Anti-Shilling Thread

Shilling on this board has become so bad we need to do something about it. We can't just ignore them anymore. They are taking over this board.

>inb4 HURR ur just butthurt people disagree with u

It's not about that. In fact, it's about ALLOWING dissenting opinions to be expressed without being drowned out by CTR shitposting. Shilling stifles discussion and divides people up, which is exactly what the shills want.

>muh redpill
Hey, newsflash, people have different opinions! Not everyone is convinced by crappy infographics from your spastic shitposting. Sup Forums is not your echo chamber. We should be discussing different political opinions, but the shills have polarized us now and this stupid "le redpill" shit is only making it worse. We need an actual solution that targets the shills and roots them out.

We would need to summon hackerfags to find the shill's IP address and plant a virus in the router to infect the while network, causing all devices on it to blast gay porn as loud as possible before nuking the machines.
>they'd have to buy a new router, computer, gaming system, everything hooked up to the WiFi.
So unless they have loads of money, we won't be seeing then for a long time.

They do have loads of money tho

We could always dox them.
>don't ask me how, when it comes to machines, I'm a dumbfag.

You seem to have some good ideas. Make some more threads about this, this ones about to die

Our opposition is beyond lame.

Just out-shitpost them.
They can't shitpost a shitposter

This is nothing compared to 6 months ago. Just ignore it.

Yeah but that could just polarize us more. We need to just get them out.

You'd know about that, leaf!
>if (out)shitposting fails, fall back onto total insanity.

Its actually not. Its just less obvious

Let them shill as they always do. Nobody is turning away and those that fall prey to the black pill have always had weak minds.

maybe come up with a high-energy pasta to spread since it looks like we're not getting another sticky

Its doing more harm than that. Read the OP

I propose it either be full of raw hate or total insanity directed at shills.

I did read it, we've gone through waves like this before. Humans naturally harden up and become loyalists when they fear an outside influence is creeping in. People instantly assume if somebody has a dissenting opinion that they're shills because the board is flooded with fake dissent:
>le drumpf
>le kike le pen
>le blacked is good for you
The issue is, it's easy to tell who's actively shilling when they offer nothing outside a statement that can be proven false and replying to them has made them incredibly effective at divide and conquer. I see multiple factions on Sup Forums right now and elsewhere. People are falling into the eceleb trap and drawing up loyalties based around them. No eceleb is worth listening to when the only way they can become successful is to carve out a niche and shill it without any attention to other possibilities.
I don't know how to solve it. Gore seemed to always work but it's getting less effective. Pure hatred may work but how would you come about doing it in a way where they can't gloss over it?

This. Make a pasta exposing the shills. And we can get rid of that stupid "muh truth about race, by the numbers..."

>People instantly assume if somebody has a dissenting opinion that they're shills because the board is flooded with fake dissent:

Exactly! Thats why we need to purge the shills once and for all

>they offer nothing outside a statement that can be proven false and replying to them has made them incredibly effective at divide and conquer.

they try to take advantage of people's tendencies to jump to conclusions i.e.
>trump bombed syria
>trump's doing a complete 180 hes a neocon

it's affective enough for them because people do jump to those conclusions easily. What they really want is to actually manufacture dissent in a large way on Sup Forums but doing that would require a lot of lurking to learn how to blend in. That's risky for a shill. A lot of reality thrown around with the shit.


I noticed that too. Whoever has invaded understands how to be a subversive communist which leads me to think this is in part paid for and using copycats to do the majority of their work. ANTIFA has already admitted all over the place they're actively attempting to divide and conquer us by focusing on generals and pushing people against each other within Sup Forums - specifically, they saw a huge opening during the Syria air strike to get the folks in /sg/ and /ptg/ to go at each other. Shit was ruthless once both sides were goaded into it. I believe the kikes in Israel have a similar tactic with protesters.

The shills really wouldn't have much power if it wasn't for redditards whose opinions are swayed by
>don't listen to x, x's a shill.
>everything's ok, it's just complicated
>x said y, so z will happen.
And fall for the cult of personality that we see so much with Trump supporters
>he can do no evil
>he does nothing wrong, it's just a 14335d chess game

Once we get rid of them, we won't have as much of an issue anymore.
>they are easily identified by the low quality posts they make.
>redpill me on x
>Can someone give me a tl;dr/quick rundown/basic gestalt?
>what did x mean by this?
>I did x, then y happened, what do z?
>is x degenerate?
>what is x's opinion on y?
>is x redpilled?

it's an argument technique and partial logical fallacy called reductio ad absurdum. The problem with partial logical fallacies is that they're only fallacies until they aren't.

Fallacies in general are incredibly effective tools for arguments.

We have to remember, they are not here to contribute, they are here for self-gratification. They don't want truth, they want a safe space/echo chamber.
>and (You's), those fags think they are upvotes, and sages are downvotes, because the upvote/downvote system is forever hardwired into their brains.

Exactly. They're sophists.

Signaling out Trump supporters as being the most hardened makes sense. Sup Forums has been raided countless times from different sources pushing all sorts of shit against Trump for a year+ now. Proven that Applied Memetics that Cruz fielded back in the day was here doing it. The issue is, most Trump supporters are at the point where they've fended off so many different waves of actual shills they brush everything off. It also doesn't help the dissenting group of Sup Forumsacks that when they attempt to get a conversation going, /ptg/ is already flooded with individuals from /leftypol/ posting an absurd form of what they're trying to express making their argument look like another shillpost.
You can easily make the same argument for people who've built a cult of personality around Assad here. Years spent in generals with many of them not venturing out towards the catalog whatsoever.

>the kikes in Israel

Lol the JewSA has more kikes than Israel and it's where most of your kike shills post from

I'm talking about a tactic Israeli forces use against Palestinian protesters. They infiltrate with inside and actively start the violence.
Similar to bird dogging.
No shit the majority of kikes posting on Sup Forums are probably from the U.S.

>The issue is, most Trump supporters are at the point where they've fended off so many different waves of actual shills they brush everything off.
Basically they've been shillnuked so much that they are irreversibly polarized, and will consider no opinion other than their own.
>Question: has the shillnuking actually succeeded in halting meaningful discussion with Trump supporters?

I'd say no, not necessarily. When the actual shills vanish and people come in forming coherent posts that consists of more than:
>drumpf BTFO
I've seen people engage and discuss said argument for the lifespan of the entire thread. Take the DACA debacle for example, the past two or three /ptg/'s have had less active shills and the discussion has gone from:
>fake news
>not fake news
>shit news
>what else is occurring
I've seen this same cycle elsewhere (specifically on yiddler) - People have even discussed going to Trump's rally this Saturday and reminding him not to turn into Jeb! with the majority agreeing it's a good idea. I think it just naturally takes longer in /ptg/ due to all the shillnuking as you said that has occurred throughout the past year and a half. The question is, how the fuck do we get rid of the fake dissenters who take what could be a perfectly coherent position and turn it into shit?

how do pastas work? I'm pretty new, just got my ban cherry popped a few weeks ago.


There is only one way to get rid of them, and that's to retake Sup Forums moderation from the Jews. As long as they control the leadership, we can't do shit against the shill's except make people aware of them.
>inb4 thread 404s and I get warned/banned for this post.

Completely agree with this. I feel that moderation has been pretty shit for (((some))) reason these past few months especially.

underrated post

Failing that, we would need to create a new chan, with the always advertised rule of
Because what drew the shill's and redditards here was notoriety that started with Sup Forumss Habbo raid and really picked up after Project Chanology, but GamerGate sealed the deal.

For obvious reasons, the newchan will have to be accessible only from Tor/other darkweb browsers.

Just keep shitposting like you normally do and ignore. Most actual shills are in in for the money like CTR, and most actual kool-aid shills get in about a good week of posting before they delusionaly declare themselves the winner, like when they thought they turned Sup Forums some Reddit tier anti-right enclave after the 59 syrian tomahawk warning strike.

>Just out-shitpost them.
>They can't shitpost a shitposter