Seeing as today is the march for science, I have a hypothetical question for you Sup Forumsacks.
You have to make a choice:
Would you rather live in a world devoid of science, but a world that has religion, destitute to live perpetually as we lived 2000+ years ago, without technology, math, or science? God 100% exists in this universe, and upon death you will be either granted entrance to heaven or hell.
Would you rather live in a super advanced world devoid of religion, where we have technologies able to send people into deep space, matter replication, a world without wars, and other various Star-Trek tier technologies? At this point, life is a utopia. This is including technology to make us able to live forever using nanobots(or bogdabots if you're bogpilled).
I'm posting from a smartphone I support science, I just don't support carbon taxes and SJW environmentalist.
Henry Nguyen
>leaf When will people understand that science is its own religion, with 'facts' as God? The difference is that I admit my faith a d scientists don't. And I would always choose God rather than a destitute society where murder, robbery, adultery is normal and okay. The less God, the more human degeneracy.
Zachary Garcia
>science nerds >Walking
Not likely
Adrian Baker
Excellent bait
Luis Ross
You must choose. A potential utopia after death or a living utopia without death.
Thomas Morales
god leafs are truly retarded
Jackson Bailey
Christopher Myers
>ameritards actually believe this
Ryder Baker
science rally. it's to vague. might as well have a rally for oxygen conversion. yeah oxygen, this shit is great, yeah!