Russians take down Jihadi with grenade


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i wanna see ISIS invade Israel for next 20 years

Imagine the rush you'd get rushing a guy with a grenade, damn. In the US you'd get shot first then searched later because fuck that.


god damn

Based on headline I thought the fsb was gonna use a grenade on the suspect, disappointed

>Says his name
>opens bag
>Oy veyy we caught a terrorist we iz gudd boiz putin daddy

You gotta retarded to believe this propaganda

>believes Merkel's propaganda to import shitskins
>won't believe Putin's propaganda

How about neither, drumpftard?

Cut was made for rt short video, knowing you have low attantion span and love for action. Also if they wouldn't strangle his hands, he would blow himself over with that grenade, kill operatives and that random woman and then you would say "lol, amateurs fsb couldn't even get the guy, i bet they bombed him to destroy evidence".

wow this video is totally not staged

based russians HURRRR DURRRR fuck U.S etc etc


>Cut was made for rt short video
Vera convenient isn't it? Those extra 20 seconds would have of course lost my small attention span

Keep sucking that giant kgb propaganda cock you subhuman slavshit

Your shareblue is showing

>akran akranovich
>be akran
>have son
>name him akran
fucking retarded churki

Based Russians

Probably just a random Muslim.
KGB just planted grenade on him.
To improve their work performance.
And get a bonus.

Oh, RT even.

Fuck off shill.

Post full video then

>fixes hat

What a bunch of nice guys

Russian swat are fucking crazy

They're the last police force I would ever want to deal with

they even fixed his hat, profissionalism

what's the story here? and what's with those korean comments?

Well trained and not having to deal with the fear of getting sued by doing your job helps.

>junkie in Omsk
its like pottery

What is this image supposed to mean, who does the bird represents?
Random drawing?

this is the best thing ever

That's the Omsk bird.

It's a prank, bro. I'm just going to call the police and tell them you're going to drive a truck over forty people, and anywhere from six to twenty heavily armed and armored people will invade your home immediately and search it, for no reason other than I told them to. It's just a prank, though, if anyone gets shot its entirely their fault for not understanding what's going on.


More like, clap to this news

fake and gay

lel, are you even allowed to type that in the new DDR?