Does she actually have a chance?

Does she actually have a chance?

she will win

She never had a chance you utter fucking retard. The continentals are fucked beyond belief.

she will smash it

Kek seems to think so.

Shes gonna win. Polls are neck and neck and doing the same thing to avoid showing her getting a blow out win like Trump and Brexit got.


Non. Seuls les attardés mentaux ruraux et suburbains votent pour Le Pen. Les gens de la ville votent tous pour Macron.




Kek willing she will be France's fearless leader


not a fucking chance. the french antifa movement and leftists have been woke by trump/brexit's victory, they're gonna be out in droves voting to prevent their own trump/brexit. so fuck off.

Only full stacks and (hopefully) fullstack-1 can meme a political candidate to victory.

The Geert roll did not have enough power. Plain to see for those of us experienced in the occult.


FN did 35% in Marseille at last elections

No fucking chance. France has the largest Muslim population in Europe. France has the largest kike population in Europe. Sup Forums doesn't to discuss this demographic issue preventing Le Pen from winning. They want to play autism with numbers.

Geert did win a lot of seats though, it's not like he could actually have became PM. He did better than last time, so he did win.

How can Fillon even compete?

Je te pisse au cul

He could still win in the future too. NLs election system isn't an "Insert two candidates" for this election and then never see the ones that lose again. He will run again.

>meme magic
>memeing a candidate to victory
Trump really was the worst thing to happen to this board, in retrospect.

>changing the definition of winning to justify your autistic pseudo-religious larping

Most people are skeptical because France is a Muslim majority country. Ethnic French only make up about 37% of the population. All of Europe went out of it's way to be invaded. Soon it will be a caliphate.

That's why I'm not so much focused on Europe, as they'll soon be considered a terrorist super state and need to be destroyed by Russia and China (the direction most of the European refugees will go, somewhat surprisingly)

The French are very wise ppl. They see how Trump has been fucking up. Do you think that they want to elect a female version of Trump to be the French president ? No.

Also, the French are a very chauvinistic society. The reasons American mens voted against Shillary bc she was a woman, are going to be same reasons French mens are going to vote against Le Pen.

Those are two, very big strikes against her.

She will win Round 1
But lose in Round 2

The system in France isn't Democracy, it just keeps the status quo in power under the guise of Democracy

>They see how Trump has been fucking up

You mean the media has been telling (lying) people he has been fucking up

Geert did not lose. He is now the 2nd largest group in dutch politics

You're in denial.