The media isn't fake. Only the kooky old man pretending to be our president is

The media isn't fake. Only the kooky old man pretending to be our president is.

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So the media hasn't ever lied?


>Counting Assad and Hussein among them

Kill yourself you degenerate American Media cock sucking motherfucker, were you in front of me, I wouldn't hesitate to kill you.

oh shit. is trump /ourguy/?

>President Obama is pulling no punches when it comes to Fox News, declaring the cable news outlet to be "destructive to [America's] long-term growth."

>the media isn't fake

Way to destroy your own argument in the first 4 words, silly goy.

>We should blindly believe everything Fox News, CNN, RT news, BBC has to say.

Hitler didn't discredited the media, he used it.

Trump hasn't discredited the media as a concept, he has discredited the corporations who own current time channels & papers & the biases inherent to those ownerships that taint their product.

People have no problem believing that governments spread misinformation to their citizens. But the moment you suggest that a privately owned outlet might be pushing their own views into their news and engaging in self-censorship they lose their minds.

You don't have a "free market of ideas" if you ban "hate speech" or "fake news". You only have a monopoly of information, but unlike in an authoritarian state, the flow of information isn't controlled by the government, but by a small, international clique of media companies, who all have the same owner.

What makes Trump fake?

>1 post by this id

cnn plz

he doesn't broadly target media

Banning any class of news news is a bad idea. But even the most casual observer can see news stories that are completely made up in order to spread disinfo. We shouldnt call this fake news, but propaganda.

I do agree that there should be no legal repercussions for spreading propaganda, but to claim it doesnt exist is absurd.

So now there's no such thing as fake news again?

If all those leaders from across the world, across every political ideology, discredit the media then perhaps the media is always filled with retarded, Jew prostitutes.
Death to CNN.

fake news, biases news, hidden agenda news, sensationalist news. We've always had this, since the birth or our nation. The problem is that people still fall for it. People are too lazy to fact check. And when you have a branch of government undermining the credibility of our most trusted objective news sources. Then we have problems, no one can believe anything. It all becomes a shit fest. What does Sup Forums propose to fix this?

ill get worried when he tries to take my guns. it seems liek he wants to give more guns out to us though so no worries.

>because some bad people didn't like the media all people who don't like the media are bad

how about the fake, biased, agenda'd, sensationalist news stopped being so fake, biased, agenda'd and sensationalist? that would stop most of the criticisms I would think.

What exactly did Hitler say about the media?

May your most beloved person die in agony.

Nothing has changed since any branch of government started begging us to think for ourselves. No one *can* or *should* believe everything they hear... The lesson to be learned is to think critically so bad information can't be used to manipulate and take advantage of you.

1 Post by this ID

Gtfo Antifag

Havent you got children to abuse?


