuck everyone else?
Greenland is about to become geopolitically very important once the North Pole warms up, more natural resources and shipping routes are opened up. Could it make Denmark a force to be reckoned with once again?
yeah but you rednecks doing funny stuff..my town has kids stabbing eachother and speeding through intersections
Medieval Warm Period. When Eric the Red went here Greenland was green.
considering the highest point in denmark is a fucking hill, you kinda need greenland in order to not cease being a country at all when the poles heat up
Believe me Greenland has stupider people. I really mean it. I'm a racist against my own people.
No. Unless you uncuck yourself and leave the crashing Union.
Greenland used to be green, back during the medieval warm period, and before that during the post-galacial climactic optimum during the Mesolithic age.
Only recently did it become ice covered.
Iceland maintained a decent climate only because of the North Atlantic jet stream.
Explains why everyone there looks identical
I lived in rural maine and loved it. KYS city faggot.
Also, are you US military? If so, I know the ginger chicks sister.
Etnisk, men der er danskere overalt. Virkelig mange halvdanskere der kun snakker dansk.
doesn't include police and military. All shared institutions are paid by danish taxmoney only
southern greenland is still green, no?
How can you not understand that there is a difference between any rural area/town and fucking Barrow, Alaska?
seems risky since we are export based and Germany is our biggest trading partner
how big part of the population speak only danish and no greenlandic?
Mener du raceblandede folk?
Også cool nok at snakke med en ægte isasiat, har snakket med gronlændere på Sup Forums en del gange men de fleste har bare været danskere der boede på gronland
>All shared institutions are paid by danish taxmoney only
shieeeeettt, forstår ikke hvorfor vi aldrig rigtig har provet at få et bedre forhold med færoerne og gronland, vi horer næsten aldrig fra jer og der er ikke mange fælles ting andet end dronningen måske... Kongeriget kunne være meget tættere hvis bare vi gjorde en lille indsats.
Oh, that Greenland flag!
Yup. It's the same latitude as Scandinavia.
isnt there like 3 different dialects of Greenland languages?
super rare
Iceland is ok but you will always be a foreigner
greenland is shit with highest sucide rate in the world
Yeah, Inughuit which is polar north Inuit, Tunumiut from the East (I don't understand them) and West Greenland which is mine. Since we're from 3 different groups of Inuit I actually feel as uncomfortable with them as I am when I see black people in real life.
have you visitied ice sheet and verified it is real? or do you take (((scientists))) word for it
Antarctica flag fucking when?
The ice sheet is real but you're right, the (((globslist scientists))) manipulate data a lot. They desperately want a global disaster to bring humanity together.
Your primeminister lars lokke (cucked by faroese wife) is trying. Last year he made all official danish buildings and around the world, flag the faroese and greenlandic on your national days. Though, many see it as stealing our national identity and forcing it into a fellow rigsdansk. Basically very risky to do anything that could be seen as colonialism, 48% infavour of indpendence in faroe islands and some 70% in greenland.
there are niggers in greenland?
fuck off
Pretty lame if you ask me. Why not get the best out of being in the rigsfællesskab?
Trying to connect our peoples shouldent be seen as a bad thing, it should have happened many years ago. Otherwise whats the point of being in the rigsfælleskab at all other than free gibs?
just curious, where do you live in Greenland? Nuuk?
Yes, they come here through cucked Denmark. Greenland opened up for the rest of the world in 1952 so it's genuinely fucked up to see so many foreigners daily.
Yes. It's horrible and I wish North Korea accidentally drops a bomb.
Can greenlanders freely come to Denmark? You have danish citizenship right?
stop being gay
The danes only have faroe and greenland for imperial ambitions in the arctic.
Do you know much about EVE Online? If not, Greenland.
Lmao i wish that was true, I fucking bet we will give both of you independance as soon as you find natural resources or whatever, certainly greenland.
We are way too cucked to hang on to you for own personal gain.
Ja, men ufrivilligt hvis det giver mening.
One is a sparsely populated wasteland and the other is Greenland.
> Iceland is known for cousin incest.
Not even true. Greenland is notorious for having an incest problem, where the men get drunk and fuck their daughters, hence so much misery and suicide in Greenland.
Don't be saying something about Iceland that isn't even ture, enjoy having the spirit of the cuck you skrælingi.
ufrivilligt at rejse til danmark eller ufrivilligt borgerskab?
Vai ver o futebol filho da puta.
The only time fresh semen is introduced to your country is during EVE fanfest when everyone is drunk enough to fuck a local.
they have fan fests for MMOs there..i might need to move there
Kek, tror du at det ville være bedre med et selvstændigt Gronland?
No local girls are gonna fuck some autistic fat, disgusting, MMO playing neckbeards. I'm I wouldn't be surprised if you kind of faggots wouldn't be attacked downtown at a Saturday morning for being so fucking creepy and nerdy.
There's a lot of violence that goes on downtown when people are clubbing.
Ég er frá Los Angeles. Ég fór til Íslands fyrr á þessu ári. Þeir hafa mikið af slæmum blæðum sem vilja ríða. Það er himinn þarna úti. Hefur ekki séð einn ljót kjúkling.
are you implying that you have to be drunk to fuck a purebred viking woman?
Greenland is 90% eskimo. It's not even white. In Nunavut, NWT, Yukon, and Northern Quebec we have to deal with these "people" too. For a bunch of primitive snow gooks their one single tribe's all over the fucking place.
Iceland is the whitest country in the world though, but arguably the most liberal white country in the world too.
Don't. The food is complete shit. The alcohol is like drinking from the Ganges. It's cold as fuck all year round without the /comfy/. Visit once a year like the rest of us.
Sorry to bust your bubble but the girls in Iceland are cheap. Not even the street hookers in Thailand are that cheap. Even local girls swoon when they hear foreign accents.
i dont drink
No personal experience, but I suggest you move to Iceland. Never met a single person from Greenland that was proud of his/her land.
Dude just come live with us.
I think landscapes like this are ugly as fuck. Because there are no trees.
>likes trees
> Sorry to bust your bubble but the girls in Iceland are cheap. Not even the street hookers in Thailand are that cheap. Even local girls swoon when they hear foreign accents.
Sad pathetic shitcunt, just because you got laid without having to buy a hooker doesn't mean you're something special. It just means you fucked some broad with low self esteem.
People don't usually have to pay for sex in a hook up culture you dumb cunt.
Hell yes I like trees.
im a pretty good looking man
>i dont even have acne
Redpill me on why there are no trees on the faroe islands.
Is it the soil, the wind, or some combination?
the jews
Locals used up all the lumber? Purely a guess.
I fucking knew it....
>I'm from Los Angeles. I went to Iceland earlier this year. They have a lot of bad bloods that want to fuck. There is a sky out there. Haven't seen one ugly chicken.
Cold, wind causes salt water to come on land and the biggest reason; sheep eat them.
There some trees planted by humans, but no grow freely in nature.
Ja, Skogen er beste stedet.
>It just means you fucked some broad with low self esteem.
That's still +1 sex more than you icecuck.
Serious though, I like your country. You're proudly Icelandic and don't stand for much bullshit. Would I personally live there? Nah. Are your women pretty easy? In Reykjavik, yes. Fanfest makes for a fun week but after that I've forgotten about you until the next one rolls around.
Looks comfy as fuck. Now I want to go there on vacation if I ever have the money. I'd imagine immigration is nearly impossible though?