Can you finally accept that democracy is one huge hoax?

Can you finally accept that democracy is one huge hoax?

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depends on the country

democracy is just encryption for slavery. There is absolutely no need to vote in a free open and democratic society.

>ya gotta let the government tell you what you can do otherwise brown people will rape your women
Socialists are faggots.

accepted it long ago

>depends on the country

that's what (((they))) want you to believe

>democracy is just encryption for slavery. There is absolutely no need to vote in a free open and democratic society.

lol. do words have no meaning in lithuania? you just pile a bunch up and spew them?

How do you feel about your Prime Minister, slav cuck?

mixed feelings


humans cannot be trusted to preserve their own societies. not when it is human nature to try and change society and manipulate other people.

there's a reason we lived for so long (and to such success) in tribal monarchies; they worked best. democracy was a mistake, and it's going to ruin our species.

I've read that germans in general tend to want a strong ruler and have no desire for democracy. thus hitler, and how east germany embraced the ussr and everyone signed up to be an informer on their family and friends.

heh you what

I believe people need to vote. But not for some middle man politician, who will serve the interest of small elite. Vote on issues directly.
Of course people themselves don't want that. You'd have to be constantly engaged. It's easier to vote for some guy once in a while and think that you actually matter somehow.
He's a literally a kike. Nothing else to say.

>monarchy sucks so instead we will enact a global tragedy of the commons and rent out entire countries to individuals based solely on how many things they promise to people and after four years of acquiring as much influence and power as possible they leave and another figure comes in promising even more

>Vote on issues directly.

they will never ever allow much of that. just this or that controlled referendum.

and the problem with Sup Forums shitheads is that they all believe its (((teh joos))) when in actuality it's just wealthy people.

all the (((joos))) shit that I read here is pathetic. read a fucking book that was written by someone who breathes through his nose.

I can't think of any fair or objective way to determine who should be leader besides popular vote.

Maybe other people are more qualified but if they don't represent the people that's just tyranny. Even if what the people want is retarded and a dictator would be denying them for their own good it still seems bad to me for someone leading the people having no need to answer to them.

Current rulers have no need to answer to the people. Most effects of political policy take years to see and people can only usually get reelected once.

Democracy is literally just a rule of the commoners. How it is implemented is a different thing. Like parliamentary democracy metioned in OP picture

anarcho-capitalism > city states controlled by a hereditary monarchy > constitutional republic of split into localities with strong individual ruling power > large, homogenous democracy > melding together of multiple heterogenous states to be ruled by rapid cycles of unelected officials > world state

nobody needs to vote. it's not a democracy it's trolling by "trolley problems" by madmen from madison avenue. It's fair and balanced where word fair is used as a noun - a westworld amusement park serving balanced diet of carnival yellow cake and devils food cake

>Vote on issues directly. Of course people themselves don't want that. You'd have to be constantly engaged
the thing is that even if they'd want that, most people don't know shit (I know I don't), they're also moody as fuck and some policies take time to be effective, it's already hard to buid something coherent on the long run with 2 antagonistic parties alternating every 5/10 years, if we start doing that for every issue it would be a complete mindfuck

Maybe it's not all jews, I agree. But there are definitely a lot of them up there.
And my country definitely has been fucked a lot by them. They hate us, I don't know why. Maybe for all pogroms in the Russian empire and during the Civil War.
Take USSR, the bolsheviks. Majority of them were jews. It's not a conspiracy. Even Putin openly said that 85% of them were jews, while speaking to orthodox jewish community.

And btw as a Ukrainian it's pretty easy to shut them with their "muh holocaust", just bring up Holodomor or Red terror. They can't answer anything to that, because it's fucking true.
And right now jews dominate almost everything in Ukraine. And you can't do nothing about it.