Sup Forums 's opinion on civic nationalism?
Sup Forums 's opinion on civic nationalism?
Literally. Reddit
It always ends up being white nationalism because only white people support nationalistic policies
its what we have right now and it sucks
stop posting that troll image
Based civic nationalism! Can I get some upboats fellow redditors?
civic nationalism is just burying your head in the sand and pretending everything will be fine.
all civic nationalism does is lead to fucking Brazil.
fucking based! those stupid nazis cant handle those patriotic blacks and muslims!
Blatant cuckoldry and as far right as jews will let you go.
Failed system.
They are all trannies. That's why they are laughing. They think we don't know.
Yes, Mohammad, Civic Nationalism is so le cool.
*eagerly awaits gold and upboats*
Isn't it haram for sadiq to stand beside a jewish man?
Nation - from the latin natal meaning birth. Nation is biological, country is political. I have no gooks, sandniggers or any other non-euros in my nation.
it's for people who are still afraid of being called nazi by some drooling antifaggot
looks like average bosnians
Fucking top kuck
Why isnt there any pro white policies in africa, asia, south america if the natives there are supposed to be not-nationalist?
You got it the wrong way around bud, white genocide is real its just mental genocide
I would say civic nationalism is probably the only thing that's gonna work in America, Canada, Australia - places like it.
You could probably make ethnonationalism work in Poland or Serbia or whatever, but it's not going to work in America because we are a nation of immigrants and there is no "American" ethnicity in the sense that everyone who claims that ethnicity is truly the same race or ethnic group.
I think the best course of action for American nationalism is to focus on preserving those Enlightenment values that our country was built on such as freedom of speech, right to bear arms, etc.
>there is no American ethnicity
I know I'll get some flak for this, but long term I'd say your video is just naturally what's going to happen in America.
Part of assimilation is intermarriage, there's no denying that. That's why we've had great success in assimilating Asians better than we have blacks. I think a third of Asians in America have a white spouse, whereas that number is much lower among black folk, as mixing with them is still taboo, but mixing with Hispanics and Asians is a lot more acceptable and very common in the Western U.S.
>You could probably make ethnonationalism work in Poland or Serbia or whatever, but it's not going to work in America because we are a nation of immigrants and there is no "American" ethnicity in the sense that everyone who claims that ethnicity is truly the same race or ethnic group.
White vs nonwhite, you retard. It doesn't have to be compartmentalized down to a further level like german vs french vs english.
Stop pretending that white isn't a thing.
Spotted the Redditor
>not surprised by Swedish flag
>*unsheathes katana*
There are people who choose an American ethnicity, that is true. But there are very few WASP or English only descended Americans among the general population.
Most whites in America today are descended from the Germans and Irish. Italians, Poles, and Norwegians also have a sizable diaspora here.
I like how mixed race people die bc they cant get donor organs
Kek reality wins again, pol was right
The problem of your reasoning is that eventually immigrant populations will assimilate you.
There's no shortage of pure blacks or asians, but white immigrants are become more and more scarce in the US
Would be great if America was >90% white and guaranteed to stay that way. We don't need racial purity, just a clear white majority. It can't work though if your country is being flooded by third world trash, no political ideology can make a successful nation out of those subhumans.
I'm not a big fan.
civic nationalism is just a new flavor of neoconservatism
"White" is a very weak identity though. And most whites in America would likely reject white nationalism.
There is no "white" history, there is German history, French history, Italian history, etc. But "white" as an identity is a fairly recent thing. Europeans never even used the term until they came into the New World and had regular contact with other races.
It can only work as long as whites remain a decisive majority in the US and if the voting power of women is reduced if not eliminated completely.
Tolerance of other races is a sign of a dying society.
The minorities should just get mad at germans and brits
We didnt do nuffin
Depends, do you mean Cuckservatism, as we see in that photo or real Civic Nationalism?
Both are shit but proper civic nationalism where citizens are properly patriotic would at least be bearable.
Oh hey, that's that Rabbi encouraging 3rd world children to immigrate to Europe.
I do believe we need to reduce the amount of immigrants coming here per year. And that has precedent in American history as well, I think that's something we could get most Trump voters on board with.
But "white" nationalism is never going to catch on America. Most people here like other races and cultures. They just want American values to take precedence over that, and that is what should be happening instead of multiculturalism or whatever the left has cooked up.
quintessentially jewish subversion
I wish it would become illegal again
Only works in fantasy because people of different ethinic backgrounds bring their culture with them and don't fully assimilate. This creates odd things where their children lean towards their culture more than their parents do. A good example are Mexican immigrants who come and work then their children end up being scum that chant "Viva Mexico!" or the Islamic parents who end up having radicalized kids though I'm sure the parents helped out. It's not worth the issues that comes with it. Keep those willing to assimilate and eliminate birth-right citizenship.
Nobody can agree on what white is. It's to the point they just have some vague definition like "wholly European" which is fucking retarded.
It's another fifth column of Jewish subversion, like Marxism and (wait for it) Christianity.
If we ever balkanize, the high plains will become an ethnostate. Nebraska+Iowa+Kansas+Datokas. Maybe bits of some of the great lakes states.
>But "white" nationalism is never going to catch on America.
You are probably right. Yet it's good to remember that the US was basically a white nationalist state at the beginning, and that your culture is a mix of various European cultures.
It's a matter of demographics really. Once you are a minority, either the US balkanizes according to cultural and racial borders (which is unlikely, due to your very negative history with secessionist movements), or the US will simply no longer be a western country.
I find the prospect of having the niggest nuclear arsenal on the planet fall in the hands of third world immigrants to be unsettling
Herschel Lieberman is a troll account tho
No we don't.
Not intentional, but still kek worthy.
I meant biggest
It's the Jewish long game. If they lower the IQ of the nation they parasitize it makes it far easier to maintain control.
Jews always push for "multiculturalism" because it allows them access to power. But since you guys allow that then pat yourselves on the back about how smart you are for being a "civic nationalist" you had better start learning how to hue.
I think Balkanization is nothing but wishful thinking at this point. Could it happen? Maybe, but I'm doubtful it likely would. Last time part of the country tried to secede we had a war over it and they were brought back in.
We were mostly white throughout our history, and those whites voted for men who changed those laws. Ted Kennedy was put into power in a mostly white Massachusetts. Philip Hart was put into power in a mostly white Michigan. Emanuel Cellar was put into power in a mostly white New York at the time.
Being mostly white didn't stop diversity from happening. It's just American identity was never allowed to formulate due to the continual waves of immigration.
We went from an Anglo country, to a White Protestant country (after the arrival of Germans, Scandinavians, etc), to a white country (after the arrival of Irish, Italians, Slavs, etc), and now to a diverse country. It was all bound to happen.
Just because we get immigration does not mean we will become third world. Something like that would require mass movement of low IQ immigrants.
A lot of our immigrants are very talented, high IQ migrants from Asia and Africa. Our big problem is with Mexican and Central American immigration, as most of them are low skilled workers.
Long term, I'd like to see us use a system comparable to Canada where we take highly skilled immigrants and reduce the numbers. Something like when we brought over the German scientists like von Braun after WW2.
It wont solve shit and only postpones by a bit the cultural and racial genocide of the white race.
I bet you'll defend restrictions of white immigrants as well. If we raise the white birth rate and allow whites to immigrate just as easily as the rest. We could be 80% white in a few generations. Top that off with making immigration from the third world more strict and ramping up deportations. Civic Nationalism can't work when your minorities vote against nationalism. If we became a white minority country we would end up as a shithole.
Sure Schlomo let's bring in more high IQ Africans.
piss off jew
I would restrict white immigrants as well. Think of it this way, who do you think would be leaving Europe to come here: nationalist types? or shitlibs who have little connection to their homeland?
We would likely be getting shitlibs and moderates moving here from Europe, which would liberalize the country as well.
While we get too many immigrants, we also have a hard time assimilating them because the Democratic Party has made it their goal of multiculturalism, which is just a way of marginalizing American culture.
We should work on building up who we have here, and limiting immigration overall, but especially from the third world unless they are really talented.
>High IQ migrants
Those "High IQ" immigrants will only vote democrat as well. We should loosen restrictions on white immigration if we are going to improve our immigration system. I think making immigration from the third world more strict would benefit our country far more then allowing useless people in only to vote against trump. There's tons of whites from Europe to South Africa who would die to live here. Why not make their dreams come true? Even Sessions agrees with that. Tom Cotton has a very good point with the RAISE act. Less immigration will actually benefit our country and could prevent us from becoming the next Brazil. We should allow High IQ non-whites and the rest being whites to come in easily. While other third worlders should have a more strict approach of coming here like how the whites trying to immigrate have been.
A prerequisite for civic nationalism working is to get rid of the welfare state. Almost every race (except somalis and abbos) have something or some eople worthwhile to contribute. The issue, I believe, is the welfare state propping up the degenerates. Natural selection is unable to weed out the losers and the best of the best are being held down.
Look, I'm trying to think of realistic policies. At the present time we are going to have immigrants. While most Americans want reduction in immigration they do not want a moratorium. It is not politically feasible yet, maybe it will be some day.
But I'd much rather our African migrants have high IQ than low IQ. It's not ideal either way, but sometimes you have to moderate yourself to have an impact politically. That's why Trump won his election while David Duke got 3% in Louisiana.
>Muh liberal Europeans meme
This folks is the meme that's been used against whites from moving here ever Since LBJ.
Realistically, what percentage of Americans on Sup Forums are shitskin?
I would rather have multiculturalism to sow division so we can have white nationalism after whites get fed up.
Why would someone deny themselves and their country the services of skilled doctors and scientists that happen to be from foreign countries?
The only problem with immigration I have is uncontrolled immigration in large numbers of unskilled workers.
Anyone who is against Civic Nationalism is just a knee jerk reactionary and usually makes strawman arguments like:
>b-but civic nationalism will lead to mixed race babies! white women want to race mix 24/7 we will go extinct!
I really don't want to racemix, but I just don't find white women sexually attractive
Friendly reminder that America became a Civic Nationalist country on it's own way back before the 1920s, and Jews today are perverting the system of Aryan Civic Nationalism for the purpose of inciting white genocide.
But still why do we need more non-whites anyways? White immigrants were far more skilled then the immigrants we get nowadays. I rather keep our country white majority then becoming another Brazil by allowing only intelligent non-whites and whites as well as South African refugees in. At least they won't vote democrat and will make it possible for trump to win again. Dreamers and most of the immigrants we get are highly anti-nationalist and come from countries where hating whites is viewed as normal.
Again, do you really think nationalist Europeans are going to leave their homeland to move to the US? Think logically here man, if they love their homeland they aren't going to come here.
European migration in the past was different because it was mostly folks looking for true opportunity and freedom, but today I feel it would mostly be cosmopolitans coming here from Europe. We don't need more white shitlibs, I'd argue they've been more politically disastrous for us than the blacks at this point.
Fucking kek, nice dubbs as well.
>what is regression to the mean
They're still poison for our nation.
> Civic nationalism
> post picture of globalists
What did OP mean by this
Both will provide pretty much the same result
>its what we have right now and it sucks
Bud, you live in society owned lock and key by dark occultist psychpaths who rape, torture, murder, eat, and drink children and have massive gay orgies for ritual. Our money isn't real, most jobs are pointless pursuits of materialism, and nobody idealizes moral objectivity and traditional values. Check yourself faggot.
can potentially work in certain countries that are already melting pots to begin with but it is not the answer for Europe.
Ethnic Nationalism is the answer for Europe.
We don't need more non-whites, I'm not saying that. But we are probably going to get immigration in some form for now, I'd rather it be talented people who can assimilate rather than low-IQ types like the Afghans and Somalis have often been.
South African whites may be a good choice to bring to America, as they truly could use the opportunity. Maybe even Canadians and Aussies would be good choices as well, since they assimilate quickly. But I feel bringing in Europeans overall would be a bad move, as many of these people would be the cosmopolitan types.
If you think blacks from countries that hate whites are far better then whites who want to move here to escape the migrant crisis is better for our country. You might be a total idiot for wanting our demographic replacement by denying whites wanting to move here access. Most whites would already assimilate compared to the millions of non-whites we get. Civic Nationalism cannot work when your minorities and non-white immigrants vote against it. I agree with Sessions and how he wants to make immigration for whites easier. I want to see the left throwing a hissy fit and give the chance for people such as South African whites to flee from the Zuma dictatorship and Europeans who think this country would be safe for them during the migrant crisis.
This is a good point too. Ethnicity is still clearly defined in European nations. While a few nations like the UK have taken in a lot of Eastern Euros (they need to go back), most European countries have remained ethnically pure and should stay that way to preserve cultural continuity.
That stuff is not going to work in America or Canada though. We are just too big and diverse for that.
rip white people
It won't work because people naturally trust and associate with people of their own race and distrust others, even if only in a subconscious level. What follows is that even if these people fully integrated into one culture their offspring will form their own living areas, subcultures and values which will then likely conflict with the original culture. As time goes on these drift between these groups becomes larger, different races hate each other and outsiders won't be welcome in some parts of the town. This will cause massive damage to the functionality of the society and possibly even civil war. Some people might pretend to integrate into the dominant culture while still keeping their own culture alive secretly like the Jews. Then there is the fact that preserving our racial purity is important. It won't take more than a few hundred years of civic nationalism before 90% of the nation is formed by mulattoes with low IQ and temperaments that aren't ideal. Can you expect those people to preserve and upkeep the culture of their predecessors?
Works in large (by land size) countries that are diverse because people simply wanted to be there. It cannot work as well if you are forcing different groups of people into a meat-grinder like in European countries currently, because it makes people want to identify with people of simular religion/race/culture/ethnicity
Again, I am not against white immigration. And I am not for black immigration. Both I think wouldn't be ideal though.
Here's the thing - there are whites who I think would be good fits for America. South Africans, Aussies, and Canadians probably would make great immigration. I would just caution you bringing in Europeans since those coming here naturally aren't going to be nationalist - if they were nationalists they wouldn't want to leave their homeland in the first place.
It works with restrictive immigration. A slow trickle of foreigners into a country can easily be both culturally and genetically assimilated.
If an immigrant population can be kept at under 15 or 10%, the second generation will overwhelmingly identify with the host culture over that of their parent's homeland. And within a couple more generations, should racially different immigrants intermarry with the host race, within a couple more generations the immigrant will become part of the host race.
Civic nationalism works in countries with low immigrant populations, like Ireland! I highly doubt it would work where the native race is becoming a minority.
There's tons of Europeans on Sup Forums right now who want to move here to flee from the migrant crisis. Not all Europeans wanting to move here are Shitlibs in fact a lot of them want to flee for their safety. America strived with white and intelligent non-Whites. Sessions and Bannons purpose on white immigration especially from Europe and Highly intelligent immigrants from non white countries will benefit our country the most. The RAISE act would also help. Because we shouldn't become minorities in our own country. Most of the time this shitlib European thing isn't true, As even conservative Europeans who would vote for trump want to move here.
Immigrants are fine and honestly I wouldn't mind opening the borders completely and letting in all the refugees in the world as long as there is NO WELFARE STATE.
You know what would happen then? The low IQ hosers wouldn't come here because there would be no government teet to suckle off of. You've heard of the 'invisible hand' of the market? I believe that, if we Westerners had no welfare state an invisible border would exist...only those who wanted to work and actually make a positive contribution would come
It's just slower white genocide, it's cancer spouted by traitors and brown people.
Also, any nationalism is academic at this point-until our current satanic elites are removed.
Fuck out ta here
You are right that some Europeans coming here would be good. But again, I just fear that people coming from Europe today will probably not be nationalist because a nationalist would want to stay in his homeland.
At best, we would get a conservative, at worst another shitlib. Is this a risk I want to take? White shitlibs have been politically disastrous for us, you could argue that them and Jews are probably 80% responsible for the grand shift in culture.
Libertarianism is not politically feasible in the US, people here just don't want it. When a Libertarian candidate gets more than 3% of the vote we can have this discussion. But until libertarianism can be sold to the public at large I feel it is just intellectual masturbation.
>There are very few WASPs or English only descended Americans among the general population
You can thank the Civil War for that. Huge loss of life of Anglo-Saxon men, most of whom were replaced by German and Irish immigrants in the American gene pool. Rip the lost generation. Picrelated Union general John Reynolds, 100% Anglo-Saxon specimen, died while leading his troops into battle on day 1 of Gettysburg.
No need to fear, as long as they aren't causing too much trouble I'm fine with whites immigrating here. I think whites from Europe and hell even ones from the countries you listed would listen more.
>post-colonial artificial state
you fucking sandnigger immigrant paki
at no point did I declare myself "canadian." the country I live in is not the nation I was born to you disgusting inbred sandnigger
What country were you born to Chang? China? Korea?
you absolute illiterate
Neither is white nationalism, truth be told.
And I am not really a libertarian. I believe in a strong military/police force. Lots of investment in infrastructure....even make work programs a la the autobahn or hoover dam
I just feel like it's welfare programs that are holding us down. It's like leaving crumbs out when you have a cockroach infestation