Can Sup Forums recommend me anymore redpilled books? I just finished reading Dangerous by Milo and it was pretty eyeopening on how it exposes the so-called "tolerant" left
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tl;dr of Dangerous?
Anyway, this one is pretty redpilled
Fuck off.
Nuremburg: the last battle by David Irving.
There wasn't a single (legitimate) charge against Germany that the allies weren't capable of committing themselves.
Eceleb meme books
Are you trying to ruse me?
How are they meme books?
MAGA Mindset sucks, its extra skippable if you read Gorilla Mindset too.
shit just got real
These aren't redpill books. "Dangerous" hasn't even been published so I'm not sure why you're pushing a book that you haven't even read. Cernovich seems like meathead so I won't bother with is books. The death of cool was cringey I had to stop halfway through. Lauren southern's book can barely be considered a book and on top of that it's bunch of shit everyone has been saying for years.
Are you sure you're redpilled?
>Ayn Rand
please user.
Ditch the alt-light crap and read some real political literature, here are a few good books to start with.
>The Doctrine of Fascism, Benito Mussolini
>Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered, Oswald Mosley
>The Greater Britain, Oswald Mosley
>The Alternative, Oswald Mosley
>For my Legionaries, Corneliu Z. Codreanu
>tl;dr of Dangerous?
Overrated blog post by the faggy pedo.
In these sort of threads I always see people post Marcus Aurelius Mediations in the list when the book can literally be summed up in a google search (Stoicism) and other than that it's just good john reading.
>christina hoff summers
>lauren southern
Fuck off nupol faggot.
Go back home to plebbit. You don't know shit about the redpill.
You should keep your political thoughts confined to the comment section of "SJW MELTDOWN COMPILATION #12" on Youtube
>Ditch the alt-light crap
Theodore Kaczynski: Industrial Society and Its Future (1995), link related.
>unabomber ramblings
>associating Zarathustra with that shite
What was the thought process behind this?
Propaganda by Edward Bernays
It had quite the impact on Hitler I believe
Trumped! How Tweets, Trolls, and Memes won the Presidency for Donald Trump. Whole chapter on Pepe the Frog
yah did good, turk. Thanks for those.
The Prince
The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi.
On War by Carl von Clausewitz.
De Bello Gallico by Julius Ceasar
Art of War Sun Tzu
Discourses on Livy - Macchiavelli
the dictator's handbook why bad behaviour is almost always good politics
Coup D'etat by Edward n. luttwak
The anarchist's cookbook
How to Win Friends and Influence People
epiktetus - the discourses
epiktetus - enchiridion
seneca - moral letters to lucilius
marcus aurelius - meditations
zenon- republic
Thomas Sowell's "A Conflict of Visions: The Ideological Origins of Political Struggles".
Thomas Sowell-Basic Economics
Thomas Sowell-Economic Fact and Fallacies
Thomas Sowell-Wealth, Poverty and Politics
Man I read some of this shit in the wrong order.
No big deal. Actually before reading those books you should read some explanatory books. For ex. before reading Plato and Aristotle you should have basic knowledge about ancient greek history, philosophy etc.
There's no such thing as "red pilled" books
If you want to be redpilled, read literature from both opposite sides of the spectrum and form your own opinion on what YOU think. If you resolve yourself to only side, you'll be ignorant of the things you've never learned
Found the collectivist cuck
Anything by E Michael Jones
>There's no such thing as "red pilled" books
yeah, whatever.
It shouldn't even be called a book. I've read articles on buzzfeed that were longer.
The only book you need to read.