ITT we laugh at cuck France
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France will vote in Le Pen and rebuild the french empire and reinstate the monarchy.
That's 50x more than you have ever done for the white race.
Vive LePen
I've said it before and I'll say it AGAIN MUTHAFUCKER!
KEK does love US!
He has now been absorbed into our cause. Your memory is ours.
You guys suck he was a decent human being and didn't deserve this he obviously was in that line of work because he liked helping people.
>laughing about someone's death is okay because he made the error of believing in false doctrines.
This is tragic, not funny.
You are as disgusting as muslims.
>destroying his nation from within
Seeing as more than 50% of the French population is gay, this isn't a surprise.
I understand your feelings, francois. but you have to face it: this fucking cuck is part of the system. not he got what is pure logic
Thank you terrorist scum for killing even bigger scum.
All traitors deserve death.
Those who sow the wind reap the whirlwind
Karma does exist
Why do cucks have these very characteristic lips and this soft smile?
>get indoctrinated
those responsible must pay
I agree this is tragic, but it is... how should I say, ironic? Maybe I'm not using the term irony properly... it is "fitting" in a kind of Kek chaos irony sense. It is funny in that way, a very dark kind of humor. It is still tragic because unlike some of you, I think gay's shouldn't be removed from the gene pool, as we can correct gay genes with CRISPR-CAS9 and other technologies within the next generation or two. let all these people be gay if they really want to. even tho it is fucked up, traditionalism will come back into style in force, it already has started. why throw away all the genomes of a european man or woman just because they happened to be gay. they could be gay because they were raped as a child, who knows, have some compassion is what i say to those who just want to kill gays. we don't kill them, we need to bank their DNA. some will want to raise kids, which is kind of problematic depending on how skeptical you are of gay and lesbian parenting, but my point is people like this who are gay but otherwise good european DNA specimen... we need to bank their sperm and eggs, starting now. before the muzzies kill all the beautiful gays in europe.
I'm glad he's gone.
Doing Gods work.
He does indeed user
Lel muslims cleaning up Europe one degen at a at time
Hope you get killed as well fag. This is war traitors need to hang
>spent time in Greece helping refugees
He deserved it / 10
Don't even care about him being a cocksucker
what a fucking idiot. these mother fuckers need to spend 5 minutes on bestgore.com and get fucking redpilled about what these mother fucking people do on a daily bases.
REEEEEEEE stop using him as propaganda against #welcomerefugees
Yes we are lololololololol
the meme write itself
why do new jersey, texas, and georgia get their own flags on this board
There seems to be a lot of these lately. Wasn't there an antifa cuck who got shot by a black guy who hated whites a while back?
What is Jersey ?
My nigga
Is just ironic
>reinstate the monarchy
Why? According to the Légitimistes the heir to the throne is some nobody Duke Louis Alphonse. Does he know how to rule a country? What would his role be?
Where will they get a rightful heir to the throne? You lads could at least in theory uncuck your monarchy but France's is done for.
He was dead on the inside to begin with and wasn't going to pass on his genes. Killing him was probably a mercy.
You know whats the funniest part
He escaped the bataclan attack, later died in another terrorist attack
What an unlucky fag
Kekist -110,123,123,100
Other religions- -9
>go to job interview for French customs
>asked all kind of BS questions, ezpz
>dude finally asks me what would I do if I encountered a guy in djellaba in an airport screaming allahu akba with his arms in the air
>tell him I'ld unholster my service weapon and shoot the guy in the head before he blows himself up
>interviewer nervously adds that I shot an insane man he didn't wear a suicide belt after all
>answer that there is noway to know, that in this situation it's better to kill the guy than risk the lives on the people around him
>interviewer gets angry at me
>poker face the whole time
>dude tells me to go, don't get job
Fuck, no wonder this country is falling apart.
At this point I don't give a shit at all. Just let it burn.
Why on earth would the UK want that? You whole history past three hundred years has been busy containing France, even after Germany was beat after WW1.
Anyway keep dreaming. LePen won't pass, too many people in denial in this dying country.
Rip France
Only fire from the heavens can cleanse it
>But, but, but, they act they way they do because they aren't welcomed.
Kek. Nice to know not all frogs are total cucks.
You should have asked if there was anything in his hand desu
He had his arms in the air after all.
So this is why faggots welcome refugees. Quicker death than aids.
You mean the guy in the OP picture?
i saw this and wondered to myself; who would read?
>At this point I don't give a shit at all. Just let it burn.
iktf frere
It's indeed sad that he died but it's better that he does instead of some other innocent frenchman suffering directly from that guy's cuckholdry
No the OP him self is a faggot. i have no issues the the gay man
I guess terrorism is the new AIDS .
That's probably what he expected. I showed my power levels too early. Still that's retarded though. These people are the reason why terrorists can just go around and kill people like they've been doing.
He was also one of the first responders on site at Bataclan.
>be the perfect one for the job
>not get hired.
Great, so I guess it would be safer for them to hire Mahmud or Abdul as security as they'll know when they're supposed to shoot a fellow sand savage.
How did everything get so bad over there? this is fucking absurd.
He is an economist that has worked in many banks and grandson of Franco...
It is tragic in the Greek sense were a man gets betrayed by the very man he just saved because the gods laugh at us,yes in that aspect it is tragic but also it is laughable that a man who is meant to protect society can't even understand that he is helping the very thing that will gladly kill him for all he stands so not only doesn't he help protect society,indeed he hurted it by helping to bring in the very ideology that killed him and will doubtlessly kill many more of our European brothers.
Anybody can laugh at whatever the fucks he wants,fuck Islam and fuck the useful idiots that bring Islam upon us,he is the kind of retard who would give guns for migrants in case of right wing death squads.
Also possibly a gay coal burner so...he payed the toll
Louis Alphonse of Bourbon, a traditionalist catholic.
Allah took him early to the paradise as reward for goodness.
All Hail King Louis the Banker
OP wishes he could suck dick
Karim "Jy's 'n moffie, ek skiet jy koppie" Cheurfi
Karim "I gun down homo cops, but I don't eat pork chops" Cheurfi
Karim "Nique les flics mais pas comme ca" Cheurfi
Karim "Policemen gay are who I slay" Cheurfi
It is tragic in the Swedish sense were a man gets betrayed by the vary man he just saved while betraying his own country. He helped people because it made him feel good, because of his own ego while his countrymen had to pay the price for it he also had to pay his fair share.
Bourbons lost any claim to the throne when Charles X got rejected, they're done.
Reminder: Today in Marseilles was supposed to be a car,gun and suicide vest attack by IS.
It was foiled on Tuesday. Meanwhile the driver of the car in Paris is still on the run with an AK-47.
Tomorrow something could happen. There are thousands of polling stations and not all of them are well protected. A smart attacker would hit the weakest ones.
Remember the beheading of a Catholic priest in a sleepy Normandy village last year? Anywhere could be targeted. Be careful French lads.
If Le Pen loses in the second round(confident she'll finish in top 2 tomorrow) then the only hope for France is military coup courtesy of Black Lily.
Praise be to Kek. May He be with you all
*jou koppie
Yeah, especially considering I got a college degree and speak English. I'm over kill for the job.
Public service recruitment for customs is peculiar as they don't even have quotas for women like in all other branches like police, army, firefighters ect.. ect.. but women don't pass the same physical tests as men do. Their are vastly less demanding so they hire many many women.
Anyway the interviews for all those public jobs are just about who are the better liers. That's stupid. They ask you stuff about their wikipedia page, and then a couple pratical questions.
It's all so mediocre.
preferably by flaying, based flaying flag man
Legit fucking laughing at France right now. Le Pen won't win tomorrow. You faggots don't deserve her. OP's pic is what you deserve: dead faggots who get killed by the very people they tried to help.
If you hate gays too, how are you different from the Muslims?
Look in bottom left of this picture... ;)
Ironic: killed by the very refugees he was trying to protect.
>media says he was an LGBT activist as well
I think the Quran contains slightly more than one single page saying "we hate gays"
I blame it on you,being on pol you should have known how cucked police is in all its branches(not policeman) and acted accordingly,it's a pity for people like you is what france needs,why don't you try again in other branch?you know the answers they want...answer accordingly, i got my gun license and I'm red pilled to the full extent.i have ex neo nazi skinhead friends who have become policeman themselves,and they keep their ideas in the same holster as their guns,you just need to know when to un holster them(personally I would have not shot,only see his hands,and tell him to keep them up and standing all the while aiming at him)
It's happened a lot.
>has never heard of the nu
>helping mudshits who would gladly cut your head off or watch you get your head cut off for being a homo
liberal logic