Why are Spanish soldiers so fucking gay?

Look at these fags


They've got nothing on Greece. The soldiers literally wear frilly dresses and stockings.

If Spaniards are faggots how did they conquer us?

Aztecs were cunts and 90% of their subjects rose up and with spaniards united the efforts.

Your empire had already collapsed, you were in your drug cartel cycle when they arrived back then.

>mestizo tries to make fun of spanish
>Post pics of spanish foreign legion that is filled with mestizos

what his endgame here?

What % of the Spanish legion is made of immigrants?, 20%?

Hot as fuck

You shouldn't be calling Spanish Soldiers gay, they literally banged your female ancestors

>If Spaniards are faggots how did they conquer us?

This is a Mexican, asking how the Spaniards could have conquered them.

This should be an abject lesson to every civic nationalist out there.

Mexicans think they're not spaniards, somehow, on some level. They see some kind of line backwards to Aztec and Maya KANGZ instead of accepting they're partially mongrelized, but culturally spaniard for centuries. Nobody speaks tribal.

I doubt they have any statics on it since it is a military unit. But anyone from a former spanish colony can join it.

They didn't
Most of the Conquistadores stayed in the new world.
The ancestors of those faggots in your pic were either too poor to pay for the trip to nueva eapaña or too weak to join the army and get the hell out.

Blame Marxist teachers
>Spain = white imperialism = evil
>Aztecs = red imperialism = good

Because they are faggots.

Not many. Overall in the armed forces the percentage is 0.42%, but the legion, being one of the most operative forces, had back in the day up to 30%, mostly from latin american countries.

BTW, these guys in particular have weird uniforms and customs because its a very old corps, created in 1920. They also march faster than any other unit. But they are an elite unit, and I can tell you they are known for being batshit crazy.

What is it with countries on the Mediterranean and gayness?

Jesus OP, that image of pure faggotry is just about as bad as those trap threads on /b.
My eyes hurt now.

What has that got to do with civic nationalism? It's their country not Spain's, so they can obviously choose to go with whichever heritage they like. I want to be VIKANG instead of christian, despite having been christian for 1000 years. got a problem with that too, niggerfaggot?

I'm going to throw up. Always knew Greece was filled with boy lovers....

>>What is it with countries on the Mediterranean and gayness?

More paradoxical is the "macho" culture in Latin America, they call us faggots because we are not as, well... macho... as them.

So Mediterranean guys are girly and Latin American guys want to out-man everyone else. I don't get it, can you guys just be regular guys?

MFW el Salvador has discovered that the average spaniard didn't want to go there and want to stay in Spain instead, even if we were in civil war 24/7, and that the big migrations were part of the XIX and early XX

good point

Buit Murricans don't consider themselves English either despite being the same race. CHECKMATE !

Isn't Spain like the most gay friendly country ever? The men are very hot too

This is why I hate the reserves

The Spaniards banged the mayan and they became Mexicans. Most mexicans love Europe and Spain. The op is only posting weak bait.

>I'mnot a brown indío I am white because of my Spanish ancestry
>Spain is a bunch of faggots

Only la raza tier indios h8 spain, most educated mexicans actually like spain and embrece their spanish heritage, but we also embrace our mayan heritage (aztecs were wiped out mostly but some ppl in the valley of mexico belive they're decendants of the aztecs kek).