
So what is this MarchForScience? Is it a plot against Trump?

I'm sick of leftists and their negative influence in science, why are there not more right wing scientist? Seems like universities are full of leftists and their professors..

I agree with what the march seems to be about, we do need more science in our societies, but is this directed at Trump and climate change or something?

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck the pseudo science climate change cult. Pollution will be fixed by an engineer not a whiny liberal protestor

You tell me if they are a bunch of whiny faggot leftists...

is over
is over
Not scientific
>Native rights
already exist
is over
is required
Doesn't exist
>Econ justice
communist lies

>I'm sick of leftists and their negative influence in science, why are there not more right wing scientist?

>Scientists get funding from the state
>Leftists for bigger governments and more funding
>Scientists get funding promises from leftists in exchange for following a certain narrative

Democracy is the problem here. This wouldn't happen in a fascist or natbol society where science was held first for exploring space and making cool rockets instead of being on the cutting edge of gender studies research

This essentially shot down any and all credibility they had.

Remember guise

just tar budget CIA homos, DIA cunts and Shit martini stirrers performing military information operation trying to divert attention from their own illiteracy. In other words nothing new in the CIA lemon party gestapo neighborhood - it's drenched in slime, soot and tar.

Colonization isn't over. The chinese are colonizing africa today, but they don't call it "economic development".

literally just rhetoric

>We cannot ignore issues of racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, xenophobia, or any other form of discrimination in the discussion and implementation of science.

Its pure SJW nonsense under another guise. I like these marches, anyone a political is gunna be like, "Ayyy wtf?" when they keep seeing this bullshit pop up everywhere.

Can't wait for
"March for Hollywood"
"March for Circumcision"
"March for Mass Immigration"
"March for Media"
"March for Kosher Tax"
"March for Social Studies"

Good way of letting people know which parts of our societal bodies this cancer has infected

You forgot the most important
The march to the graves

>why are there not more right wing scientists
>autistic screeching when a scientist does their job and comes up with left wing conclusions
Oh, i remember the thread about liberals lifting and /pol9k/ chuckling to themselves that the liberals would become conservative if they lifted...

I wonder how many of these people are actual scientists.

It's so frustrating to see. I would go if it was near me to wear my MAGA hat as a scientist. Then watch as they get pissed off and tell me I'm not a scientist, but a traitor

>So what is this MarchForScience?

Just another (((_**_"non-partisan"_**_))) march for an obviously \\\**_*(((good cause)))*_**/// that everyone should definitely support without reservation or questioning motives and if you don't you're a Nazi.
They saw how well the (((Women's March))) went so now the #Resistance will start organizing these at every opportunity while insisting that they're legitimately only about the explicitly-stated topic of the march.

>the atom is a jewish conspiracy
The monadpill is the only ascension beyond the bogpill

welp that was short lived

Archive? Would love to read that.

>what is this March for Science?
a bunch of virtue-signalling idiots who've never touched a test in their lives making themselves feel smarter than others because "I support the sciences"

>is it a plot against Trump
its a plot against reality. they're for massive funding and regulations based on their (usually untested) ideologies about scientific phenomena and a condemnation of scientific evidence that disagrees with their narrative.

>humans are the direct cause of climate change
untested fact but will be enforced as motivation for policy because it agrees with them
>gender is directly tied to biological sex and there's no true way of separating them
this is supported by evidence but is ignored because it disagrees with the narrative
>an individual human life is created upon the moment of fertilization
this is well evidenced by literally every credible embryologist in existence but is ignored because it disagrees with the narrative

it's an ultra-selective way to say "our science is backed but yours isn't" without going through the conventional and painstaking aspects of actually experimenting, finding evidence, and submission into peer-review

>march for science

So uh does their march include smashing the idea of transgenders

Has to be called "March for Science" to fool normies into believing that their fa got shit has anything to do with scientific progress.

I hate the left.

> March for science
> More than two genders

I don't get it either.

The March for Science will result in more people hating science and turning the right.
It's not a good idea for skinny white people who look like child rapists and lesbians to organize an event where they talk about faggot shit that most people out of California don't care about.
I used to enjoy science, I still do privately, but it got hijacked by the Left with Liberals and their anti-Religion, environment, egotism, and (((studies))).


There are right wing scientist, its called monsanto

pure left-wing activism.
mexican intelectuals tier

science is for frogs, normies never ever heard of science, what they call science is a new religion built around consensus, have nothing to do with science.


I just saw an episode of this fucking millenial SJW """"science""" show. It was on sexuality.

>First thing Bill Cuck says, literally, SEX IS A SPECTRUM
>Proceeds to introduce a retarded giant abacus showing how there's five definitions to sex, including bullshit things like gender, expression, attraction, etc. and how there's male, female and in the middle for all of this
>Repeats sex is a spectrum, sex and gender aren't the same thing despite the fact that he said 10 minutes earlier that most people are either female or male
>Cut to one of the """consultants""" and his trip to Seoul to show how some tranny K-pop artists are "revolutionizing" the conservative culture of Korea by dressing as men instead of women
>Cut back to the studio, they talk about why conservative South Koreans are going against this, they literally reason it's because "well there's always people that get in the way of progress"
>Bill Cuck says CAN I GET A MINUTE, it's an actual segment of the show where he just rants like a liberal for a minute
>Next segment, invited 3 """"experts"""" on sexuality
>The experts are, and I shit you not: a black gay comedian, a black Gender Studies professor, a female blonde """cultural anthropologist""""
>They just talk about how white men and the patriarchy are stopping them from researching the 51234 different genders
>Cut to Bill Cuck saying "SEX IS COOL, BE YOURSELF"
>roll credits

My God, this is what the liberals are teaching kids now. This is """modern science""". The whole thing was framed like The John Oliver Show with the same format of shitty jokes and forced applause.

should be called march for the tavistock institute
fucking faggots

> its a plot against reality.


That and borders too

My god, it explains everything

I can't watch anymore of these shit speakers. The actual march starts at 2:00 hoping to see some rioting.

What is a carbon atom

>native rights
They sure as fuck don't give a shit about those.

>We believe in science
>There's more than 2 genders
Pick one

>get 2 million women to march and nothing happens
>Maybe if we re-brand it something will happen

Do these people have nothing to do
A void in their life?


That hexagon in the middle tho

>carbon atom
but carbon has 4 valence electrons, tho. and it's usually hybridized.

This. Everything has to be peer reviewed to be credible to them. Despite the fact that if a conclusion isn't progressive enough their peers will talk down on it regardless, thus damning it's credibility to wider audiences. Shit is fucked in so many aspects of life because fuckig leftists.

meant to reply to

I'm a scientist and these protesters pîss me off. Science is supposed to be logical, objective, and critical. Instead they are emotional, reactionary, and victims of group-think. Sad.

Verily sponsored the event. They're owned by Google and consulted Hilary Clinton's campaign directly a year ago. Look at their sponsorship page if you don't beilive me.

People just want a social event and don't realize it's political until they are already there. It's an old tactic.

will it be ironically anti nuclear power?

Yeah, when you do scientific research you're supposed to go more out of the way to disprove your hypothesis rather than prove it. If these people were scientists they would be full of confirmation bias and trust the first article they see that confirms their bias.

The fuck does that even mean?

Did you seriously expect anything else from a kike? Welcome to Weimar!

DCFag here.
They virtue signal about how green they are but ironically they are causing a lot of traffic and throwing trash everywhere.

Yes, that's "Greens". They also drive the oldest, most polluting cars.

Laughed so hard because that's exactly what I thought. So much for ((Science)).

Racism confirmed for being best practice.

Can I get some upvotes? I use cartoons to demonstrate my superior intellect

when leftists say "science" they mean global warming alarmism and dawkins-esq atheism, it's purely political

We need thousands of individual Trump supporters turning up to MARCH FOR SCIENCE.

But they need to secretly film the abuse they get and make it clear it's not about science.

Then pol should put together a documentary showing these gigs are nothing but anti trump rallies.

climate change is real koch/blackwater shill.

ahahahahahaha holy shit



Did Obama ever do anything anti-science that these people should have marched for, but didn't?

bad troll or retard. no one cares. shut up fag.

he promised to double scientific funding but instead just let it fall behind inflation. obama promised a lot f shit to the scientific community and then just shit the bed like a standard nigger.

Actual Science vs "OMG Science!"

That bottom right pic seriously can't be real. Are they really treating a fucking muppet as a mascot of science?

Eat dick Switzerland
liberals protesting does not change that climate change is real and its caused by humans and cows
grow up faggot

Climate change is real and partly natural. Climate ALARMISM is Marxism and based on the idiotic belief that computer models can predict the weather in 50, 100, 200 years. Overpopulation is your real enemy.

you're wrong. pic related

well computer modals can predict the flooding that will happen if Antarctica melts.
>reverse trolling

lol you against science bruh?

you missed the point. 2006 is over. and you're clearly a victim of the group think. how many primary scientific articles have you read on the topic? zero? thought so.

>current year
you're trying too hard to appear retarded

they ****can science**** tho!!! yay! science n shit!!!
this science meme is too cringy for me

what the fuck? none of these graphs even have axes labeled. even your fake propaganda sucks

I saw them respond to anyone questioning climate science or vaccines by asking for more research, that they're "anti-scientific". It's a fucking religion.

It really is tho

von Braun is the perfect tool for destroying liberal brains.
SS member who was the first chieftain of NASA and responsible for all neil denigge nogson bullshit of today. cognitive dissonance which this person creates is incredible

SCIENCE HUH, do you like PSYOP ? co,e have a look were targeted

Science was coopted by the Jews in the early 1900s when they realized that the concept of inevitable, pseudo-religious "progress" to benefit themselves and destroy society could be used to enslave the insecure intellectual class to their will.

(response to post in previous thread)

DESY? As far as CERN goes, people are constantly discussing politics, it really pisses me off to some extent. Especially when there is a shit-ton of work to be done. For example, some guys wanted to organize a March of Science in Geneva, and wanted to do this on the CERN site (to actually think of this is already fucking retarded in my opinion). Luckily, the management blocked this. But then again, they will probably go to Geneva, oh look guys, CERN supports you. Fucking idiots.

Sorry for all the troubles Swiss bro, you really have an amazing country (I wish I could emigrate).

It started in Austria which I believe is sweden tier at this point.

Swedes bitching about leftists. Ironic.

How do you do my negroid brother.

Fuck em all, only science I need is meme science

A far-left protest under the guise of real issues. See:

Wew lads

>scientific issue
Well, being trans is a scientific issue.

>When NASA wasn't just affirmative action
did an internship at NASA a few years ago, it was eye opening how pathetic that agency has become

>why are there not more right wing scientist
Because academia is a cartel.

yes. CERN is shameful as fuck. we all know it. but keep in mind its mostly foreigners and not really a swiss institution. im not going to out where i work but suffice to say its one of the largest research institutes in CH

Transgenderism and shit is a scientific issue, or at least it should be. The solution will be technical in any case.

When medicine advances to the point that new parts can be grown and brain molded at will the whole thing becomes meaningless. Anyones body can either be regrown into whatever they wish or the abnormalities that cause dysphoria can be removed from the patient.

Personality and individuality in general will cease to exist as anyone can become something else, their body and cognition changed at moments notice and memories implanted and removed at will.

This is the facebook post for my town. Does that sound like science to you? What should I do about this?

fuck, shoulda gone to my local march and got some pussy for being a scientist

no1 has ever reed a fucking science journal in their life, but its good because its usually bullshit

The recent advancing of the "Doom Clock" hands was entirely an anti-Trump move. Among their reasons were:
>Rise of populism (As evidenced by Trump's election)
>Climate denial (As evidenced by Trump's election)
>MADMAN HAS THE NUCLEAR CODES! REEEEE! (As evidenced by Trump's election)

It's literally the same idiots at all these marches.

Sadly, this is true.

>This is a war on facts.
>We are the opposition.
>Muh climate change.
Jews detected.

>why are there not more right wing scientist?
They are too busy doing science.

Wait till you get to the last episode

underrated and should have been the first post

>empowering women to stop overpopulation

top kek