Can Having Genital Preferences for Dating Mean You’re Anti-Trans?

>they cant be serious ri-

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they are starting to wake up

Damn the progress is going to fast for me.

then I'm anti-trans and I'll defend myself as such

lgbtards are handing the stick to get beaten with it's crazy

>Can Having Genital Preferences for Dating Mean You’re Anti-Degeneracy?

Defend yourself from prison, you mean?

Why must it come to this? This is just wrong.

What the fucc am i reading

>spamming link in every other thread
fucking hell

Not all of them are like that, some of them, I am talking about the trans people who are even slightly on the right, don't want to be hated. When I see an article like that, then I just say, yeah of course I am anti-trans then.

This, for fucks sake trans people have a HIGHER rate of suicide after getting "reassignment surgery," what kind of fucking treatment for a mental disorder INCREASES suicide risk?

It's clickbait you dumbasses.

I'd love to just tell myself that and move on with my life but there are a growing number of people who truly subscribe to this sort of thing and that is scary.

Bless you.

>le american feminists
How can you fucks support this piece of shit country, literally every problem is their fault.

This guy gets it.

North Korea is our fault? I thinking you have the words starting and finishing confused.

I am openly anti trans and I live in Portland OR. Everyone acts like its something the common people already accept but it just isn't. nobody likes the thought of genital mutilation and its easy enough to see that there is a mental issue that should be addressed before the physical one.

Yeah, this is the sort of lgbtard bullshit that makes me want to marry Blaire White and snap Riley Dennis's neck.

>Everyone acts like its something the common people already accept but it just isn't.
I think this goes for most people above 30 or so, but most people my age are true believers. Even the more moderate ones may call out 72 gender bullshit, but will act like you're a Nazi if you suggest that gender issues should be dealt with as a psychological problem.

I do think though, that you could get a majority to be against those parents who are obviously forcing transgenderism on their children.


When I was in school everyone hated faggots and we'd beat them up, and I'm an 80s millennial.

>Let's build a society where cissexism doesn't exist

I am now a radiator

yeah everyone enjoyed playing smear the queer and just mocking fags in general. its a natural response.

I want to date a woman with a vagina. I don't care if that makes me anti-trans.

Imagine a normie goes to a blind-date event (I've seen poster of such things) and writes sex and preferences on a card. later he meets
>pic related
"HAHAHA you racist homophobe cismale! No Pussy for you. Go die! IDIOT!"

(I would have killed that thing on the spot, no seriously, without being a nigger and not even a sliver of a redpill. That's a bit scary, honestly.)

90s kid here. Things change fast.

>acting like (((((genital preference))))) is a thing
>asking Sup Forums what makes them anti-trans
>not asking Sup Forums why they're pro-trap

low quality bait OP.

T-this can't be real, r-right guys?

Let me just state the facts for where I live.
If a bloke walked down the street wearing a dress, everyone would point and laugh. People would not want him in their shops, and eventually someone would punch him in the face.

Funnily this is getting off lightly.
As if he did this in say the Middle East or Africa he may well end up dead.

Transexuslism is in fact the purest form of upper middle class white privilege, as it's really only there and some parts of Asia where it's acceptable. And from this vantage point of white privilege they try and force acceptance onto the rest of society both classist & cultural. It's pure white colonialism again, this time not in military uniform but a dress.

is real, you can be a radiator if you want. schools already started building workshops next to the bathrooms for the radiators. use whichever you identify with at the time.

It's true, the trans movement really can't tell when it's being satirized.

I mean, I kind of am anti-trans. I doubt I would ever be friends with a transgender person, they probably have nothing in common with me.

They probably have one thing in common.
Do you like white women?

Why is it that trans all dress like white women? They never ever dress like a traditional African woman. The archetype they mimic is dressing like white women.
Even more focussed on well off middle class white women.

You see right at it's heart the entire trans movement is not only deeply racist, but also classist.

Holy God, "traps aren't gay" propaganda pushed to the next level
> Tfw when you're transphobic

I could only fug a trap as a fuckbuddy.
Way too mental for a proper relationship I'd say. If they actually look and sound like a woman and don't want to actually cut their Genitals off and replace it with a self-sealing wound then it's all good.

So by this logic gays and lesbians are also anti-trans.

JFC can't we just be attracted to the genitals we are attracted to without it being something to discuss constantly? It used to be the Bible thumpers in everyone's sexual business but we've truly done a complete cultural 180

My mothers sister is a FtM. She is cool if you can ignore that she is a anti-fascist marxist transman whose feelings are hurt from misused pronouns

She even lives in Berlin. It's a good scope on the inside of these movements, and a good anti-thesis to Sup Forums

>Oy vey, these normal people don't want to date lunatics with mutilated, drugged up bodies!

>She is cool if you can ignore that she is a anti-fascist marxist transman whose feelings are hurt from misused pronouns
>she is a anti-fascist marxist transman
So I could never relate to her is what you are saying.

Trannies need to be rounded up and interned. I'm serious. We need tranny quarantine camps before they infect every fucking kid.

She's a ridiculous pathetic deluded bitch who'll probably die of cancer in her 40s. T injections will do that.

Totally. Google the cotton ceiling. Trannies give death threats to lesbians on the regular for not sucking trannycock.

Sounds like trannies are bigots

No it can't. One the core beliefs and most vehemently sustained positions of the LGBT community, is that you cannot choose your sexual orientation or preferences. Either genetic or something determined from birth, but according to them, you're born gay or you're born straight.

Since it isn't something you have a choice in, then you cannot be called racist, sexist, or any other disparaging term, for what you find appealing or are attracted to. If it were the case, then it would mean things like racism and sexism are also genetic and determined at birth.

I'm not anti-trans the same way I'm not anti-bipolar. I recognize both as a mental illness, and it's sad to see society glorify the former, advocating genital mutilation surgeries instead of actual therapy and medication.

How is being anti trans a bad thing?

Transfaggotry is a mental illness, and I'm not going to support your insanity. We need to reopen the psychiatric hospitals and lock these fags up for life.

Why the fuck would you blur out usernames?


If it's not by choice why are they all mimicking 21st century white women?

Why not a 7th century female Chinese rice farmer?
Or a 17th century Indian princess?
If there's no choice or boundaries then they should be putting on black shoe polish on their faces and living as a black slave in the West Indies with fruit for a hat.

It's entirely 100% choice what they choose to be. White upper middle class women. Nearly 100% of the time even if they're another race.

Of course it's not by choice, but that's the position they maintain for some hope at legitimacy.

That's why you use their own logic/rhetoric against them.