Brit/pol/ - Lantic Bay Edition

Today’s Articles

> May refuses to rule out personal tax hikes after election

> Don’t believe Theresa May. The election won’t change Brexit one bit - Guy Verhofstadt

> U.K. Conservatives Prepare for Election, and Social-Media War

> FT: The diary of a Labour strategist: a master plan for poll success

> FT: Labour manifesto set to swing to the left

> Former EU judge blasts Brexiteer’s ‘INVINCIBLE IGNORANCE’ over European courts

> EU’s tough Brexit stance leaked: UK will have to keep European court… & foot the bill

> Why does the French Presidential Election matter to the UK?
> How Marine Le Pen could win the first round of the French election but lose the presidency in the second round

> How does the French political system work and what are the main parties?

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Any fellow Kenters here.

Love you Brit/pol/

Yeah. Can't wait to leave that, sick of it. Wish I wasn't born here desu, brings me nothing but shame.

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>not drinking bone broth

Cures gout, apparently.

>not drinking aryan blood

>Morality Man writes an article about how the election could be a disaster for the Tories
>they're polling at 50%

Solpadeine Headache Soluable Tablets are pretty good desu

Isn't Are 'Nige from Kent?

I hope she wiped that thing with some antibacterial wipes at the very least before she did that.

>tfw London absorbed my town in the 60s
At least I study in Canterbury so that's something. I'd like to visit other places in the UK though, the same scenery gets boring.

That's pretty sad lad.

If conservatives win landslide do you think we'll slide into Antifa Protest Madness like the US?

We're not even a week into campaigning, m8

Yeah, still doesn't stop it being the shittest bit of England though.

He's wrong most of the time when it comes to predicting results of votes.

There's a mouse in my house.

I blame brexit


Can't wait for the comic strip memes that'll come out of this election

Alright lads, will there be a happening in France tomorrow?

I'd hope so but honestly don't want to look like I'm defending the government when battling those shits.

my thoughts exactly

women are disgusting

he did say Leave would win, though

Same lad, the place is chock full of turks and niggers. Fucking depressing.

Jus kidding, I'm a Yorkshire lad. FUCK KENT AND FUCK KENTISH PEOPLE

I hope so

I can't wait to see the left get totally fucked in the polls then in the streets

Then hopefully later in the sheets

I'm surprised no French politicians been Jo Cox'd by an evil Le Pen voter yet.


>tfw potato-kun is figuratively banging on his prison bars ans wailing to be let into Brit/pol/

that's interesting, isn't that whole region quite wealthy? I would imagine there's a lot of parts in the north or midlands that are even shittier desu

>And the socialist rebellion has been foiled.
>The remaining socialists will be hunted down, and defeated.
>This attempt of Britain's destruction has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you - my resolve has never been stronger!

>In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, Britain will be re-organised into the FIRST TORY EMPIRE, for a safe and securer society.

It wasn't a happening. It was just Are Farronkun teaching a fag a lesson.


I imagine the police will be doing some raids on the immigrant suburbs

Doesn't really make a difference, you could pour all the wealth in the world in to this place and it'd still be absolutely shite. Can't wait to leave desu, gonna move to London where the people are better. That's saying something.

>implying french intelligence services are beady enough to come up with that idea


Does anyone else avoid social media in the run up to an election like the fucking plague?

It's just 100% unsolicited, ill-informed, shitty opinions.

>Don’t believe Theresa May. The election won’t change Brexit one bit - Guy Verhofstadt

And I should believe you instead?

Canterbury is so white and beautiful until you get to the UKC campus. Fucked "We Are European" banners everywhere and chock full of nonwhites.


>@ShippersUnbound: Sunday Times Scotland/Panelbase poll

>John Curtice analysis of our poll shows Tories on course for 12 seats in Scotland.

>Labour wiped out



Natalie Portman was seriously stunning in the early 2000's.

He's always been overly optimistic in the demise of the Tory party. He called for them to lose in 2015 too.

>Implying you wouldn't want a Tory empire (and I mean an actual Tory empire).

My constituency Wakefield has been labour since 1932 but i think theres a good chance that we'll break away from that trend. If the vote wasnt split between UKIP and Conservative we'd have been able to get rid of that cunt Mary Creagh last time. Anyone else in Labour Areas that think theyre going to go the same way.

I avoid it constantly. I have no social media accounts because people who do are homosexual, undeniably. Stop being homosexual desu, are Tim doesn't give second chances.


Any of you lads done this test yet?

I'm in a Labour area in Leeds, I reckon it's just going to remain Labour though.


I deleted a load of people who I found aggravating

Feel so much better for it

He doesn't think they will. He is resigned to the fact they and Labour will hobble on ad infinitum.
HE WOULD LIKE for the Tories to split into a Blairite party and an actual Conservative party, but he doesn't think it'll happen.

Dunno lad, the town itself is pretty BLACKED. Also have you noticed how it's always the niggers who are late to lectures?

Who /missingpreusse/ here?

I put 80 on ukip in stoke and won zilch :(

>Mfw the shock on Mayfly's faces will be all the sweeter now that they've been lulled into a false sense of security.

do i need to register again if i voted in the referendum or am i good, surprisingly little information about this online.

History is comfortably white apart from the occasional nog who, indeed, is late to lectures and has nothing but shite to say during seminars.

literally fucking no one

>tfw no more karenposting

Angus Robertson's seat is at risk

Anyone from Dartford or Bexley?

>tfw centrist

I have transcended beyond your petty political games, mortal.

Oh god please. PLEASE.


Fucking hope he loses.

Would be fantastic to see Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh lose hers as well, poetic justice.


shame this cunts isn't.

Please, election gods, strike them down.

She'd just switch party again to get it back. If that happens watch her leap on the next Scottish by-election.

It's a low chance but as it only narrowly voted remain the tories are throwing a lot at it. Would be a nice Portillo moment.


Is there anything more retarded than tactically voting for the tories when polls give them a 25 point lead over labour?

Sunday Times/YouGov
Con 48% (-)
Lab 25% (+1)
LD 12% (-)
Ukip 5% (-2)

Labour is gaining momentum. The Tory landslide is no longer a certainty.

Yeah Leeds is pretty cucked.

Tomorrow's Times is looking to be a must-read, to be honest.

>Corbyn "struggles to cope" and works in "chaos"
hardly news but interesting to have it well-sourced..

I need this to happen, we need to make this happen.

Aye, I haven't recieved a card in the mail or anything.

Yeah, making damn sure we don't get Corbyn quickly followed by borders more open than a council estate Essex girls legs.

Is queen still alive? and why?


There's a lot more where that came from, Tory cucks.

How those percentages have shifted show that that particular shift for labour was at the expense of UKIP not the Tories.







Labour in my area (homogenous) has gradually been losing its landslide majority. To be fair, the Conservative vote has changed very little despite the rise of UKIP, looking at election results for Labour constituencies.


>Whitehall officials drawing up plans so Donald Trump doesn't have to use stairs on state visit, because he's phobic


Who cares. The SNP need to go. I'd rather have an entirely Labour Scotland than have 1 SNP seat.

I put £100 on Hofer winning in Austria, after regretting not putting money on Brexit and Trump which I seriously considered but the blackpill got the better of me.


While the left has perpetuated the myth that Mexicans and Mexican-Americans are nothing but worthless brown victims, it is still apparent to many Americans that plenty of Mexicans are white and share their same European blood. Some are even Anglos and Germanics who immigrated here long ago.

Mexican intellectuals on OCWeekly can also confirm, if we are 25% Spanish or 100% Spanish it is known that we are members of the white race and wish to better America.
> Before the 60s (reign of the jew), it was expressed widely that Mexicans were members of the white race as well. It was a tacit understanding that Anglo-Saxons and Mexicans were brothers cut from the same colonial cloth. Marriages between us did not violate miscegenation laws, and we also did not face lynching periods en masse like muh niggers and Italians. And even the shittiest Mexicans like pic related look whiter than filthy dagos!

10% of Mexico is estimated to be white by many scholars in fact, and it's quite compelling is it not? This is what makes us a grand sect of your people, Sup Forums. My palms are as white as my Spanish great-great-great-grandfather and you bet your ass I consider my white wife and I as members of your people. And despite this; you still may deny my whiteness but are you willing to accept the redpill that there are many Mexicans out there, white and non-white who wish you the best and hope to destroy the Jewish media influence?

What makes Le Pen far right? Prioritising your own citizens according to the BBC.

Reckon they could lose 10 seats? bet365 has 3/1 odds on

Any form of nationalism is 'far right' for some reason


>12 Tory seats in Scotland