Your vote was wrong

Your vote was wrong.

Your vote lost. Fuck off.

Pokemon Go back in time

>implying Drumpfkins have a chance

I'm with her.

My vote made Hillary the legitimate president.

she lost lol

Funny because President Trump is President Trump, and Hillary is....


>lives in a place where his very sovereignty is questioned
>thinks he's in a position to judge how other countries are ruled

>Forgetting the electoral college exists
Is our education system this fucking bad?

The electoral college is a threat to democracy which allows traitors to vote however they want.

Which is what happened, and traitors voted for Trump even though their areas voted for Hillary.

My vote caused at least one degenerate leftist to commit suicide. My vote was right.

It doesn't matter what the electoral college is, it's the system that the US uses for elections.

Your vote, assuming you're old enough, made zero difference to the world, kid.

Theirs litterally nothing worthwhile going on with you, and Trump haunts your nightmares long after you've woken up. I feel sorry for you OP

It does matter, because Hillary is the president.

Stop being a delusional faggot and accept reality.

Fake news, babe.

Hillary won. Deal with it.

Nice job trolling.

Dude stop, Hillary will never be President

Pic related would be a good thing for you :^)

Hillary is president and is influencing Britain as we speak.

Putin's tag team of losers in both countries will soon face prison bars and liberalism can soon resume on schedule.

Ok I'll bite. President of what? A book of the month club?

She was never sworn in so she cant be president

Trump can't be president though because he's a felon and a foreign agent, so Hillary is the only alternative.

>a felon and a foreign agent

Yet he is the president.

You must have been born retarded man...

Vice president maybe? Maybe it's time for you to take a High School Civics again. Damn our schools can't be this bad.

>illegitimate president


Pence is complicit, stupid, just like Ryan. There will be a special election and Hillary will take it.

>There will be a special election
Now you just proved you're retarded

Why don't you take high school civics again like I suggested. Maybe if you listen you will learn something this time.


Will this meme ever die?

Tyrannical Majority blown the fuck out!!

you misspelt heroes

We're a republic, not a democracy

Try again nigger