Why do middle eastern act like niggers when they move to the west?

Why do middle eastern act like niggers when they move to the west?

>normie culture

I noticed this as well. I think it's identity problems and being part of the lower class which is Black ghetto culture nowadays.

blame kim kardashian and hip hop culture for giving them an easy escape to their worthless empty lives


Because they're nigger


Kim Kardashian isn't middle eastern you dipshit

Indians do it too. Fucking poos all think they're gangsters

No one said they were smart. Their parents maybe, but not the kids.

t. Armenian

What are you other than a dirty hairy Arab? Sure you're christian which puts you a step above them but you're exactly the same people.

Because they move to nigger neighborhoods.

Middle easterners once you take the Islam out of them just kind of turn into something between a guido and a slav.

and this

She is Armenian you dipshit

Because that's who they were before they got here.

You mean they turn into Mexicans?

If you take islam out they actual become productive intellectuals. Muslims dressing and identifying with niggers is the problem

Shit culture
Leftists treating them like animals that can't be held responsible for their own actions

Because western popular culture deifies the negro

Immigrants used to emulate whitey

low average IQ
Cultures are products of the races that create them.
Cultural differences reflect racial differences. Assuming all races are capable of equal civilizations and cultures is to be ignorant of human nature

People choose roles that look possible to them.

If you're middle eastern or Indian you can either do what your parents want you to do and become a doctor, or you say fuck that and be an American style shitskin. A lot of people don't have what it takes to become a doctor so they punt and take the easy path.

This also happens to a lot of girls in their second semester of college. They had a bad first semester and don't really think they're going to make it through the 4 years so they seize upon a role they can build an identity around: motherhood. They come home pregnant over the summer.

Nice try at delegitimizing and marginalizing women being mothers.

ignore me

They lack self control. It's why they need repressive cultures in their homelands. Strict social controls are the only way Arabs can maintain civilization.

I'm not saying it's wrong for women to be mothers. But when a teenager decides she's going to have a baby, it's usually because she sees it as the easiest way to assume an adult role.

They feel uprooted and naturally embrace what they perceive to be a strong culture

Again you can't prove a thing you say only invent docidl hierarchy and values that you perceive in order to shame an action as socially inferior, women being mothers is good because children is good your stupid thoughts play 0 role.

Because they want to appeal to the Vice normies

A woman being a mother should be the only role because it is the best role, your beliefs on the social value are irrelevant.

Being ethnic is seen as "hip" and new migrants to the west want to fit in.

White people are guilty of this as well, just by looking at tanning.

Pretty much this, the media promoted nigger culture is one of the cores of this problem.

So if by any shitty evil plot if have to go to india i will have to start shitting all over the place?

All low IQ minorities act like niggers not just regular niggers.

Real talk, middle eastern women are gorgeous and should be impregnayed by me and not some ugly neckbearded sandnigger who prays on his rug all day.

Average school kid in India thinks he's a gangster just because he has few friends and they all act hardy.

Because the reason they leave is because they're the trash of the countries they left.

Just remember, the "people" invading our country are the dregs of a society that would shame them for the behavior they look to propagate in our own homeland.

I live in a city invaded with 60% non-white migrants. They couldn't abide by their shithole country's laws so they come to our country to live out their hypocritic, hedonistic ideal lifestyle while simultaneously attempting to change the landscape of their new home to match the same wasteland aesthetic of their home.

> "yo dawg wallahi"

Really is retarded.

middle eastern women actually integrate very well into norwegian society from what I've seen, it's the men who are the problem