Tell me why again why these countries shouldn't just merge?


Why should they

>It's an American wanting to merge countries episode #18739127312936123

because we don't want our women to have moustaches or to pay for more neets.

t. Catalonia

Why not

Tell me why again why these countries shouldn't just merge?

they speak different languages

They're completely separate peoples.



Why should they?


In this episode of
>Burger public schools
Lets merge some countries


hey i'm asking the questions here

Because Portugal is white and Spain is not.

They did merge for a while.. more than a century I believe. But Portugal got tired of helping pay for Spain's endless wars, and Spain did fuck all when the netherlands invaded Portuguese colonies in Brazil. So Portugal left.

Better than making up countries.

Because the Portuguese aren't Spanish.

Why does Portuguese sound like a "Slavic" language?

Because portugal serves as a containment area for moors.

>Pay more for neets
Always thinking about money, huh Jordi?

What, the hairy Portuguese women stereotype is also known in Spain?

Tell me why again why these countries shouldn't just merge?

Tell me why again why these countries shouldn't just merge?

Why don't these countries merge?


Sorry, went to public school so I didnt got that one T_T

It does not sound like one at all.

Not even a country... burger in disguise?

Same reason you think Japanese, Chinese and Korean sound the same Burger.


Glad I could clarify.

Tell me why again why these countries shouldn't just merge?


9gag watermark

Wait, the egypt isn't a country?

Chile is full of ugly mapuches. Better would be Argentina merge with its lost province, Uruguay.

It does in phonology, it isn't that much different from Russian.

Obviously, here's no relation, but the coincidental similarity is interesting.


t. podemita

It nearly happened after the Mexican-American war you stupid bong.

We (incl. Galicia) kept the Suebi/Celtic accent/phonology, whereas Spain got more influence from both the Romans, Arabs and Basque.

I kid anonbro, hate brazil much more than argentina.

Also, we are an old country with an old and powerful culture. Nothing that someone with a 2 century country would understand.

stop bullshitting. I speak russian and it's a completely different language

Why don't you merge with Cucknada?

A meme is a meme is a meme Burger-Chan

but it does tho

Tell me again why these countries shouldn't merge

Dont worry Pierre,the rest of the world has the same stereotype about your women too



Keep your SJWs far from my country.

We don't need that much desert, so we're cool.

I said in phonology, in sound. There are vague similarities.


>why don't maps conform to my shape autism?

Brazil also. Here we joke that portuguese men grow mustaches so they can look like mom.

Can confirm on behalf of the rest of the world. It's the French who have hairy women.

>I speak russian
don't lie, faggot

>here we joke

Shut up, Germany's Canada.

Tell me why again why these countries shouldn't just merge?

Why wouldn't they? They live closer to us.

>Here we joke that portuguese men grow mustaches so they can look like mom.
honest kek, desu.


Why not just merge?

different language. but yes, countries with same language should merge.

Hahah yes, fuck you Belgium.

нaхyй пидepac

You see, there's this thing called national identity.

>countries with same language should merge

Austria/Germany merging 2.0 confirmed

he's probably not, there's a bunch of ukrainians here

Same thing happened here. Politicians were urging other countries to send more refugees to Portugal. They even prepared thousands of free houses, schools and free food for them. Immigrants just preferred to stay in richer countries so almost no one came. But free houses for the thousands homeless PORTUGUESE people in Oporto? Fat chance.

Only because they knew they wouldn't come. Especially when Spain is more homely to them (being a desert) with more neetbux than us.

Plus, we literally housed them next to pic related. It's a dangerous game to play the refugee chicken, but we're winning so far.

podemos and their sjw cheerleaders can go fuck themselves with the rest of spain


Honestly, why hasn't this already been done?

Well, it is true for most Parisian girls sadly.


Is that the head of a negro?

my sides wew lad why is this this so funny

Is that a dude sleeping on the bench?

>t. Catalonia

Please... They are your only support. lol.independentistas

tell me again why are we supposed to listen to retarded Americans on the internet about how to run our countries.

Tell me why again why these planets shouldn't just merge?

That's very hard to believe, especially after they messaged other country for months, and continuously. Also doesn't explain why the government is paying for thousands of empty houses right at this moment.

You are thinking of Denmark

He is our Canada...
Of are we his Mexico?


Aragon did
Catalonia did
Galicia did
why not portugal?

That was another strike of the american education

A sandnigger head in his hand and another one on the ground.

They were the rulers of Évora during the moor ages, and Geraldo and his small army conquered it for our first King (Geraldo was a mercenary of sorts).

This is the coat of arms.

I won't argue that it wasn't out of incompetence, but they even threw a reception party-thing where they served ham sandwhiches somewhere. I think we're just genetically predisposed to kick them out, desu.
>Also doesn't explain why the government is paying for thousands of empty houses right at this moment.
That's just the Socrates mafia doing their thing, mate.

These two should just switch places instead.

We would have two Earths and everything would be much better.

>countries with same language should merge

Swedish-Norwegian union confirmed

>hy are we supposed to listen to retarded Americans on the internet about how to run our countries.

They serve the jews and the niggers.

Because pic related was a big guy.

>why not portugal?
Because we brought tea to Europe.

But Norwegians don't speak Arabic.

Tell me why again why these countries shouldn't just merge?

It's a muzzie watch guard who was killed when Geraldo Geraldes attacked the city of Evora at night.

>The dog [Gerald] marched on rainy and very dark nights, with strong wind and snow, towards the cities and, having prepared his wooden instruments of scaling [walls] very large, so that they would surpass the wall of the city, he would apply those ladders to the side of the tower and catch the sentinel [by surprise] and say to him: "Shout, as is your custom," in order that the people would not hear him. When the scaling of the group had been completed on the highest wall in the city, they shouted in their language with an abominable screech, and they entered the city and fought whom they found and robbed them and captured all who were there in [the city, taking] captive and prisoner all who were there.

The ONLY way to treat mudslime sandnigger invaders.

He was actually really small because of his stubby leggs. But he did a nice job.
