>hurr why aren't you boys making white children
Hurr why aren't you boys making white children
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atleadt try you fucking pussy
White women are just like niggers, that's why they like each other so much. Both dumb as rocks and only interested in "muh dik" and "muh pussy" and getting high.
and?! move on, you're worse than her by being stuck in a perpetual loop. You're giving her too much attention by posting her response. drop her asap and forget about her
>hurr sample size of 1
besides 26 is already too old for me, cutoff is 23.
I'm more upset by all these people screencapping every fucking private conversation like gossiping women.
All the 28/9 year old women I know haven't been laid in 2+ years, coincidence?
Shut the fuck up you're on a discussion board
>this is how Sup Forumstards actually interact with FEEMAALLESS
I would pay good money to see you goobers maneuvering through real life for a day, especially the dweebs that say they've tried to copy some of Daddy's mannerisms since the campaign.
That urge comes after being in a stable relationship, she probably hasnt been in one
Source- my 18yogf wants kids after two years of not wanting them at all
has introducing yourself by asking girls if they want you to impregnate them ever worked?
The only thing that works is grabbing by the pussy lol
It's funny how rat-faced virgins are so picky lol. You're not gonna do any better than a chubby girl in her mid twenties.
>shut the fuck up
>because you're on a discussion board
this had to be one of the best unironic posts. Screencapped :)
got with a 8/10 19 year old skinny virgin took her virgnity
she let herself go after 21 when we broke up
is now fat and undesirableat 25
emailed me yesterday , from years of no contact and we video chatted
I'm half joking, it's dry humor
wow just wow, pic related
women have to hide their depression with puppy filters.
>implying you won't be a worthless leech on society when you're 30
m8 if you unironically post on Sup Forums you have no business shitting on others
>all those thirsty Turks/Arabs
top lel
Thanks for the tale, lad.
I can live with or without women. They need men more than we need women. Maybe you haven't noticed who the victims are in Europe from the rapeugees. don't ask us "where are the men" again. we only respond to ladies.
I'm in debt and my parents forced me to go to school when all I want to do is live alone, fuck chicks every weekend, and work on my million dollar idea after I get off work
I read a study that stated suggesting impregnation can foster interest.
what the fuck do you know about me or people who post on here?! You're just upset your narcissistic urges aren't satisfied on this site and format.
I've never had or used any social media in my life. how many of those women the previous day were posting duck lip pics to their 88 different accounts. Maybe they should have cut the bullshit before it became too late.
>They need men more than we need women.
I find it depressing (and shocking) how very few people acknowledge this basic truth...why do you think women have dedicated entire phases of their lives to acting like men? By that, I mean that men don't give a shit (usually) if a woman has "traveled around the world", "has a kick-ass career job!", "makes plenty of money to be independent on her own ;^)", or "has #Lived #Laughed #Loved her way across 4 continents".
All a (traditional) man is looking for in a long-term partner is
>ability to breed
>ability to raise normal/sane/good children
I don't give a shit how many master's degrees in african cuckolding she has-- if she's too old to get knocked up or actually raise the children that come out of her cunt, then she can go ingratiate herself on some cuck who isn't me.
Being in love really sucks
Being in love really sucks
Babies cost a lot of money
Please don't make me fuck you honey.
jesus that girl looks like she is 45
The only people pickier on dating sites than the average user are generic fat girls
If that's how you smooth talk women you're going to have a bad time.
i agree with everything you said (maybe not certain words cu*t). That's just half the situation though.
You have to realize that by the time girls even turn 18 they've already been broken psychologically by so many factors. ex bfs, competition with other females, pressure to succeed academically from feminists.
they can't trust or rely on anyone if you think about it. go on Sup Forums for a second and see what males are doing to females (from posting their nudes to all sorts of degenerate shit)
Females have been hit by a wave of demands that hasn't ever been asked of before. It's easy to tell an 18-21 year old to "just get a man" but she doesn't know what one is. The college "men" are not going to marry for at least 4 years. The women around them are pushing them to "live and rely on no one".
do you honestly believe a female from the Victorian age would handle today's society any better?
the only way is for young women to avoid early baggage from pointless relationships and marry established men. We as men need to become established sooner and not become jaded in the process
>my pictures suck too
>"I know"
>autistic question about "maternal urges"
interesting set of esoteric numerics
perhaps some amphibious diety is attempting to speak through this post.