German Parties and Federal States

German Parties and Federal States
These Graphics show which Parties are representated in which Federal States Parliament.
The Stars show in which State the Party ist part of the Federal-Government

Top: Die Linke (Communists), AfD (Nationalists), Grüne (Greens)
Middle: FDP (Libertarians) SPD (Socialdemocrats) CDU/CSU (Christian-Conservatives)
Bottom(Minor-Parties): Freie Wähler (Conservatives) LKR (Libertarian-Conservatives) Piraten (Pirates)

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Nope, lets just restore the empire

Is there any separatist sentiment in East Germany, or are they pretty chill?

wtf is piraten

We would, but we cant.
The east german economy is not strong enough to carry eastern germany. we are basicly depending on western funds.

There was a Petition about seperating Saxony to join Russia. But it had only a few thousand signs

pirate party

Pirate-Parties are mostly for Internet-Freedom and anti-copyright. There are Pirateparties in several Countries. Especially Sweden

Mostly bavarian funds


Liberal is quite fitting for the FDP.

AfD will be represented in all states by autumn 2018.

The problem is, the westgerman AfD Voters want another AfD than the Eastgermans

are the Greens really are such whores to be in every single federal government?

As long as you have red judges who don't convict criminals and police who autisically follows their red Dienstanweisung it really doesn't matter who makes the laws.
Hate to say it but voting Afd does not cut it, even if they got 115%. You need a big purge.

The cucks will come around or they will be left behind.

same with FDP, but they are poorly to weak to be a whore

Westgermany as arround 4 times more Voters than Eastgermany
AfD will suceed to Westgerman conditions or loose with eastgerman support.
Look, where the Communists are strong, there also is Höckes >Gib HartzIV
AfD strong

Gommunism is one hell of a drug

I mean really big purge, like flushing the toilet big. E.g. capturing that judge who let the five Serbian gang rapists go and send him to the local police department, Mexican style.

Angela.. die Abgeordneten...

>FDP (Libertarians)
Fucking Insulting.
FDP are crony liberals.

>FDP are crony liberals.

You're on a board primarily used by Americans who believe Leftists to be Liberals, labeling the FDP Libertarians makes things easier for everybody involved desu

Furthermore the handful of Libertarians in Germany that try to be politically active are in the FDP, really no other party they could fit into (and even fitting into the FDP would be a huge pain in the ass).

Thank you

Yes, and at the same time they are picking on each other in retarded ideological purity debates.
It seems that they have lost any purpose since that nuclear power plants are getting shut down

There are also a few Libertariens in AfD, but they are afraid of Höcke

Doesn't fucking matter.
Don't bend facts so that you can mislead burgers out for convienence.

Greens are plague to leftism
The most Linke voters are even against mass migration like Sahra Wagenknecht

So AFD and Linke share the same voting base?

Liberalism in the american term is more fitting for SPD

In the east for sure
Linke Voters be like
>Gib Welfare
AfD(East) Voters be like
>Gib welfare
>But not gib it to niggers

Both together would be NSDAP 2.0

How can we convince the bavarians that the csu separates from the cdu and forms a coalition with the Afd , the east and baden württemberg are safe for 2017

But its not reseved to them.
FDP are liberals as well, but with a bit less taxes.

NPD are /ourguys/

NPD is a 1% Party
it left the last federal parliament (bacause AfD) last year
NPD is like a mixture of AfD and Linke

Dumb shits and controlled opposition.

What's the difference?

Bavarians are Voting for CSU since WWII
only for four years another party was in charge

>Everyone I don't like is controlled opposition

They would be IF they were an actual party and not just a Verfassungsschutz honeypot. The closest thing to the real deal is Bürgerbewegung Pro Deutschland, but they are pretty much irrelevant.

>There are also a few Libertariens in AfD

I used to be AfD but left after the Petry Coup so I would know.

Heard about many people swinging my way that also left since then.

Big surprise both the far left and far right share a similar voter base of people who are fed up with things.

>But its not reseved to them.

The American "liberal" is not a liberal period

Leftists in the US started using that term during the cold-war when calling yourself a Socialist wasn't really a possibility for most people.

I like that Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has no love for the greens.

Recreate the Kingdom of Prussia now!

MV and Saarland have together like 2 Percents of the Voters of whole Germany

That's a funny and interesting way to look at it.
Not even that far off, actually, depending on which side of the bipolar AfD ends up on top.

It was even a thing in the early 2000s
There was a plan to reunite Berlin and Brandenburg
But the Brandenburgers were against it

Friendly reminder that there is a inter-party organization of German Royalists advocating for replacing the President with a King (best candidate would be Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia).

And "libertarian" is not what the FDP is, period.

Very irrelevant

Bayern is a turning point, without csu the cdu will implode and splits itself in conservative and moderate. That would lead to the fall of merkel and open the way for a new allianz .

Yes it is.

>How can we convince the bavarians that the csu separates from the cdu and forms a coalition with the Afd

You realize that the AfD has just rejected such ideas today? They will not form a coalition with any of the government parties.

Yes that includes the CSU which is part of the Union..

Speaking of "far left", LINKE shit's are getting pressure from even forther left, at east in the hellhole NRW that im in.
I'm seeing fucking MLPD (Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands) poster everywhere, much to my dissatifaction.

No it isn't.
They are crony capitalists, liberals and centrists, but not libertarians.
Maybe a few sorry people there try to be, but the party is not.
There is no such thing as a german libertarian party.
Fuck off now FPD shill, bobody likes your clownsverein.

I know, but it's still a long time until September. When we have to experience a few more terror strokes, everything can change

>There is no such thing as a german libertarian party.
There actually is. The PDV is strictly against any welfare, government interference in the market and opposes the EU and only wants trade deals instead of working together on a political level. They are so small and irrelevant that they can't even get into meme status, though.

More left voters for CDU
More right voters for CSU
I bet they would stille make a CDU/CSU/SPD Government

Rejecting the union is retarded because their only hopes are Union + AFD or AFD+ CSU + FDP

>itt Germans wasting energy on discussing what the FDP is
That's a level of autism you can't afford while your country is spiraling out of control into lawlessness (increase of WROL no go areas).

If you want the other krautanon to stop sperging out you could just translate FDP into "Chamber of Commerce Conservatives". "Rockefeller Republicans" or "Country Club Conservatives" this roughly translates to the "Doctor and Lawyer party" image that the FDP had in the early days of the BRD. It means people who aren't particularly religious or focused on social issues, support lower taxes, but don't see the government as a fundamentally evil institution. They just want to keep more of their earnings.

That won't ever happen. There are maybe half a dozen people in the most right corners of the CSU who would support that and none in the CDU and FDP, hell, I'm not even sure if the AFD would be willing to go into a coalition in the next few years.

SPD+AfD+Linke would be interesting

The current party structure is fucked. All parties are somewhat globalist. There are only a handful of politician within this cesspool, that don't suck Rothschild/Rockefeller/Soros dick and the media is extremely hostile against them, like Sarah Wagenknecht for example.

90% majority for cdu if anyone ever mentions that possibility

For sure
the only really opposition Parties are AfD and Linke

Sure, the Anti German platform of Die Linke and the EU Schulz shills will love to cooperate with the Anti EU nationalists in the AfD. They are polar opposites and only because there are some crypto socialists like Höcke in the AfD doesn't mean they'd ever agree on anything.

I can tell you here in Baden württemberg we are finished with the green and the left. Minimum 20% Afd only in the cities are green and Spd elected.
Ein Schwabe vergisst nie.

And even they got globalist shills among their members. For every Wagenknecht or Höcke, you'll also find a Katja Kipping or some pro-Israel jew faggot. It's fucking disgusting

SPD just because AfD and Linke would never get more than 50% together.
Most Antigermans hate Die Linke
>Muh Putin
>Muh Antisemitism
The most Linke Voters want Wagenknecht, not Cuckja Kippings Cuckshit

the somali party

Grün ist für mich Abfall.

I'm from Reutlingen and I expect more Green-CDU fuckery for the upcoming years. AfD will get maybe 7%, zu viele alte Gewohnheitswähler

AfD fucked itself because it wants all and in the end it gets nothing
You cant get the Höckes and the Weidels
You have to decide or you will lose them both

Please, don't spread this bullshit meme of based Linke. Wagenknecht gets shit on by pretty much everybody in her party and a majority of the left voters. Die Linke is a party for Antifa faggots and would be the end of Germany. Every majorily red state is in huge debts. Just because Wagenknecht exists doesn#t make the party any better than the greens, the are both cesspools of degenerate globalists and commies.

Used to be a party only caring about a free internet and the protection of privacy. It rapidly grew over a very short time and adopted batshit crazy SJW politics. They're also bronies.

At the end of the year they will have been kicked out of every state parliament. The ones in NRW and Schleswig Holstein are just remnants from when they were popular a couple years ago.

Ich glaube das nicht , ich komme aus der Umgebung von Tübingen und beim Thema Islam da sind sogar teile der Grünen extrem skeptisch, und wo sollen die Jungs ihr Kreuz machen wenn es keine Partei gibt die sich für diesen Problem zuständig fühlt.Du hast ja die Show um Palmer mitbekommen, das hat viele hellhörig gemacht und einige Fragen zum Thema wie links sind die Grünen eigentlich eröffnet.

It depends on the singel Antifa-Fags some of them defended a pro-Putin Demo where I have been against western degenerates in 2014
Antifa is a badly abused label
>Hate Germanz for Nationalism
>Love Americans for Nationalism

>>Hate Germanz for Nationalism
>>Love Americans for Nationalism
That's not contradicting, they just hate Germany. They are also pro genocide when they yell DEUTSCHLAND VERRECKE BOMBER HARRIS DO IT AGAIN.

I think the biggest problem of the afd is the 15% in the party which are constantly hanging in the past royalists, and people who still hang in the second world war.

Die ganzen Rentner werden weiterhin fleißig bei der CDU ihr Kreuz machen. Die Jüngeren hüpfen zwischen SPD, Grüne und FDP hin und her. Ich hab nicht dad Gefühl, dass in Ba-Wü die Nichtwähler stark genug zur AfD Wahl motiviert werden. Ich denk schon, dass ein Einzug in den Landtag drin ist, aber nicht fundamental mehr. Aber ich lass mich gern eines Besseren belehren.

These Slogans are ironically
not even them are so retarded

Hoffen wir das Beste.

Imagine the CSU not getting the absolute majority in the 2018 state elections and the FDP not getting into parliament either. They'd be pretty much forced to go into a coalition with the AfD. Once that happens, the CSU will drift away faster and faster from the CDU. So let's hope that that the AfD gets enough votes in Bavaria to weaken the CSU.

AfD has the same fate as Die Linke
its in the east strong but in the west weak as fuck

I think in this case they would go with Freie Wähler or in the worst case with SPD


I doubt that FW will be as strong as last time, since the AfD will now get the conservative protest votes. But you're right, the possibility of black red exists, but most Bavarians would see that as literal treason. If Memehofer is smart he'd know better than to enrage 90% of his voter base. He might secure his power for some years, but if he really sided with them he'd get anally raped in the next election.

> I am a retarded Burger that doesnt know that almost 50 % of the leading NPD figures are intelligence service agents

Controlled opposition it is

The chances are not so bad for this scenario, you look like "Scheuer" tries to keep the conservative at mood,when "Seehofer" approaches to much to "merkel" is going to give a slip in the csu.

Seehofer is the typical flip-flopper-
Roars and jumps as a bavarian Lion and always lands as a Berlin alley cat.

GO AND FUCKING CREATE A GERMAN PARTY FOR GERMANS HOLY SHIT I NEED HITLER NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, the younger CSU figures are actually pretty legit. Once Seehofer and his eternal power struggle are gone, people like Scheuer and Söder will have more control and hopefully get the party on track again. I mean, the CSU has actually done much good things for Bavaria, I don't want them to go down the same path as the CDU because some old cunt doesn't want to be seperated from his sugar mama. Once the voices who support black blue get loud enough, at least Bavaria will have some kind of hope.

I´ll be back in an Hour
hold thus Thread alive my fellow Volksgenossen


I know, but "memehofer" is no longer full supported by the base.

>afd most popular in east germany and bavaria
>most pro capitalism places
cant make this shit up

East Germany is pretty anti capitalism. The thing is, the AfD has two faces for two parts of Germany. In the east you have people like Höcke, who pretty much are populist SPD tier on an economic level but nationalists instead of SPD globalism, while in the West you got people like Meuthen, more articulate and calmer. He's a professor for economics and more like the ex head of the party Lucke. In the West the AfD is basically paleoconservative.

>I'm seeing fucking MLPD (Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands) poster everywhere, much to my dissatifaction.


Ita Baden Wurttemberg you (Nigger?)

>east Germany
>most pro capitalism
>not Baden-Württemberg

Look at the voterbase of Die Linke in East-Germany. You talk out of your ass