God DAMNIT why did I trust that orange pucker faced bastard for so damn long. I thought Trump would change America, not make it bend down to it's knees and suck a tiny orange penis.
I am DONE with Trump
God DAMNIT why did I trust that orange pucker faced bastard for so damn long. I thought Trump would change America, not make it bend down to it's knees and suck a tiny orange penis.
I am DONE with Trump
fuck frumpf
Haven't seen one of these threads before.
I trusted PFLUMPFF unironically...
There will be no Wall and no deportations
Sucks for you, he's still the president
not shilling hard enough
Try next time bye
how can you expect the man to undo in four months what ZOG rolled out over the last six decades?
despair is a sin, user.
Still better than Hillary right??
get back on the other side of the wall.
>there are still people who think these are legit and not just shitposting
>there are freethinking people really chaps my ass
Funny though. Information war has reached a point where everyone assumes an inverted agenda for the poster by default. Regardless if the message is left or right.
But it's a good thing. Shitposting is what keeps mass induction in check. Can't sway opinions effectively if they go defensive automatically.
>tfw regret my vote for Drumpf
Just got back from voting. Voted Netanyahu, he's the safe choice. Hitler is a bit too radical for me. Bankers deserve to be treated with respect, and not every banker is Jewish.
Fuck off antifa
Bike lock attacker:
Attempted murder
2:00 He hits hits guy with a blue helmet and blue shirt
2:10 He hits hits guy with a black shield
He hits the green bicycle helmet guy at 0:37
He hits the green military style helmet at 0:53
Slow motion, hits guy in blue shirt with green bicycle helmet
At 1:12 he breaks military style green helmet
In this video he can be seen smacking more people over the head with his lock, fortunately his mask comes off
Here is video of him smashing people over the head at Milo riot...
Even the Can't Stump The Trump guy has turned on him now. On the plus side, I see the normies are starting to become more aware of the Jews and their role in all this now.
don't blame yourself for having a shred of optimism in our system. Just learn the media and propaganda tricks that convinced us all and learn not to trust anyone
Its been fun watching Trump crash and burn, but seriously we cant let him get the nuclear codes.
You can cry about how he's a generic Jew shill in a less obvious bait thread, please.
Slide thread.
Everyone knows that. Telling them to fuck off is still a jolly though.
Imagine being so much of an attention whore that you have to post 1000 variations of "wtf i hate drumpf now" in one YouTube comment section and upvote yourself many times.
eat shit faggot. this is fucking great.
Wall this summer