Well, guys?
Well, guys?
so fucking powerful really made me ooga booga bix nood at my mom while reading this
Jesus didn't get shot while trying to rob a liquor store
That's not the blackest way to die, being killed by another nigger is
I only know that jesus was black because he never saw his real father
Except more whites are shot by blacks on average.
jesus was jewish.
I meant more whites are shot than blacks by police on average
His mother wasn't there to see him die though....
I don't remember the part where Jesus beats up the clerk for a carton of smokes and reaches for the cops' gun.
Are we supposed to ignore the fact that more white people are killed by the police than fukkn retarded niggers? GTFO
And his mother was 14
enough with the racism please
No one put nails in criminals' fucking hands.
-hands were stretched out, not up
-mother wasn't there at his death
You could power a small city with the power of this post
this...... is deep
Jews dont kill niggers, they are useful tools. Thats the ultimate proof that Jesus = white.
nigger please
Stop believing (((Christian))) lies, Jesus never existed.
There is no mention in the bible about him stealing bikes.
Jesus is considered white because he's a descendant of noah.
Noah was white, maybe even the first.
Wtf i hate jesus now
dying the blackest way possible is to die from getting shot by a cop with your hands up, instead of getting shot because of something robbery or gang related?
so like 0.00001% gun related darkie deaths compared to the other 98% of gun related darkie deaths?
truly something to ponder.
He was also a gud boy who dindu nuffin
ahahaha and what happened to Jesus's EBT card when he died?
Too bad Joequan never got to see his stepson.
Lmfao. Fucking next level bantz.
can i get a link to the poem or whatever?
i need to laugh more at this
>But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”
This nigger apologist comparing Christ who was perfectly innocent to these murderers that are rightfully hunted down takes it to a whole new level of din du nuffin'. Behind each thug is a vile niggress like this that supports him and makes up excuses for him.
>white man
>not sandnigger
These people..
He wasn't white. He was a sand nigger
american blacks are so in love with their victim hood it's disgusting
It made me giggle. Thanks m8
are jews sandniggers
Literally nobody calls Jesus a white man though.
What in the fuck is she even talking about.
kys nigger
What if Jesus was asian?
When he done got da purple drank, DaJesus say, "shhhhheeeeeeeit I dint even do nuffin." Den he bow he head and die.
jesus was white you liberal cuck.
From the comments
That's it, I'm changing sides. These arguments are too good.
Since when are Jews white
It's a non problem. They aren't even arguing against pictures, just drawings of Jesus with lighter skin.
Song of Solomon 1:5,6
5 I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
6 Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.
Jews have always hate Jesus and his followers. Everything wrong with society today is set by (((them))) to spite Christians so what are you getting at?
The difference is exactly one armed robbert
>jesus was jewish
lmao you shills are desperate.
The only human that ever lived who REALLY dindu nuffin
>"how can you call black people human when they act more like animals"
see, i can do it too
Are jews people
"How can you call Jesus a black man when he died in the whitest way? Stabbed in the gut by a shitskin while everyone ignored his new ideas"
lmao you're a faggot.
"Niggers Say The Silliest Things" would be TV ratings gold. It really should be a show.
give me one piece of evidence that he wasn't white. I'll wait.
AND sold out to the jews.
Involuntarily funny
eat shit nigger, kike, spic or whatever you are, cuck
Fucking amazing
Disagree, because Jesus literally dindu nuffin
Well, to be fair just like niggers jesus didn't have a father
And his father absent
Really makes me think
christianity is a fact, leftist retard.
no homo
Jesus was a Semite shitskin who belonged on that cross.
and he did not die for your sins. He died screaming like a little bitch after the romans were done with him.
Jesus wasn't white he was middle eastern you dumb nigger
Jesus Christ was a Jew. Your Lord and Savior is a FUCKING JEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GET IT RIGHT ALREADY!!! It's 2017!!!
This. It's fucking sad that you can't be black unless you've been shot by a cop. That's a stellar identity movement
It's a fact there are people stupid enough to buy into it, that's for sure.
Yeah, just like Jesus, blacks get killed by their own people.
cuck cuck cuck
That is unironically the gayest shit I've seen in a while.
>Muh hands up don't shoot
End yourself
Yea, you don't get to talk about facts and evidence.
All non-whites deserve death.
liberals cant handle facts, what else is new
His hands were nailed to a wooden beam, he wasn't surrendering like a Tyrone caught red handed.
can niggers think outside their own current problem
Jesus worked as a carpenter. Key word: worked.
read the text, they commune multiple times.
That really whites my pride
I really, really don't like those people.
Jesus was a Kike messiah.
He also died a very roman death, by crucification, which was a common punishment for more serious crimes. I appreciate art and poetry, but if you stretch your analogies this thin, it is just cringy.
Both are true
that's actually pretty funny. Is this a standup comedian?
>most powerful thing I've seen
Niggers don't get out much do they? The presidents daughters on the other hand..
>ywn finally get to hang out with your cool dad 24/7 after eight years of constant stress and work