Why is Sup Forums so ungrateful?

Why is Sup Forums so ungrateful?

>not traitors
Pick both, all spooks should hang.


What an unbelievable ego

Saying you risked your life for every American is just stupid. Expecting recognition for it is even worse.

What the fuck did McMuffin even actually DO at the CIA? God knows all human intelligence assets are proxy muds in the AO being given a few grand. Did McMuffin actually go do some James Bond shit? Because I highly, highly doubt it.

Didn't this guy have a safe desk job?



Yeah, looks like a real effective way to gather intelligence there. So what did he actually do besides taking sick pics with the standard issue gear?

He doesn't look like he was apart of the paramilitary division. Just an average CIA pencil pusher.

Just look at how he shoulders that rifle. What a faggot.

This man risked his life for you at CIA.

From what I read he was an intelligence gatherer in the Middle East who joined the CIA fresh out of college right before 9/11. I seriously want to know what he did to risk his life for America, other than just being a massive target. Anyone who knows how that stuff works knows all human intelligence post-WWII is all done by backstabbing proxies who take a meagre paycheck and actually risk their lives because it's better than shovelling shit in a backwater somewhere their entire life.


Because the CIA doesn't have any loyalty for the little people. They are tools for the elite. If anything it confirms he's not to be trusted.


I'd bet that the guys in the warzones are cringing at this.

I'd say it'd blow up in his face but literally nobody in the public cares what he thinks or says
>except for Sup Forums of course
>and we only care because we like to troll this faggot

He was a field agent in the Clandestine Services. He actually did do undercover spook shit. Pretty much is whole career is classified so no specifics are available, but he knows a couple languages and he likely did field work in relevant countries. Stuff like training fighters and Intel gathering

>CIA operations officer
Yeah he's definitely a pencil pusher. These guys just sit in embassies doing paperwork while military/paramilitary guys do the dirty work for them.

I have my doubts about this guy being more than twenty meters away from a coffee machine for above one hour, while working. Then there is the question, if he really did anything good for america, while working there. Judging by his politics, I countinue to be sceptical about that.

This. Him stating this is worse than a uniformed soldier wearing their uniform outside of base.

I like how mccain and friends stopped bitching at trump every other day on the news after he bombed those brown countries.

Really makes you think.

>drops definite article from English speech

CIA was a Russian spy all along. What a big guy

so he's a terrorist that hates white people

>Central Intelligence Agency
>>Intelligence ΕΎ
>risked my life

Well i'd say your government organisation is a bit out of its element then

pretty sure Trump puts his life on the line a lot more than him.

Pay your bills you fucking deadbeat

Good insight into people like this and their weird ego trips. Sold their souls long ago never to get them back again....................

I'm starting to think the CIA is delusional, they really think they are on our side even though most terrorist attacks have been prevented by the fbi and nsa.

I think both sides of the political spectrum will agree that the CIA is far from heroic or trust worthy.

Funny. I haven't seen an American in a long time.

Definitely, I'm not big on trump but he definitely has balls when it comes to standing up to spooks. I don't think they can take him out though because everyone would know it was a hit job.

CIA created ISIS, to hell with the lot of them.

Are you a Nigger?

CIA field agents are the biggest primadonnas and queens on the planet. If you ever get a CIA op embedded in your unit, get ready for hours of a bitching, complaining, and ordering you around, and then going back to their nice little comfy air conditioned Embassy.

I hate CIA fags like McMullin so much

Are you a CIA Nigger?

Nah, probably just helped destabilize countries that were shit anyway

Don't move. Or I'll blow you to Kingdom Come.

wow, what a narcissistic "pat me on the back" type of tweet. i can definitely believe he was CIA because all they hire is sociopaths like this.

To Kingdom Come.

>sitting behind a desk is now a life threatening job

Don't risk anything for me or my son ever again.

For every time he risked his life he did so for the bidding of child rapists and murderers. (democRATS)

Thanks based CIA. Without your benevolent sacrifices we would be a lost nation.

This, the faggot isnt comfy at all youd think he would practice in tbe mirror or somethin.

If you can openly say that you worked at the CIA, it means you didn't risk your life doing something important there.

wouldn't it be at the CIA? at CIA just sounds gay

Bloodthirsty traitors every one of them

you are 100% correct. have a nice doggo

i hope he does risk his life again but dies instead


>clean gear
>iron sights
mom, I'm ready for combat

>gay Mormon

This guy isn't such a joke



soldiers do that all the time though

Tell me about Evan. Why does he wear the vest?

its like what that nerd said in episode 8 or 9 of one punch man, people risk their lives all the time and look where it usually gets them.

Fuck you faggot. If I need to stop for chicken thighs or gas I'm not going to run home to change and come back out.


>those soft small hands

Countries that were shit, but with governments that generally kept things inline and at worst may of invaded, their neighbours, so that Islamist faggots who want to invade Christendom could be in charge.

>What an unbelievable ego
Like Churchill, the Jews find depressed egomaniacs when they need puppets to advance their agenda.

>pristine m4
>pristine clothes
>pristine gear
>gear looks like it was put on clumsily
>watch face on outside of wrist

No he didn't.

dindu mcnuffin

>Pick both
If spooks are not traitor then why should they hang?

Oh right, because you're a KGB shill.

At least the end result was good

>doing anything for the american people
Top fucking kek, I wouldn't mind joining them to see what fucking secret stuff they have going on but I wouldn't sell my soul

green maymay arrows means "implying", newfag

Yes all the shit CIA pulled in Nicaragua,Panama,Iran,Afghanistan,Iraq,Lybia etc really helped the common burguer life

Where would we be without cheap bananas and heroin? Nowhere good.

That's understandable. He's probably talking about the people who think they need to wear it to the movie theater or state Fair.

>willingly pursuing a job/career that puts your person in danger
Hey everyone, thank me for being a hero to you and risking my life. People who have this mentality can eat a bag of dicks.

>I'm a goddamn hero
>There is no proof of this
Why are CIA niggers so god damned annoying? I hate them so much. SO FUCKING MUCH REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Risked his life for me? Maybe next time McMuffin could jump on a grenade for all of mankind. Or get pushed out of a helicopter

>What the fuck did McMuffin even actually DO at the CIA?

ISIS is controlled Pedogate/Epstein kind of way.
But even raping children or women on video doesn't matter to jihadists.
That leaves only one kind of sexual activity captured on video that is like death penalty over jihadist leaders; consensual homosexual.

CIA is pretty much the most headed organization in the world.

>McMuffin walks up to you in full kit
>Says, "I'm CIA."

What do?

He faced Al Qaeda and ISIS on a daily basis while he was training, arming and handing them money. Even worse, he had to spend time amongst the savage CIS-het Mormon clan when directed to split the GOP ticket.

I can't believe you faggots haven't posted this one yet.
>We're gonna need a lot more rope.


Sauce on bottom pic???!

Is that what you said when you helped ruin the African American community by proliferating drugs Mcmullin?

if im about to kill myself will he take the bullet for me?

The CIA is just a tool for the Jews at this point.

The one on top its from when McCain visited the moderate beheaders on Syria,the other I dunno

What did he do behind the Utah Home Depot with a young girl?

Does he like pizza?

Who needs anyone else when you have Doggo.

he's like the jason blaha of politics

Haha sure he did... Pencil pushing cocksucker.

>some spook sitting in a building on a computer
>risking his life

this faggot has never seen combat


The CIA have a history of treason, murder, lies, overthrowing foreign powers, drugging and experimenting on Americans such as MK-ULTRA. The CIA can go to hell.



>that open ejection port cover


Good, do it again but this time fail and become a star on the wall faggot

His celebrity TV host friends should ask him what he was doing palling around with leading figures of ISIS.

>cia risked lives
name one agent who has ever died in line of duty. Conversely I can say with confidence that the CIA has caused the deaths of millions of non-combatants, all over the world.

so mcmuffin had sex with jihadists so that the CIA can blackmail them? kek

>name one agent who has ever died in line of duty


this desu