Could Spain save Europe again?

Spain and our brother Portugal stoped the first moor invasion to europe with the "reconquista" and expulse they and the jews, could Iberians become heroes again?

Remember that after the expulsion of jews spain become the greatest imperium ever

Pelayo the first killer of sandnigers and moors

There is no such country as Spain or Portugal. Both of these entities are scattered castles in process of being divided in more scattered castles by CIA lemon party gestapo. So sorry for your loss. Any country that has functional monarchy should be considered as frontlines of axis of Dr evil.

>greatest imperium ever

What are you on about diego?

Fuck the EU.

It´s a fact my friendly monkey of the island, spain hadn´t has much territory ass england but we were more powerfull and what we conquered were more dificult than 4 natives in australia o 5 retardeds in india

EU is just a shit from jews, hope that le pen wins and Eu wil finally end

>could Iberians become heroes again?
yup, once Muslims notice how much debt they would have to pay in financial liabilities as potential successors of Spain, they will immediately fuck off to the desert they came from

>Both of these entities are scattered castles in process of being divided in more scattered castles by CIA lemon party gestapo
explain your newspeak

that shit doesn ´t care for they, because they only want to have 6-10 childrens

Pls Catholicbros
We never forget all the assistance you gave us against the anglos, if you do thjs too then you are God-Tier Allies.

Portugal, and Spain-reconquista
France- French revolution

Anglos never do nothing for Europe, they are the tea fuckers

>went to mexico with steel longswords and rifles and killed women and children for sport then fucked the women and left us with half breed welfare cases with a grudge
Good work pablito

remember that more than half of USA were Spain´s Imperium, we give the natives superior gens and the true religion

>French Revolution
You know this fucked you over right, a Christian king would never let his son inherit a land filled with Muslims

Funny that you fucked off and bailed and the only Spanish whites left in America are like Ted Cruz

>take beaner/conquistador land
>not genocide the mestizos on the spot
>"why are these spics so uppity reeeee"-2017

should've finished the job Ignacio was never going to accomplish. you never learn, do you


this is taken to far from the original cuestion of the thread but..
We fucked off and become a shiti country ass italy or portugal, for external agents as jews, but your country is a fucking jew colony and never have been a true country with his own history, so sad

Spain gave them a functional country, were we supposed to expend blood and treasure conquering it when we had our own Amerindians to deal with? Spain fucked the dog not us, our natives are tamed

there are millions of Spanish whites in America, 1 million in New Mexico alone. let alone the diasporafags across the country and the last whites from cuba who bailed to Florida

>inb4 beaners
most of these people dont even know what a quesadilla is, and think that tortillas are made of eggs

The thing I can't figure out is where the Mexicans get their "hard working" ethic from, considering that your countrymen take so many naps that it actually stunts your GDP

> Mudslimes fulfilling contractual obligations.
Haha you're funny.

most of the peninsula got conquered so we didn't really stop the invasion, all we did was take it back later


were there not mestizos within the territories the U.S. claimed from Spain? that's what I was refering too

have you ever try a nap, it s awesome i feel so good