First school shooting happened in 1764 in Greencastle, Pennsylvania

>First school shooting happened in 1764 in Greencastle, Pennsylvania
>mfw americans have been shooting up their schools before their country even existed
be late 18th century american
get shot

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I'd rather get shot then have to spend another minute in public american schooling.

Bussa cap on dey bitch ass


>schools to shoot

Oh no look at that, another Eurofag getting plowed over by Muslims in a semi.

>school shooter gets you out of penis inspection day

Thank you jesus.

Arguably, this does prove that the school shooter mentality that all americans have is at fault, not the firearm laws.

>country only known for exporting prostitutes talking shit

granted, theyre good

>exporting prostitutes
Ironically enough, firearms as well.

D-delete this ;_;

Delete kebab and I will.

>Done by native americans during Pontiac's war
Doesn't count.


Ahahha americans fucking destroyed. Look at all of you crawling out of your holes and trying to defend the fact that the school shooting fad started on the american continent by the american. Shame!

will burgers ever recover?

Again, it was done by Native Americans during a war, so it was more an act of war than anything else... done by a minority group that is almost non-existent today

nice mental gymnastics

The Enoch Brown school massacre[1] was "one of the most notorious incidents"[2] of Pontiac's War. On July 26, 1764, four Delaware (Lenape) American Indians entered a settlers' log schoolhouse in the Province of Pennsylvania in what is now Franklin County, near the present-day city of Greencastle.
Inside were the schoolmaster, Enoch Brown, and a number of young students. Brown pleaded with the warriors to spare the children; nonetheless he was shot and scalped.[3] The warriors then tomahawked and scalped the children. Brown and nine children were killed.[2][3] Two scalped children survived their wounds.[3] Four children were taken as prisoners.[2]

still counts

>b-but muh noble savage

>not getting shot on graduation day

they should've shot the trucks right? retard

atleast they have guns u euro fagggggg

>penis inspection day

That's today's equivalent of nog violence. A vast majority of school shootings nowadays is niggers chimping out while they happen to be on school grounds

Czech firearms are good shit

I feel like the odds of getting shot in a school shooting in America is less likely than getting plowed by trucks.
Also, way more people die in truck attacks than any school shooting.
>live in 3rd world shithole
>make fun of statistically unlikely chance of dying in a school shooting in the most developed nation in human history

>he didn't have penis inspection day at school
Kek what kind of third world shithole did you get your education from?

They've slowed considerably since Trump took office

Busst a musket ball off in their hind quarters,

Dross made a video about all the school shootings in the United States historically, it's ridiculous and borderline.

>be br
>shoot my mom before leaving
>we have a good old shootout for a few mins
>walk to the public school in the next town over
>shoot my friends and a few strangers on the way
>step on school grounds
>get ready to shoot the staff
>can't because the school is closed for the third month in a row, teachers are on strike AGAIN
>kidnap and rape a dumb white tourist to relieve stress
Fucking lazy ass teachers

Not even sure if this is satire tbqh