What about when I call her a "lying piece of shit"?
Who am I offending/oppressing then? Liars or shit?
@leahmcelrath is 22 years old
let that sink in.
this is what leftism does to you
>the holy book of feminism says, in Infinite Genders, chapter 3, verse 34
>thou shalt not crave inanimate objects, for holy are all things humans
>thou shalt not use any minority, person, gender, sex, or religion as a name you dislike
>thou shalt not use any minority, person, gender, sex, or religion as a name you like should anyone take offense
>thou shalt never profane the holy names of woman
>thou shalt never use "weak" against any woman of office as such names are wicked and vile tools of the Devil waged upon the minds of women!
>down with cis white shitlords
no fucking way
Bitch looks 50
>most qualified ever
Because she was First Lady or a shitty Governor?
>Liars or shit?
It's still women or girls.
No seriously wtf
That is one rugged mug
Over under 5 cats??
come get redpilled immediately
>Most qualified ever
>First lady of Arkansas and the US
>Failed secretary of state
>John Q Adams
>Son of one of the most influential families in American history
>Diplomat to 4 countries
>One of the most successful Secretaries of State ever
>Not as qualified as Hillary
>Governor of New York
>Assistant secretary of the Navy
>Not as qualified as Hillary
>George HW Bush
>Director of the CIA
>UN ambassador
>Vice president
>House of Representatives
>Not as qualified as Hillary
Anyone care to list some more presidential candidates who weren't as qualified as Hillary?
these people are irredeemable.
your forgot chairman of the RNC for H.W.
got nothing on hillary though
>Builds a real estate Empire
>negotiated his way out of a billion+ dollars of debt
>builds a business Empire
>builds a media Empire
>was able to persuade his way into winning the presidency against both political dynasties, both political establishments and the entire mainstream media, along with having far less money in the campaign
>Not as qualified as Hillary
How was Hillary a "failed Secretary of State"?
their frame of reference must not extent past our last community-organizer-in-chief.
>hey I'm fuck up the entire middle east while taking tens of millions in donations from Saudi Arabian government, steal hella money from the Haiti relief fund, fuck up arguably the most successful African country, mishandle classified information, keep a illegal email server so I'm not accountable, and lie about how my shady actions got people killed in Benghazi in front of congress, act like it's no big deal and then resign because I slipped and hit my head and now basically have brain damage"
>some stupid bullshit
>57258 retweets and 605984234 likes
please fucking nuke us
Legit thought she was talking about Trump.
>Any time you use weak to describe trump you're hurting women
I've heard stupider logic.
Imagine being so weak the word "weak" feels like violence.
I guess she's got a point. It is some form of violence. Yet, it's intentional. Calling someone weak is an assault on their character, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's unwarranted or unfair.
Female Bigot BTFO
Refers to weak women as "girls".
Where is the proof?
>believing a swedecuck
Kek confirms. "Weak" triggers this bitch.
Women confirmed the weaker sex.
Don't commit psychological violence, Goyim!
Weak statement coming from a weak woman.
I thought she was referring to Trump and then I realized she meant Clinton.
How many times do I have to call you "weak" before you psychologically die?
This bitch is hysterical!
Bitch looks like my grandmother!
She lost because she was the weaker candidate.
It was her turn.
Benghazi, Libya, Iran
>She persisted
The Dictionary confirmed a lethal weapon.
The Matriarchy BTFO
Call the Thought Police.
I guess I shouldn't ask her what she's doing this week.
This is why she didn't get enough votes, tbqf.