What branch of military ( overseas or in states ) should I join to get fully trained for the upcoming race war in Europe/the world.
I am in shape , I know how to shoot etc
I just need to be trained and want to do the military life till shit hits the fan soon.
I need to do something with my life and i feel this is my calling to waste doon coons, niggers , and degens from making the West fall. I know there is many of us like me so why don't we all come together and fight for our kin and volk?
I've been ready for awhile but I need to join some form of military and not sure what I can do or what is best.
Marines is my best bet but I gotta find a local one that will take me in.
Any help guys ?
What branch of military ( overseas or in states ) should I join to get fully trained for the upcoming race war in...
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notice if you decode the sentence in your picture "we" and "our people" are not white. They are only securing something for white children. So it's NAMBLA speaking through lips of colored people - the rainbows. Of course all children are white - with white souls unsoiled by tar and soot of tar budget lives matter. They are born innocent, only later get attacked by inhuman nurture.
Ehhh still a good way to live your life for the betterment of your people and kin. I want a future for my white children and volk. I fully believe in it, other races can fuck off I only want to help my own kind.
I hope what you said is never the case
I really wish this kinda talk was PC enough for the normie to understand. I see other races be proud of their own but the whites can't which enrages me to no end.
Just get into anything that helps hen society breaks down. Medicine/doctor, Electronics (radio and stuff) machinery etc. Or officer training is also useful in any kind of war
you're a bit thick in the head, aren't you? Try rereading what i posted.
dont join zog you fucking fool
Well you weren't making much sense.
Of course not all kids are born white idk what you're smoking on
If you're tryna say all kids are born pure and can be good like white people than us I agree
Yea that's a good idea , I was just planning on doing front lines shit but if I make it outta there I could do something useful for the cause.
But I need to skull fuck some niggers and doon coons before all that m8
I am not joining the IDF or anything stupid like that. I was thinking of the French Foreign Legion or US marines.
I mean ((( they ))) control so much so it is hard not to be under their wing.
Holy shit, exactly my thinking Ameribro.
Did you go through college? Uni?
Best would be something that combines military and civillian use - engineering, medicine, etc. That way you can look after yourself AND are valuable to society (small or large scale) outside of military.
Also, most overseas armies that accept foreigners are probably a meme, I'd stick to Marines if I were you.
Yea I went to a state college in Nor cal, I partied way too hard the whole time so I fucked up then got kicked out. That was around 6 years ago. Went to a JC but college isn't for me. I am more physical with my life I need to be there for things to work.
Yea marines are the best thing imho for front lines training. I just need to get into it asap.
I was just asking y'all for info for stuff like the FFL or IDF which both seem like memes
Well my plan is to just stick it out till I get a retirement plan but desu I really think the world isn't gonna be around like it is today in 20 years so ehhh
The way I see it, the problem with that is that you will be stuck in the army when the Happening happens.
If society breaks down, that may not be so bad, because the military might possibly assume power and take over the state.
However, if there will be any larger war, you will be the target. It is likely you will be deployed to some shitty country, where some shitty foreign soldier will shoot you with his shitty gun.
Isn't it better to go through the military, get the training and come back home?
You can buy property in some based state, ideally close to wilderness, get a normal job, a house, maybe some farmland. That way you can look after your community when something happens and will be in the place, where you actually matter.
Marine corps just started allowing scout sniper contracts, which means if you think you have what it takes you can go to the recruiters office and sign up to go directly to scout sniper school out of SOI. It used to be a process that took a couple years. If you are serious and not just a LARPing faggot this is what you should do.
USMC scout sniper basic course is no fucking joke, but if you make it you'll learn skills that are highly applicable to fighting a guerilla war. Fieldcraft, marksmanship, camoflauge, reconnaissance/surveillance, etc. You'll be a huge asset to any kind of fighting force, able to work alone or with a small team.
Not for the faint of heart. Chances are you will fail.
Well see , in theory that would be the best/great plan.
But you're right I'd rather be with the people with the guns and ammo when shit hits the fan.
I don't mind getting shipped to some 3rd world shitter for target practice.
But I mean user , you're thinking all that will be there in 20 years. America and Europe might be so fucked/cucked out by then man ...
Really ? Damn that's legit
Got any cause? Because I was reading online that you have to be E3/4 to apply for it. But if that is the case I wanna give it a shot.
I know it will be hard, I've had to deal with hard things in my life but I think I'll be fine. If I fail I will just try again till I make it. I legit was looking up that because of me wanting to join.
Thanks for the info user
Possibly, but it won't collapse all at the same time, some places will hold out for longer than others.
Sweden, Germany and France are fucked and will plunge into chaos.
But there are still many stable regions that have a chance.
It is your call user. Just think about it this way - what if you are shipped to some shithole and have to stay there, while your own homeland goes into civil war. Wouldn't you rather use your skills and knowledge to fight for your home, rather than some pointless conflict across the globe?
Well to your point those places are the exact places I wanna go to first to help. I don't want them to fall.
Ehhh honestly I live in commiefornia and I could care less what happened to people outside my family and race. They can fuck off for all I care.
If someone pops off tho , the people doing it would be the people I am fighting overseas anyways.
I feel like helping Europe first before America.
Because we need Europe safe first before we solve the shit hole America is getting into.
The French Foreign Legion.
I heard they get their asses kicked tho.
But desu I researched them and was looking to join.
I just own money to the state so I gotta pay that off first beforehand.
Legion Etrangère or Foreign Legion.
They might get their asses kicked but they are redpilled. Their colonel protested against the migrants in Calais.
I'm not sure where you read all that but the marine corps literally just changed this a couple of months ago because too many people were failing the old scout sniper basic course. I know it's gay that they're lowering the standards but the marine corps needs school trained snipers and there were only like 200-300 at any given time because of how hard the old course was (hardest school in the the military by attrition rate, like 60%) so it was a little ridiculous. This way we'll have more snipers, and the ultra difficult stuff guys were failing for will be available in the advanced course.
As a matter of fact if you enlist soon I could be one of your instructors if you end up going on through the course, still haven't decided if I'm gonna get out or not. I was gonna get out but I'd hate to miss the second Korean war
Well I thank you for that, but the thing is - we can't just expect you to keep saving us each time we fuck up. The upcoming conflict will be in our hands to manage.
The thought of Europe being once again filled with American soldiers though, man, strange times.
They're not gonna let a random American into the FFL without some kind of military background.
Says who ? I read that you don't need any m8
go french foreign legion you get to go slot flops in African and when you get jack of it just dessert its France its a meme country anyway.
i mean I suppose there's a chance they'll take you but I've read a few articles (there's a pretty good one on vice I think) about dudes who went to France to sign up for the FFL and got denied and were basically stuck in France for no reason.
I mean you can try but you're better off joining the US military than going to France and getting denied and left with your dick in your hand
Well I don't mind, it mostly is (( our )) fault those rapefugees got sent there in the first place by funding them.
I'd much rather fight along side brothers closer in kin to me than a libtard here in the states.
Fighting for our creed is what I'd prefer , I don't care about nations but fighting for our people brother in arms.
I wait for the day I stand next to my Euro brothers fighting the good fight.
>trusting vice
Well you're right that would be a better plan , idk tho I like the idea of joining tho. Maybe a few years down the road so I can figure shit out
Hey man that's the point for me. To push myself and be with the best. If I fail I can always try again the next year.
Well I am trying to join soon here in Cali, so maybe one day I'll see you. Lol
I really wanna join the marine SOI tho , get trained and go from there. I got a tat on my wrist tho so it is slowing my roll from joining.
I read it, pretty interesting desu.
I guess I could make it but who knows. I'll definitely save enough money for another one way trip back tho desu lol
Join the French Foreign Legion.
I hear they pay well. Furthermore they have a nice history of hiring ex Waffen-SS soldiers. And I think you could become a french citizien after your service if you want. BUt I am not sure about that. Also,, the most important thing, you would gain military experience. Last but not least, after your service you could earn your money as a bodyguard or mercenary. They like to hire ex-militaries. And mercenaries are paid well. Oh, and you would learn a new language of course.
I'll see you on the battlefield then, brother.
Fuck wrong picture.