If there are some Aryans in India why is it such a shithole?
If there are some Aryans in India why is it such a shithole?
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Because it's a mix between white and abbo. However, the Brahmin class has 110 iq on average
They are a minority and they are still inbred mongrels.
Brahmin class unfortunately only make 5 % of population (and according to some estimate only 3 %)
genocide your southern abbos. Real Indians need that fertile clay. Bhai
>genocide your southern abbos
you mean the literate, peaceful Christians who poo in loo?
"Aryan" is a dumb meme word
Aryan is a meme, there are some quality Indians but almost all of the top ones leave the country, and even then they don't make up for the mass of 75-90 IQ street shitters.
They're shit-skinned Dravidian dalit subhumans who converted to Christianity in an attempt to escape their slave caste. We don't need those farm animals anymore. We need to do what we should've done when we first colonized that clay 20'000 years ago. That is completely genocide the monkeys we found there.
Imagine what a high IQ India would be like. That's what we're losing out on everyday those savages keep breeding like rats
It must be done but the west is cucking us with "human rights" (They aren't even really human but you fucks ignore racial science these days for some reason)
I want what's best for my people. Can you say the same ?
I've read that there is no genetic evidence for the "aryan invasion" theory, I don't quite know the context of that though. Because obviously, roughly half the country speaks an Indo-European derived language, and the other doesn't. With fairly obvious phenotypical differences. So I assume the lack of genetic evidence refers to the time scale of the Aryan invasion occurring 3500 YA? Or that the peoples of northern India, while IE speaking do not genetically originate in populations that were associated with potential PIE speakers?
Then why does my grandmother have blue eyes ?
But that's still like 5,000,000,000 people so it's all good. Pic technically relevant.
>hurr durr education increases IQ test scores
Why is Sup Forums so uneducated?
Colonel Nigel Worthington's randy adventures in the Punjab?
>you mean the literate
There aren't many Christians in South. Although Sup Forums will face a dilemma when faced with this fact.
South India is educated - Kerala has 94% literacy but they are black.
North Indians have lighter skin but UP, Bihar and many states are literal shitholes. The crazy rat fest and people shitting in Ganges is all from there.
Aryan Punjabi here
WTF is wrong with you dipshits stop sucking white dick and pretending to be something you're not. India is a unified spiritual culture, everything between the Himalayas and the ocean and extending to the East.
You guys sound like fucking idiots talking to europeans about killing other people from your own subcontinent. It disgusts everyone and makes you look like fucking losers, and makes the rest of us look like losers.
Cut it out
lol no. It's a trait in my family that predates the British Raj. I have historical records of my forefathers that verify this. I don't dispute the fact that a majority of Indians are subhuman abbo mongrel filth or even that I myself may have traces of Abbo blood due to genetic drift (Much like Most Mid West Americans have traces of American Indian Blood).
>India is a unified spiritual culture, everything between the Himalayas and the ocean and extending to the East.
do you really believe this?
the "aryans" are dravidian albinos.. ofc you wont find any genetic evidence..
why isn't this being taken more seriously by people that have ability?
race mixing: not even once
>ofc you wont find any genetic evidence..
why even make a claim if you cant attempt to back it up? is it because youre a jew?
>Bought into the equality meme
Bangladesh is WHITE
Good point, Brahmins need their own ethno state
People bitch about caste system, but think about it their are people who still shit on the streets and people are shocked that the brahmin called them the untouchable caste ?
There's tons of evidence for the Aryan invasion
>In 2009, Reich and colleagues published a paper based on an analysis of 25 different Indian population groups. The paper described how all populations in India show evidence of a genetic mixture of two ancestral groups: Ancestral North Indians (ANI), who are related to Central Asians, Middle Easterners, Caucasians, and Europeans; and Ancestral South Indians (ASI), who are primarily from the subcontinent.
>The researchers took advantage of the fact that the genomes of Indian people are a mosaic of chromosomal segments of ANI and ASI descent. Originally when the ANI and ASI populations mixed, these segments would have been extremely long, extending the entire lengths of chromosomes. However, after mixture these segments would have broken up at one or two places per chromosome, per generation, recombining the maternal and paternal genetic material that occurs during the production of egg and sperm.
>By measuring the lengths of the segments of ANI and ASI ancestry in Indian genomes, the authors were thus able to obtain precise estimates of the age of population mixture, which they infer varied about 1,900 to 4,200 years, depending on the population analyzed.
Dravidians and Aryans ended up race mixing and creating the poo culture you see today.
Top elites are smart as fuck, but the vast majority of Indians are retarded street shitters. So you have nice, clean neighborhoods for Elites that look first world, but the rest is a complete shithole.
Dunk yourself into a tub of maple syrup..
Stop breathing..
Its the birthplace of civilization and it was far more advanced than Europe for 5000 years.
Well, I'm obviously not a geneticist as I was asking for clarification on an article I read a while back. My point was that I had read there was no genetic evidence for the Aryan Invasion theory, now that I think about it more I think it referred to there not being evidence of any massive transfer of genes around 3,500 YA (the apparent arrival of Sanskrit and the suspected arrival of IE in general into the subcontinent or something). What this could mean is that there was a longer term influx of fairer peoples, maybe like the Tocharians and other IE-speaking central Asians believed to have fair hair and skin, light eyes, etc. Movement and permeation of culture, language, and genes via specific rapid events of invasion are pretty out of style for anthropologists. So that is probably what was inferred
>Good point, Brahmins need their own ethno state
Brahmin is a meme these days. I've seen Dalit looking Brahmins. What we need to do is set up a racial standard with mandatory genetic testing before procreation.
>need their own ethno state
Yes it's called India. ALL of it. it's ours not theirs. Fuck them. The can go to Europe like their Gypsy cousins
Sikhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Jainism, Bhuddism, Shintoism,Lokayata, Carvaka, Ajivika, Sufi Islam; all of these and more are based on the same central beliefs. They are all Vedic traditions
"The Vedic period (or Vedic age) was the period in Indian history during which the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, were composed. During the early part of the Vedic period, the Indo-Aryans settled into northern India, bringing with them their specific religious traditions."
When the British showed up, the thousands of belief systems stemming from the Vedic sciences were collectively called "Hinduism". Hindu refers to the Hindu subcontinent, everything from the Himalayas to the Ocean (extending even to the far east in Laos etc). Everything was lumped into "Hindu", and since people everywhere are dipshits the name stuck and people began to identify this as its own religion.
Ynow how Colombus thought Native Americans were Indians, was wrong, and hundreds of years later they are still called Indian? Same thing with the thousands of Vedic traditions being consolidated as Hindu, and now in 2017 the foolish masses identify with the label given to them.
This isn't belief, this is the history of the subcontinent
I'm from a Sikh family. The fundamental truths of the universe expressed by Sikh teaching are the same as Vedic teachings, Buddhist teachings, Jain teachings, every "religion" mentioned earlier stems from the same vedic teachings which flowered in the Indian subcontinent
Bharat was peaceful and unified land with the same spiritual backbone. Invasions and annexation changed this, and modern day dipshits fight their own cultures.
>North Indians are lactose tolerant milk drinkers
>There's no genetic evidence of an Aryan invasion
Makes sense. Of course it's all conjecture at this point and will be until we have objective (Race real) studies done.
Our blacks have had enormous amounts of investment into their schools for five decades,with countless different educational strategies, test prep, and yet their scores haven't budged.
>but s-slavery and discrimination
Slavery ended 150 years ago and since the advent of civil rights they have been given countless advantages over whites due to affirmative action and welfare. Also, East Asians and many whites like Italian and the Irish have faced discrimination and are doing fine.
Finally, why are blacks all over the world doing so poorly? Why is Ethiopia still a shithole despite never being colonized? Why is the Dominican Republic moderately successful while Haiti is a steaming pile of shit? Why did Africans lack the proper technology to resist slavery and colonization?
The only conclusion is genetic deficits in intelligence, which is basically consensus among relevant scientists. All aid to Africa, as well as affirmative action and welfare will not help blacks. They are a scourge and must be separated from white civilization.
>but think about it their are people who still shit on the streets and people are shocked that the brahmin called them the untouchable caste
They don't have toilets you dipshit. Nothing disgusts me more than you white-bread neo-Indian cunts thinking you're better than the other Indians because you were born into wealth. Just because you have someone to look down on doesn't mean you're superior
As an Indian, nothing pisses me off more than other Indians trying to be western. You're a disgrace
Both of you as well
albinism and white skin are genetically distinct mutations
white skin evolved around 13,000 years ago in the Caucauses (modern Georgia) and spread from there to Europe, the middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia
albinism has been around since we were African monkeys.
>Oculocutaneous albinism is generally the result of the biological inheritance of genetically recessive alleles (genes) passed from both parents of an individual for example OCA1 and OCA2.
white skin genes= SLC24A5 gene/SLC45A2/TYR
Albinos=OCA2 mutation
fun fact: east asians skin is based on a mutation to their OCA2 genes, so they're closer to the Albino meme than whites are
That's mostly Indian propoganda
they are extremely butthurt that Aryan conquered India
but a fun fact is that India as far as we can tell was never ruled by native Dravidians
in reality there was an even earlier conquest of India by the Mitanni, a language isolate from western Iran
even some animals know to bury their shit, Pajeet
Wrong. Please educate yourself.
Indo-Europeans are Aryans, dumbass
Indo-European has to be used so we don't offend anyone's feelings because muh Hitler
are you retarded?
That article says nothing to contradict my statements or the sources I cited
>I have no experience of poverty, I like to laugh at people in crippling poverty so that I feel well
>I have no concept of the wealth I was born into, and think I am superior because of it
In the cities there is nowhere else to go, so they go in designated areas and every day cleaners come by and sweep it up. There are millions of poor and homeless who don't have access to plumbing, and there is currently a massive campaign to provide them with public toilets.
The poor rural population shits in the fields and buries it, because they have space
A whole bunch of you need your skull smashed in, you entitled children are disgusting
They have money for alcohol, cigarettes, cellphone and prostitute but no money for toilets ?
They don't like toilets, even if you build them they don't use it, that's why they are the untouchable caste
It should not be the governments job to potty train it's citizen
>whites are albinos
>i cant give evidence tho...
get out rabbi.
What a qt
Albinism is not a phenotype that can be genetically passed down. It's a single genetic disorder.
This is correct. I can link a myriad of peer reviewed journals that confirm that list genetic-epidemiological data in support of aryan migration theory. The only thing is its misleading name, there was no widespread invasion of Indo-Aryans into the Indian subcontinent. It's a failed hypothesis speculated from the fact that Indus Valley Civillization collapsed nearly exactly in the same period when Bronze Age Indo-Aryans arrived in India and on one excavation site presumed to be one of first Indo-Aryan outposts in India archeological excavation noticed signs of battle. It's possible, in fact almost certainly there were skirmishes between natives and Indo-Aryans, but there's no archeological evidence nor any accounts in Vedas of the violent takeover.
This being said almost all departments of anthropology, not only in Western world, but also in India itself maintain Indo-Aryan migrations as a scientific consensus and a part of larger Indo-European migrations scheme (in light of mostly accepted Kurgan hypothesis). The only people disagreeing with the Indo-Aryan migrations are politically motivated Indian organizations that prefer to uphold one nation theory.
Indo-European is a family of languages postulated to have a common ancestor. Indo-Aryan is a subset of this family. "Aryan" usage as a term for IE is outdated and fairly inaccurate as while Sanskrit is seemingly archaic there is no evidence that Vedic society itself is the progenitor of IE as a whole
You know it.
>Buying a cellphone is the same as creating the infrastructure and buildings for toilets
Are you fucking stupid? Insecure Indians like you disgust me, they shit in the street but you have shit in your heart and brain.
You were born into wealth, and you're 1 economic problem away from shitting in the open like the rest of those in crippling poverty. You're a fucking loser
And you're talking to a Sikh about inferior castes, if we were in person I would have slapped you sideways by now you little cunt
>whites are albinos
learn to read
I specifically said whites *aren't* albinos
This is legit the ugliest flag in the world
alright. just dont let it happen again..
Empathy is a good thing Bhai; it's what defines us Aryans. You caring nature has a sacred place in our societies but has been perverted by our enemies into something cancerous that is threatening our survival. You're feeding the snake that will kill you. By all means love your people but do not help cancer grow due to blind emotions.
>The poor rural population shits in the fields and buries it,
No they poo in fields
India is shit because they never had to evolve to be better. Life is so easy in India they can just shit out children and most will survive, so they never had to improve their living standards.
Who is she user?
Ruhani Sharma
The Aryans had a hard time after the Kurukshetra war destroyed most of them.
btw, Krishna is Mara is Satan, sorry Hindu fags.
Punjabi model, Ruhani Sharma
Hindus are aryan, probably moreso than most of Europe at this point. I know you probably couldnt imagine a world without mommy and daddy's money, gubment gibs, and "free" healthare, but you might forget how a whole people managed to discover enlightenment thousands of years ago. If you were ever wondering why the west is such shit now, read the Kali Yuga
I don't need youtube proof, I lived in India for half my life. My father was a Brigade commander in the military, I've travelled and lived almost everywhere and know the reality of the situation on the ground.
>I said they poo in the fields
>You reply "No they poo in the fields"
>A whole bunch of you need your skull smashed in, you entitled children are disgusting
Your father beat you regularly. So obvious. You've internalized him. LOL
I can't control whether or not you misread a comment
>"Aryan" usage as a term for IE is outdated
But it's the original term.
>that Vedic society itself is the progenitor of IE as a whole
Of course not
We can actually trace it the other way around, Vedic culture came from central asia which itself ultimately derived from the Indo European
>Vedic beliefs and practices of the pre-classical era were closely related to the hypothesised Proto-Indo-European religion,[28][29] and the Indo-Iranian religion.[30] According to Anthony, the Old Indic religion probably emerged among Indo-European immigrants in the contact zone between the Zeravshan River (present-day Uzbekistan) and (present-day) Iran.[31] It was "a syncretic mixture of old Central Asian and new Indo-European elements",[31] which borrowed "distinctive religious beliefs and practices"[32] from the Bactria–Margiana Culture.[32]
The Vedic religion came from Central Asia near the BMAC culture an are a few hundred miles east of the Caspian Sea
>poo goes in all fields
>Empathy is a good thing Bhai; it's what defines us Aryans.
>genocide your southern abbos. Real Indians need that fertile clay. Bhai
You need Jesus, my friend.
This is the type of response I'd expect from you people. There's nothing more disgusting than an Indian who tries to disparage their home nation in an attempt to be western.
You guys are fucking losers, and make others look like losers. The stereotype of the creepy, insecure Indian
idk what will happen but I'd rather the entire culture and race die out than become like these faggots
Exactly this. Use of term "Aryan" to describe all Indo-Europeans was coined when linguists were convinced that Sanskrit was the oldest Indo-European language in existence. Which obviously turned out to be false, linguistic reconstruction and knowledge of human migrations deduced from anthropology and archeology points to the Pontic Steppe as an ancestral homeland of all Indo-Europeans.
you said they bury it
they obviously don't
Even cats bury their filth
Chinese peasants are also very poor, they still manage to use outhouses. Even Africans have a higher rate of burying their filth.
You wouldn't do shit you hypocritical cunt. Cunts like you can only talk the talk but cant walk
Rural Indians spends close to 6000 INR Per month in alcohol did you know that ?
But they cant afford toilets right ?
Did you know the avg IQ of st/sc student is below 80
We are not all the same. real life isn't multicultural egalitarian fairy tail
Again it should not be the governments job to potty train its citizen.
If you don't know how to shit in 2017 but know how to download porn on your cellphone then your are rightful deserved to be called untouchable
You are living in an European country and telling us real Indians who see India for what it is, stop taking high and mighty from your virtue signaling viewpoint in Canada.
India has problems it's time to accept it instead ignoring it.
80 million Muslims
I love my people and am ready to do what's necessary to save them. I will gladly burn in hell if future generations are born into paradise. This wold needs people like me who fight evil with evil. let me stoop low to clean the gutter before it overflows and our home is flooded with filth.
I don't need you admiration or even respect because I act out of love and my victory will be it's own reward. It's not selfishness that drives me.
You're living in Canada too you retard LOL
>You are living in an European country and telling us real Indians who see India for what it is, stop taking high and mighty from your virtue signaling viewpoint in Canada.
Suck a dick faggot I've spent half my life in India and am still there half the year
I've smacked the shit out of Indians for talking like you before, and will do it again. It's our job as Sikhs to smack down you caste pushing insecure cunts
So you're calling them subhuman? Less than cats even? You need your skull caved in you insolent child
>let me stoop low to clean the gutter before it overflows and our home is flooded with filth.
You probably know more about India than I do. Is it incorrect that South Indians are better at pooing in loo then North Indians? Or that they're more peaceful and literate?
Kill yourself, you're a loser and make everyone look at Indians badly because they see insecure faggots like you
Just stop it you rich asshole. If you love your Dravidian subhumans so much why don't you go live with them in the Andaman Islands ?
You're just some over privileged rich prick who white knights for monkeys over his own. You're no better than "Refugees Welcome" Whites
Cats are actually likeable in a sense
On another note, switching the topic from anthropology to more lighthearted matters. Can any Indian voice his opinion on this weird, underlying, all-encompassing sexual tension embedded in Indian culture? Obviously, first you'd need to agree with me that such thing exists, but I've noticed it and few Indians I talked to confirmed it as well.
For example this strange sexual fixation *some* Indians have with elder/mature men is very interesting to me. No other culture replicates it... At least not to this degree. I swear I'm genuinly curious and I'm not trying to pull some bullshit Freudian pseudopsychology exam here.
I tried to speculate it's because of lacking sex-ed, lack of co-education, general erotica being a taboo, but it's clear to me that other societies outside of India a century ago didn't have these features as well and yet the didn't have this "sexual tension", even in everyday behavior I noticed during my stay in India.
Oh look just another dead body floating around the Ganges
Hah, try 180 million
You're selling your children future for "muh virtue signaling feels" Traitors like you will get their comeuppances soon. Your daughters deserve to be thrown to the Khalias. Your genetic extinction will strengthen the nation
Stop acting so tough and morally superior you're embarrassing your self.
Their is no excuse for such behavior in 2017. Not knowing how to use toilets but still wanting quotas in work and education, the prison population is also filled with mostly dalit, close to 60 %
And people like me have to face the consequences, all the welfare and quotas come from my tax money so i have every reason to be pissed. Their uncivilized behavior is affecting my life
>You're no better than "Refugees Welcome" Whites
Spot on, he is the classic virtue signaling moron.
Cucks are not allowed on this thread.
Back off nigger lovers.
He's infected with the socialism virus. It's so sad to see low IQ people like him resort to such ugly language when confronted with reality. He's taking this very personally. He is probably a Dalit and subconsciousness knows that Communism will drag the rest of us down to his level which is why he supports it.
Looks like a Nigger child to me.
Today he swims in filth tomorrow he might swim in white girl pussayyy.
I miss Sanjay